May 2008

Blackburrow Gnolls Hit the Floor

Nostalgia met up last night in EQ2 for some good old fashioned Blackburrow hunting. I’ve been feeling very under the weather the past two days, so I wasn’t exactly much help, in fact barely even made it over to play having spent most of the afternoon sleeping. I really hate feeling like I’ve disappointed anyone though, so when Mayadhros gave me a few nudges (I was in EQ1 at the time just hanging out) I decided I should log over to EQ2 and play for a bit. It started out with just three of us, Dunnos (our trusty mystic), Mayadhros (the paladin with a heart of gold), and Minxe, my swashbuckler. It quickly grew though as we added Kasul (the dinner cooking assassin), Said (A conjuror with no hair as a high elf I’m pretty sure.. that just feels wrong), and Bryzon (Our bruiser who loved feigning around) logged in. We didn’t grab any quests for the zone aside from the ones that dropped (there’s the gnoll language quest, as well as a key quest and a few other things) but we did run around hunting named and smushing whatever happened our way.

It was mostly to get a feel for playing with one another, and I had a lot of fun. Hopefully everyone else did as well. Even though we were mentored to 15 (which ended up being 17 very quickly) everyone still learned aa and experience which is one of the best things about the EQ2 mentor system. There’s no worries of out leveling anyone because you can always go back and mentor them. You can always go see old world content that you missed, and there’s so much to do.

Before I relogged to my 74 templar to help out – things were hard. The trio we started with couldn’t handle the blue ^^^ heroic named because we had a white ^^^ add that was a little too much for us. Pulling was still dangerous. It was fun. I had not been in blackburrow for quite some time and it was completely empty. I remember when that zone used to be so popular and it’s actually quite small, you’d end up bumping into all sorts of people just maneuvering around.

There are some book quests that drop randomly from mobs that I’d hoped to pick up but alas none dropped while I was there. I’ll be taking Minxes back to Timerous Deep to finish up some chains there and catch her back up to Dunnos level wise. So far the swashbuckler has been a lot of fun to play, and I’m hoping I can actually stick with her. We’ll see how it goes. The coercer is still there too, I need to get her another level and get going on that epic so I can actually complete it one day (maybe).

Butcherblock LDoN Still the same Great Place

Last night was our weekly meeting of Nostalgia, and though we had a booming show up the week before with almost two full groups – this week we were reduced down to just barely 7 people. It happens, unfortunately. People get busy, life happens, they decide they don’t want to play any more (even though we’ve got the lightest schedule invented) that’s just the way it works out. It could have been disappointing were it not for the fantastic attitude of those who did show up. I of course have a pet peeve with not knowing when someone is going to show up. I understand things often happen that are beyond our control, but when a group of people rely on you – let them know some how you won’t be there, so they’re not waiting all night wondering. I have so much appreciation for people who managed to let us know they’re going to be missing for the evening. It also seemed to be the night for incidents – Aerrik had to leave early due to a sick wife (hope she’s feeling better), Relm left to help some friends in WoW, Urtog had a family dinner to attend, and I can’t remember what else happened but DESPITE all of that – we still had a blast. Lost Dungeon Of Norrath – butcherblock style, has always been one of my absolute favorites.

Of course, there was the theory that SOMETHING had to go wrong. Last week it was me dragging around Malfi’s corpse right out from under him, and then being agro to the clockwork and wiping the group. This week? It was that half our group were physically stuck in the instance until the completion timer went off. That’s right, attempting to use the door brought about nothing at all. Dying of course moved you out of the instance – but who wants to pay to retrieve a stuck corpse? So we waited it out. Laughing Fearful for our lost comrades. The LDoN’s appeared to give roughly the same experience as they did two weeks ago. A level or so. More for the hard ones vs. the easy which of course makes sense. I only did two of them and sat the third out (had to eat, plus we had 7 people again anyhow so they could make a full group) and got two levels on the necromancer, reaching level 32.

Which, is fantastic. It means I can wander around Blightfire (which is still a hot zone) and attempt some of the quests in the zone without having to worry about leveling past my 35 level cap for this week.

Last night I also managed to track down my second account, holding Ellithia – a 68 cleric (with her epic) who I had three years ago. I splurged, and spent the $50 to move her to my main account (no need to box, I have station access and don’t want two accounts) exceptionally happy. I haven’t tried looking for a group (yet) but I’m hoping I can drag Kragnn (necromancer) or Kuron (warrior) around for some experience. I doubt there’s really anything I can solo. I tried to wander around Goru’Kar Mesa (a zone off of Blightfire) last night in an attempt at obtaining artifact pieces for a quest – but it was slow going without invis and the guards around the humble town I was wandering across hated me, badly.

