June 10, 2008

Ah, Memories

My first raid ever in EverQuest, was Bertoxxulous. I was so nervous. I was tagging along with a friend’s guild on Veeshan Luclin, Keepers of the Elements (who are still around and going strong today). I was also an enchanter, and back when we were doing this raid they were an essential part of it. Actually in a few raids they were. It was nice. I remember so many people being involved. I remember how long the raid was, even though it was timed. I remember listening eagerly for all the instructions, and me being VERY nervous about not being nearly as “uber” as everyone else was.

It was exciting, and I still remember.

There are very few raids in EverQuest that I’ve actually done. Remember, I came to the game five years too late. Only stayed a year before EQ2 came out. I still had a lot of fun though. I did maze raids, Terris Thul, Saryn, old raids from days long past. I raided PoFear just once with my rogue, and spent most of it dragging bodies around. I loved shroud of stealth. I raided The Hole with Rage Veeshan (before Luclin and Veeshan merged). For every single one of those raids I was on edge, and always of the opinion that this was simply bigger then us (how ever many had gathered for that day). I remember raiding in PoI and not even knowing what we were raiding because I was on spider duty. To this day I don’t even know what the mob looked like I just remember mez’ing / helping dps down spiders. I think they were spiders, my memory may be a little foggy on that. I want to say we were raiding Behemoth, but again, I never saw the mob, so I’m not sure. It was one of the most annoying flags to get when I was working on those. Everyone complained about it. Pick up raids were not something one wanted to do for this encounter.
I ran Invis through some of the zones last night, just visiting old haunts. I’m still not uber, but I am having just as much fun now as I did way back when. I even see some of the same people still running around. The game is still quite active, do a /who in the bazaar or in the guild lobby and you’ll be surprised, I know I was. I realize I spend a lot of time traveling down memory lane, but how can you not when you’re exploring things you did 4-5 years ago.

One zone I certainly want to hit is Plane of Mischief. Gawd I love that zone. I spent hours and hours and hours there, farming named (who are difficult to tell that they’re named, on purpose of course), my first trip in I was smashed by a giant bunny who saw through invisibility and I laughed for weeks. It quickly became my zone of choice, and any time Fistinyereyes (the beastlord I used to play with) mentioned where I’d like to go (we could easily duo) that was the top of my list.

Ah, memories. They’re awesome. Every one of them.