I’ll do a proper post later, but for now here’s where things stand.

I managed to get my CoM update last night with a small group. Decided I did not want to start harvesting xegonite at midnight, so I started today. I figured I’d get 5/10 out of the way. Then get the other 5 tomorrow. Splitting it up made it look less daunting. For a short while.

3 hours and 9 minutes later and I have 4 xegonite, 7 spongy loam, 12 scintillating materials, 9 blue-silver sheets, 7 perfectly cut geodes, 1,000 regular loams, and 1,200 regular metals.

One more xegonite to go (for today) and I’ll call it a day. On the plus side, Goudia is also a level 62 weaponsmith which means all these adamantine clusters that she’s getting, she can use.

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