There’s nothing quite so embarrassing as getting beaten down by a small swarm (2-3) of gray guards.

Next week we are off to Mistmoore Castle – it should be a blast. We could still REALLY use a second tank, a rogue, and an enchanter. If anyone’s interested, please check out our forums here and let us know you’d like to join. If you’re afraid about being behind (Our levels this week should range from 30-35) I will personally help you get to that level by Friday — if you’ve got the time and are dedicated to playing with us. Please don’t let the level 35 current level range deter you if that’s all it is. Experience really is quite fast still and we really could use a few more players before we hit the more ‘difficult’ levels (which I assume are going to start mid 40’s low 50’s.. but I could be wrong).

Since I have two clerics now, and haven’t played Ishbel in Nostalgia at all – but also have a 31 druid who’s a lot of fun, I’m thinking of deleting Ishbel. Not just for the sake of deletion of course, but I really don’t need / want two clerics. I have a 31 druid who’s in range for Lackey / Nostalgia purposes, and I also have a 40 shaman should the need ever arise. I’m at 10/10 characters, and I wouldn’t mind having the freedom to make someone new if I wanted. I’ll contemplate it a little more today first before making the decision I suppose.

Back and Forth

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I spent most of it flip flopping between EQ1 and EQ2, which I suppose is quite usual for me. I started out in EQ2. Invited a few new members to Nostalgia, and the guild dinged level 5 opening up our first bit of city merchant goodies. It was easy enough to get, since Stargrace (the 80 provisioner) gets 1.5k status for every writ she does, and the provisioner rush orders fly by. Plus since we’re such a low level, it only took four writs to get us a level and a half. At least now people can see our guild tag when they look at us. I also managed to ding 79 on the coercer, and finished the three factions she needs in order to quest for her Jarsath Wastes hammer. I remember doing this hammer on my rogue in EQ1. I had to work faction, a lot of faction. You turn in whips from local sarnak to the skeletons, and then once you’re done working up your faction it’s a simple little quest to complete it. I remember being so proud when I’d finally finished. One of the raid ‘requirements’ was to have a viable means of getting home again once you were done for the evening. Since the aa that sends you home was not out yet, that meant gate potions, or whatever else you could find that could port you. When Kuron, Tipa, and myself headed to Chardok to check on the royalties the hammer came in handy for me to get out without having to walk through the entire zone (again, and possibly dying to traps).

Next goal is of course to get the coercer to 80. Finish her Thuuga item, and start her epic. I also did the evil aligned quests that came out with GU45. Running around Timerous Deep spreading plague and blight made me feel right at home. A new house item (a book) and a fancy back scratcher (that coats you with flies when you wear it) were my rewards. Of course just as soon as I get settled in EQ2, I feel an incredible urge to wander back over to EQ1.

Lackey was on with his magician and we quickly teamed up, me playing my cleric. He was already in Upper Guk, and I headed that way. In typical Stargrace fashion I forgot how to get there. The PoK map may say Guktan, but the stone says Grobb. Either way, that’s where I was headed. We made our way down to the spawn area of ‘an ancient croc’.

Illia’s Everquest Beastiary says this about the mob: ”

The Ancient Croc is probably second only to the Shin Lord in terms of popularity. The Ancient Crocodile can be found in the very back of Guk, near the two watery enterances to Lower Guk.

He hits for 72 Max, but has relatively low HP for something which hits that hard.”

I had to laugh. The item he drops that was most sought after way back when are his gatorscale sleeves. They have +4 int, 15hp, and enchantment I. which means they reduce the cast time of long beneficial spells. The next comment below the explanation of the mob was even more endearing to me:

“Could a 34 pally farm this place and get some ok loot?”

Of course, it was posted back in 2003. Before Crescent Reach made its way into game and gave lowbies a new area with new loot. Above is what gear looks like ‘now’ in the newer zones. They actually have stats. A lot of stats. It dropped off of some random mob in Blightfire Moors.

Ah how things have changed. It’s nice to say ‘I won’t use any of that stuff, I don’t NEED any of that stuff’ but lets be honest here. It’s pretty. It’s shiny. We wants it. It’s natural to want to gear your character up to the best of your ability. We’re not talking twinking it out by means of bazaar, but quested items, loots and drops you can obtain yourself. We want what we can work for, and feel proud about.

