July 11, 2008

QoTW: Planting and Plundering

*Note: QoTW means Quest of The Week – it was a weekly post I’ve started in the past but never managed to stick with it. Maybe this time it’ll last more then two weeks*

Those dwarves at Fort Irontoe need your help (again) and yes you’re the only one who can help them! If you’re one of those people who love to work their faction up, then you’ll love these quests. Goudia is 80 and they’re grey to her now, I never had an opportunity to complete the quests when they were coloured to her. It’s a level 60 heroic quest, that first sends you to pick up some traps at the Arms Hall of Fort Irontoe, and then sends you off to Kaladim to place those traps and collect some fur – as well as collect two whips from the Frothbark Whipcrackers (who I am still waiting on right now. Instead of the Whipcrackers spawning I keep getting the named, I hope that’s not a pattern).

Having faction is always a good thing. This quest also opens up another one with other rewards. I’m not sure what the ringlet from the quest does quite yet, but I’m looking forward to figuring it out!

The only down side to this quest (or perhaps just downside in general) is that Kaladim is completely empty. While I do enjoy having an entire zone to myelf, it wasn’t that long that it was just packed with people working on their soulfire updates. I dislike content that you can “out level” or that can become “useless” to a player. In EQ1 (and a few other mmo’s) the content can at least sort of stay fresh because mobs don’t grey out. Quests don’t become trivial to you. You can be taken down by a massive swarm of level 5’s if you’re not careful.

Oh, and yes, for this quest Goudia broke out the little Christmas hat. Doesn’t she look stunning?

Then and Now

Just for fun, I searched through my site to see what was going on almost two years ago today in game. I had this post here, about my new necromancer, Willamina. In the two years since I made that post, Willamina moved from Najena where I created her, over to Antonia Bayle, and just yesterday or so, moved back to Najena. Creepy. She’s also hit level 80 as a sage – but never made it above 58 so far as a necromancer. The other characters mentioned in the post, Calicia has been deleted – and Ricotta? Well that’s Goudia. Who is of course no longer a dirge, or a jeweler, but an 80 troubador, and a 62 weaponsmith.

It’s amusing to see how things have changed – but in the end they’ve also stayed the same. Particularly this quote, “I envy those who can create one character, or even two, and stick with them for so long without a break. I’ve never been like that, even on EQ1 I had a plethora of alts that I would randomly log on to play. I wish I could settle.” Which I ended up giving up on.

Just last year, there was this post. Misako has since been deleted, she stayed on the same server, but moved accounts which I decided to deactivate when I got station access. I believe she’s 72 now though. I created another defiler recently to make up for the loss of that one. Of course I still talk about housing just as much as I ever did. Friends have changed slightly, as have guilds since that was me on Antonia Bayle and not Najena. The game has stayed the same though.

I enjoy reading through the older posts. I’ve been writing here for so long now. I had multiple blogs before this one hosted on wordpress, but never managed to stick with them. I like to think that for the most part I keep MmoQuests a possitive blog – specifically because there are more then enough people ranting and raving and griping about all of the bad aspects of mmo’s out there. That’s not to say I ignore the parts I dislike. There’s just no reason for me to go on and on about them though unless it’s “one of those days” and it’s something that really gets under my skin. I think some times bloggers forget just how much influence they have over their readers – and that badmouthing a game over and over will eventually get to other people. In my methods I prefer to speak as highly about the game as possible – and if the reader chooses to play they can form their own decisions and memories while playing. If they don’t play, how will they ever know if THEY enjoy the game since every play experience is different.

With the griping on forums, and other forms of media, there’s just no reason for it here.

Last night I was unfortunately busy with other non game related things, and didn’t get to play too much. Checking sales though and wow are the provisioner items selling like hotcakes. I’ve decided to write down what I sell out of each time I check the market, so that I can restock on those specific items. I’ve always been keen on keeping track of things like that.

I also logged into EQ1 to do some Nostalgia guild invites, since no one else was around. Welcome to those new members (and alts of course!) I’m sure you’ll have a blast.