July 14, 2008

Civilization Revolution

Now for something completely different, from me at least. Aside from the mmo’s I play, I’m not really a video game person – unless you count the sims. I used to play Mario games with my mom when I lived at home, and when my dad had his radio station job, but that was long ago. I’m not fond of racing games, or shooting games, or even puzzle games. I dislike complicated games that make me remember 100 processes in order to get something to work.

I’d never played civilization before, any versions of it, but I’d heard good things from a few people, and so when it came out for ps3 last week I decided sure, why not. It cost a total of $5 since there was money on the EBGames card still. Can’t go wrong.

So far, I have to sheepishly admit – I’m loving it. There’s just something completely awesome about creating cities and destroying other people’s towns and building.. well, everything. I suppose it’s my love of all things sims that helps me enjoy this game. I don’t have any friends on my ps3 network, so if you’d like to add me, let me know!

Aside from that – today I got my hair cut. Not such a big deal, right? Well, it was almost to my waist, and now it’s above my shoulders (slightly). Big deal to me! Had to be done though, it was just too warm. It’ll grow back by the winter.

I also played around a lot tonight with DAZ which was a whole lot of fun. I’ve figured out just about everything I’d need it to do so far – except applying textures. I’ll work on that next. I also haven’t quite figured out lighting yet, but I hope to with time. It’s been a learning experience that’s for sure. As long as I keep up with it I figure I’ll buy a kit or two a month from DAZ studio, maybe get some new outfits to render. Eventually I’ll be able to tweek the images in Photoshop. The only downside is the bridge from DAZ to photoshop is a whooping $199 american. That’s right, if I want to be able to save / open my DAZ files in CS2 I need to shell out $200. Ouch. Still working on a way to fix that one.

On the EQ2 front, Kasul is back! Pleasure to have him around again too, he’s been missed. Leaving this a relatively short post tonight, and I’ll write about the EQ2 adventures tomorrow.

Electric Guitar Ramblings

It’s finally done.

After much harvesting, and killing, and generally running around in some sort of chaotic dance, yesterday I finished my second epic, the troubador one. Doesn’t it look shiny? The last parts were actually the easiest for me. After the xegonite fiasco (did you know this quest doesn’t even take those from you? So you’re left with the 10 xegonite after.. why couldn’t they just have wanted the 33 I had in my bank!) I had to go feed the flame in Jarsath Wastes. Did that and then it was off to Sebilis. Thank you to Albrta and Eyenstein who trucked down there with me and Shadowgeist (again, we’d already all been there for my coercer epic, as well as Albrta’s templar epic.. but hey what else do we have to do) and killed some named and place holders. Once we’d gotten our fill there we headed to CoA. The group was one of the oddest I’d been in to date, it was a troubador, dirge, templar, inquisitor, shadowknight, and warlock.

We plowed right through though with no issues at all.

Once that was done it was off to Maidens for my final bit. We had one death on the first named (the tail-lashing one who ports) but everything died smoothly the second time around. The group changed after that CoA run, and we went with a coercer, assassin, templar, mystic, troubador, and shadowknight. Drusella fell with no issues, and – if I read the quest right, I was supposed to click on the four instruments scattered around Drusella’s room in the corners – and then fight a level 82^^^ and THEN get my fabled.

At least, that’s what I read.

Which was wrong. I had the group stand around after the kill expecting to have one more kill. The coercer didn’t pay attention and gated out after (oh well) and we stood around some more while I frantically searched for musical instruments, apologizing to the group for the wait.

After a few minutes, I noticed the glowing instrument close to the door, I clicked it expecting to see three others, and before I could even turn around I was holding my epic.


The epic quest for troubadors is one of the best if only because you get a HOUSE ITEM upon completion. That’s right, that sparkling bit just behind Goudia in the screen shot is her newest pretty, and it plays music notes *squeels*. It also has 400 rent reduction. I really wish each of the epics came with a house item. The coercer could come with a statue replication of the chick who spends the entire quest stuck inside your body. That would be awesome.

Aside from completing my epic, I didn’t have a chance to spend any more time in game yesterday, or in any game for that matter. I have been playing around with Daz Studio a little bit, which is a 3D rendering program, and I’m having fun with it. You can see my first few attempts over here. Hopefully as time goes on I’ll get better at it. I took a little break just before 10 to go relax, and before I knew it I was waking up and it was midnight. Crawled into bed and called it a day.

Hope everyone else had a fantastic weekend too!