We camped that croc spot last night for an hour and a half – spawned the ancient once. The sleeves dropped, and Lackey was all excited about it, until he saw his sleeves he was currently wearing (which is DE cultural armor) vs. the ones the croc dropped. His have 20 health/mana/end and +3-5 to all stats, plus a few saves. Hard to compare some of the old world drops with the new world items.

Part of me almost wishes devs took the time to revamp every single old world drop so that it could compete with the new world zones – so that they’re not constantly barren where no one has any interest in hanging out (Nostalgia the Guild being the exception to that). On the other hand, it’s a huge exciting thing to be able to go back and see these old items that used to be “so uber” back in the day. Brings back a whole lot of memories, that’s for sure.

Tonight is our weekly meeting of Nostalgia, and I’m looking forward to it. Fingers are crossed that I’ll get the chance to group with my favorite warrior and my favorite ranger (not to mention my favorite shaman, druid, wizard, heck wait everyone is my favorite), but if Tipa’s on tank duty it probably won’t work out that way. I’m also secretly hoping I may get to play my cleric (she’s fast approaching levels where I won’t be able to solo / duo quite so easily for my experience, and I’ve managed to keep her up with Nostalgia thus far for levels ‘just in case’) but the necromancer is always a lot of fun too. We’ll see how it goes, no doubt I’ll write about that tomorrow morning. We’re doing our Butcherblock LDoN’s in an effort to slow down the leveling and earn some more points. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

So it Begins

Ok, number one – apparently my site is acting as a read-me only type thing to five people. I have no idea why, no idea how to figure it out either. At first it was just one person with the issue (Rao) but now it’s Rao, Malfi, Lader, and I forget who else. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on why these very specific people would be unable to leave comments, or click on any links on my site, it’d be greatly appreciated. I’m not good with figuring out that sort of stuff.

Edit: I’ve updated wordpress to the latest version, and updated the wordpress theme I was using as well – if there’s any change for those of you not able to comment in the past, please let me know!

In other news. Nostalgia has made it’s way over to the Najena server in EQ2. That’s right, the guild has been formed and last night we recruited our first 14 players. I was impressed, I didn’t think we’d have so many so soon. I know there are still a few more people to add to the guild as well, like Mayadhros, Said, and Said’s wife, as well as Kanad who should be joining us this weekend. It was a nice relaxing night of everyone getting to know one another, and doing the beginner quests for whatever starter city they came from (or moving onto other starter cities for the more experienced). I plan to uphold the ‘no specific day a week to play’ method with the EQ2 guild, and just have people play when ever they feel like it (and when they have the time) and for day one at least that worked out fairly well. Tipa came over with her new Arasai assassin, and I think, or at least hope, that people will have fun.

The guild also managed to ding level 2. It’ll be a slow steady climb to get any where but I’m confident that in time we can do it. Especially once we start doing heritage quests.

If anyone reading this is interested in joining up with the Nostalgia guild on the Najena server (or with Nostalgia The Guild on the Luclin server in EQ1) we certainly have room for more. Feel free to check out the forums here and say hello. We’re still looking for an enchanter, and a rogue, and I think a second tank on the EQ1 server. On the EQ2 server we’re not in dire need of anything in specific. Our guild roster can be found by searching on EQ2players for Nostalgia (switch the search to guild and not players). I’ll link it once EQ2 is done their maintenance and I can get the site working again.

I played my swashbuckler last night, who managed to get to level 14 with Dunnos (my faithful shaman) and Scudbucket (necromancer, go figure) both also managed to get a few levels and eat up those aa points in Timerous Deep. The quests were fun, even if we sped through the first bit and left Dunnos wondering what was going on as he’d never done the quests before. I still had fun. It was even more fun to watch everyone else in guild (we had 11 people on last night) eat up levels. It was nice to see everyone enjoying themselves. Or at least, I hope they did. It actually felt refreshing, is how it felt.

Today I’m hoping to get my coercer to 79, she’s 20% away and it shouldn’t take long (ideally). I had to take a break from it yesterday and work my mining up 100 points, seeing as that was my next Danak faction quest. I did manage to find five rares though as I worked on it, so I suppose I can’t complain too much. Other then that, just your typical day in EQ2.

Tomorrow night is Nostalgia, and I am so looking forward to it. I miss playing my healer though. It’s LDoN night and that’s always a lot of fun no matter what. We’re doing Butcherblock LDoN’s which are some of my favorite.

