April 6, 2008

Scavenger Hunt Success

Yesterday was ‘the day’. I had prepared for weeks for this event. 13 people showed up (12 partook in the actual hunt) and hopefully everyone had a blast. I of course was nervous. Very dang nervous. I’d never run a guild event before, let alone one in Vanguard. I had visions of no one even showing up. A huge thank you to those who did. I gave out the list of items I required, as well as a list of questions to be answered. The hunt was two parts, so that everyone could feel included, no matter if they were a crafter, adventurer, or diplomat.

I had everyone form into teams, by a random rolling of dice. They worked out fairly well. Less known members were teamed with officers and guild mates by chance rather then me organizing it that way. The winners (everyone was a winner in the end) walked away with 1 plat each. There was actually a tie, so I gave away more money then I’d have hoped, but my account is closed on the 9th and I’ve honestly no need for it. First place tie was between Herger / Growlius, and Siddiqah / Sevrance. Had I been thinking clearer I’d have had the teams come up with team names real fast. Oh well, future event maybe.

The rest of the teams came in as follows:

  • Aedilwulf / Cyrcle
  • Lanatra / Esspee
  • Gozad / Sky
  • Zindan / Joodah

I gave away sloops, armor pieces, horseshoes, money, jewelery, rare and ultra rare crafting supplies, crafting gear, and whatever else I had kicking around. The guild has been fantastic to be a part of, and I’m glad I made so many friendships as I did. Herger did stop and ask me after the event if it meant I was returning to Vanguard, to which I sadly replied no. I just honestly don’t have the time that I think Vanguard requires in order to actually get any where within the game. Plus as amazing as it is, it’s still got so many quirks and bugs, that I just couldn’t warrant paying for it any more.

Anyhow. A good time was had by all, and again a huge thank you to all those who participated. Hopefully my brief time as officer is remembered, and more people will pick up on running guild events (once a month is perfect for folks, so they don’t feel overwhelmed) that can encompass theĀ  entire guild. I really did have a lot of fun (even if by the end I was drained and tired, it was such a long day I ended up going to bed before 10, which is just weird on a Saturday).