May 15, 2008

So it Begins

Ok, number one – apparently my site is acting as a read-me only type thing to five people. I have no idea why, no idea how to figure it out either. At first it was just one person with the issue (Rao) but now it’s Rao, Malfi, Lader, and I forget who else. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on why these very specific people would be unable to leave comments, or click on any links on my site, it’d be greatly appreciated. I’m not good with figuring out that sort of stuff.

Edit: I’ve updated wordpress to the latest version, and updated the wordpress theme I was using as well – if there’s any change for those of you not able to comment in the past, please let me know!

In other news. Nostalgia has made it’s way over to the Najena server in EQ2. That’s right, the guild has been formed and last night we recruited our first 14 players. I was impressed, I didn’t think we’d have so many so soon. I know there are still a few more people to add to the guild as well, like Mayadhros, Said, and Said’s wife, as well as Kanad who should be joining us this weekend. It was a nice relaxing night of everyone getting to know one another, and doing the beginner quests for whatever starter city they came from (or moving onto other starter cities for the more experienced). I plan to uphold the ‘no specific day a week to play’ method with the EQ2 guild, and just have people play when ever they feel like it (and when they have the time) and for day one at least that worked out fairly well. Tipa came over with her new Arasai assassin, and I think, or at least hope, that people will have fun.

The guild also managed to ding level 2. It’ll be a slow steady climb to get any where but I’m confident that in time we can do it. Especially once we start doing heritage quests.

If anyone reading this is interested in joining up with the Nostalgia guild on the Najena server (or with Nostalgia The Guild on the Luclin server in EQ1) we certainly have room for more. Feel free to check out the forums here and say hello. We’re still looking for an enchanter, and a rogue, and I think a second tank on the EQ1 server. On the EQ2 server we’re not in dire need of anything in specific. Our guild roster can be found by searching on EQ2players for Nostalgia (switch the search to guild and not players). I’ll link it once EQ2 is done their maintenance and I can get the site working again.

I played my swashbuckler last night, who managed to get to level 14 with Dunnos (my faithful shaman) and Scudbucket (necromancer, go figure) both also managed to get a few levels and eat up those aa points in Timerous Deep. The quests were fun, even if we sped through the first bit and left Dunnos wondering what was going on as he’d never done the quests before. I still had fun. It was even more fun to watch everyone else in guild (we had 11 people on last night) eat up levels. It was nice to see everyone enjoying themselves. Or at least, I hope they did. It actually felt refreshing, is how it felt.

Today I’m hoping to get my coercer to 79, she’s 20% away and it shouldn’t take long (ideally). I had to take a break from it yesterday and work my mining up 100 points, seeing as that was my next Danak faction quest. I did manage to find five rares though as I worked on it, so I suppose I can’t complain too much. Other then that, just your typical day in EQ2.

Tomorrow night is Nostalgia, and I am so looking forward to it. I miss playing my healer though. It’s LDoN night and that’s always a lot of fun no matter what. We’re doing Butcherblock LDoN’s which are some of my favorite.

Oh, I almost forgot. Last night randomly I got a tell asking if I was the ‘famous’ Stargrace (I was on Silhouette, the coercer) and after a few minutes found out it was Crookshanks who was saying hello, from the Najena server. We had a pleasant conversation, and promised to keep in touch. Thanks again for the offer of help if you’re reading this today Crook! It was nice meeting you! I’m certainly not famous though, just another blogger out there in the great big sea.