Oh, I almost forgot. Last night randomly I got a tell asking if I was the ‘famous’ Stargrace (I was on Silhouette, the coercer) and after a few minutes found out it was Crookshanks who was saying hello, from the Najena server. We had a pleasant conversation, and promised to keep in touch. Thanks again for the offer of help if you’re reading this today Crook! It was nice meeting you! I’m certainly not famous though, just another blogger out there in the great big sea.

The Day After (and Nostalgia the Guild 2.0)

Screen shot is of my 78 coercer Silhouette floating down to the Howling Stones area in Jarsath Wastes. When dark elves were first given hover I couldn’t figure out why, and thought it was slightly unfair that we’d suddenly learned how to glide down as though we had wings. Now it’s hard to play without it because I’m so used to thinking I’m the off spring of a fae or arasai. How cute, there’s even a little scorpion below – I’m obviously doing the repeatable faction quests, which I spent most of the night doing.

GU45 went off without a hitch – at least on Najena. I spent hours re-organizing my banks and putting everything “just so”. I dumped all my money into shared (bleh, I had more then 187p last I checked, I’ll have to earn more!) and made sure all my ‘mains’ had extra strong boxes to fill in the blanks.

The changes to coercers are nice. I dislike the change to the cure button for priests though. Why? Well, healing (for me) is sort of boring. The one way I could ‘prove’ that I was a competent healer though – was to be on top of cures. Now you have a single spell that removes ALL detrimental effects (one of each) with an instant recast and a .8 second cast time. It takes away the whole thrill (to me personally) of “oh no there’s a dot, we have to cure it and we have to cure it NOW” – and I’ve heard a few other healers mention the same thing. Am I glad we’re short three hotbar slots now? Well I don’t really care too much about those. I don’t think it was worth simplifying the spell. I understand a lot will disagree, but healing was something I didn’t need to be more simple.

I adore knowing where gray quests are, on the other hand. Fantastic change and it’s going to be fun. I had every intention of knocking out some gray quests last night to see how the aa works without mentoring – but got swept up with playing in Jarsath Wastes instead. I did level the coercer from 77->78 and managed to get 40% into the level while I chattered with Nostalgia. Last night was their Paludal Cavern run (how I love that zone).

Speaking of Nostalgia. We’ve basically decided to start up an EQ2 branch of the guild – with a slightly different twist then our EQ1 branch. In EQ1 we are very structured, there are very specific things we want to do, we meet at a specific time. It’s needed, in a game like that. There’s no mentor system, we have to stay within range in order to do anything together.

However, EQ2 is not bound by these, mainly due to the mentor system. I personally feel that it’s important in any mmo, to have a strong community. A lot of people end up leaving simply because the community was not for them. If you can start playing a game, with a group of friends already there — even if you don’t get to group with them all the time, but still get to talk, ask question, and generally know they’re around, it makes a huge difference.

Welcome Nostalgia the guild 2.0

We won’t be assigning (or at least I won’t be) a weekly day to play – but we will be hosting events such as dungeon crawls (instance runs) heritage quest nights, maybe city writ nights, old world raids in time (and with enough interest) and what not, on pre planned days so that everyone knows about it first. The guild has yet to technically be formed, I’m waiting for 6 people to be on at the same time and all together in Timerous Deep so it can be put together. Not an easy task when everyone has their own play times, which is one of the things that actually makes Nostalgia work. There’s typically always someone around (except the wee hours of the morning) we have people from all over.

Tipa and myself both agreed there’s no reason why this guild, or the idea of Nostalgia, can’t span across multiple games. We’ve met some wonderful people and none of us started together on one server. Why not present that opportunity to people (if they want it, no pressure of course) to take advantage of. Again, it’s not going to run as the EQ1 Nostalgia guild runs, but it will give people the opportunity to have a semi static group of folks around with planned events and things to do. People who have forums and vent, who are eager to talk and experience everything Norrath and Norrath 2.0 have to offer. In doing this, and the method we’ve been doing it, I think we’re also picking up a fairly good crowd of people. It’s not exactly random. People hear about us through our writing (we have quite a few bloggers) and word of mouth. We’re not just randomly recruiting people. There’s bound to be a bad apple here and there (they let me in, after all) but over all I feel fairly confident and pleased with the folks we’ve met up to this date. Which is surprising, as I’m typically a very anti social person. Not meaning to offend anyone, it’s simply the way I’ve learned to play my games.

Anyhow. Yesterday was a lot of fun. Between the new GU changes, and meeting new people through Nostalgia I couldn’t have asked for a better gaming day. I haven’t checked out the new quests added with the GU yet, but I hear there are house item rewards, and so you know it won’t be long before I meander my way over to the nearest quest npc to see what they’re handing out and what it’s all about.