Another Vanguard / EQ2 split night – and Growlius and I managed to finally ding level 40! This is some what of a mile stone for me in Vanguard, and I’m very happy that we’ve finally reached it. Only one more tier to work through to finally reach the cap and end game. We hung around our typical questing hub and cleared out a few white quests and even some yellow ones – which rewarded us with far better experience then all of the green quests we’d been pushing out lately. I think we started the evening at 60% exp or so, and it took roughly 3 hours to get the 40% we needed to ding.

Also got to see a few more models of mobs in Vanguard, I’d not seen these giant axe swingers before. Still in Qalia though, with all the bright sand.

Figured out how to get the collection bags for the bits that are dropping now too. The easiest way is to head to Khal, and wander over to the bind stone just outside the city. You’ll find a herald there talking about the fair, hail them and they give you a quest. Head to the fair, talk to a gnome standing there, and presto, you now have a huge bag that carries both collection pieces and harvesting tools.

Wait a second. Why does it carry harvesting tools, you may ask.

Well, in Vanguard you’re blessed with multiple equipment tabs. No doubt the developers of VG wanted a nice easily convertible bag slot. So these new collection bags are two fold. Number one, they hold collection pieces, of course – but they will also hold your harvesting tools. Which means tab over to the harvesting equipment tab, and remove that 5-6 slot bag you were wearing before, and equip this far larger bag. Put your tools in there, and your collection pieces, and you’re set. Bag space (or lack there of) is something everyone in VG complains about. You really don’t get enough room for everything with only 5 bag slots (that includes saddle bags) and one of them being a very small general ‘inventory’ bag that you can’t get rid of.

Once our adventures in Vanguard were over I headed to EverQuestII to join up with my typical Runnyeye group – this time playing warden. Group make up was Mystic, Illusionist, Dirge, Conj, Shadowknight, and myself. I must be cursed or something – in all the times I’ve done RE 2.0 I have NEVER seen a fabled cloak drop. Not my class, nor any other class. Last night a few pieces of the black alloy chain dropped, of course I was not on my scout though. We transmuted 5 of the drops, a few went to be sold on broker (the tradeable shields that are going as cheap as 20g now) and other random bits. We did die once, again on the final pull where for some reason my ‘cures’ would just spam over top of one another and not actually land to cure anything. Annoying.

Today, hopefully, I’ll be getting Silhouette OUT of T6 carpentry and into T7 (which I am so excited about!) I have another house decorating order up but it’s going to be far slower then the previous one because I’ll actually be making all of the bits myself for once. I’ll need level 80 to make everything I want.

Happy 4th of July to all my friends in the states, I hope you have a wonderful day!

One thought on “My, What Large Axes you Have…”
  1. I’d picked up four 24-slot bags last time around and until very recently have not felt the need for more space. I’d say once you’re above 20 you start piling in lots of extra stuff.

    I did drop by Mekalia to get the big collectibles bag, by the way – thanks for the how-to on that. Hopefully it will stick around after MEST is over.

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