June 25, 2008

Just Not Right

I’ve been working on the troubador epic which has been a lot of fun so far, even though all I’ve done is the first bits that send me running all over Norrath talking to various bards. I remember reading Tipa’s post about her adventures through it, and what hassle fun it was. I read the walk through first. Whoever figures this stuff out on their own, my hat off to you. Seriously. Having done that, I got the required languages out of the way first before attempting to go anywhere.

So far, I’m up to the point where I want to run around Palace of the Awakened (wait, did I just say I WANT to run around there?) to get the next updates. Then it’s off to bribe a monk to train me around Castle Mistmoore, for more updates. I’m hoping, that I can potentially get to the portion that’s going to require me to harvest 10 xegonite clusters.

That’s right, 10. Actually. Harvested. Clusters.

Ah, the things we do for our epics.

Anyhow, the screen shot struck me as amusing. I’m not sure when I was last in Poets Palace, but I don’t remember the Dijin Master looking like that.

I’d Like to, Really, But I Simply Can’t.

Have you heard? There’s new contests in town. They involve taking screen shots of your living legacy and submitting them, for all sorts of cool prizes.

You can find out more details here.

Oh. Wait.

Except I can’t partake.

In fact I can’t partake in any of the cool contests SOE has going on. I also can’t move a character to the bazaar (not like I ever would) and sell them, though that’s a whole different matter.

The problem is, I’d LIKE to partake in these events. Especially screen shot ones *glances at her collection of over 1,000 screen shots*

I can’t though – because I’m not a US citizen. That’s right (insert the gasps now) I live in Canada and that disqualifies me from even entering.
