I spent a little time yesterday (ok, a lot of time) working on Silhouette’s house. I typically devote a lot of time working on everyone else’ house. While my own may seem impressive, they are nothing compared to the ones you can find on the forums at the Norrathian Homeshow. With the new RoK recipes, it’s easy to design some amazing things – and the Gorowyn houses surpass all others that I’ve seen so far except perhaps the Neriak ones. I used one of the expanders, and am able to place 600 items in my house now instead of the regular 500. I also used a vault expander, so instead of 5 vault slots, I have 6. Granted, it’s not as though I have that much to sell, but you never know when they will come in handy.

Pictured above is the start of Silhouette’s library. I figure even though she’s a carpenter and spends most of her day covered in sawdust and smells faintly like coal and other fuels, there’s no reason why she can’t also be well learned. She is a coercer after all. She had to learn how to manipulate others to do her bidding some where!

For now I’ve blocked off one of the rooms in the home, there’s just too much space. The ceilings are really high which makes for great lofts, but I mean they’re REALLY high so high in fact that hanging anything from them is practically impossible without some fancy manipulation of some sort.

A little reading area I designed for the library. I’m thinking in the center I’ll place a large ornate table of some sort and surround it by chairs, and stacks of books, scrolls, and what ever else someone would have strewn about such as in a study. I haven’t decided on anything for the remainder of the house yet. Perhaps a games room along with the weapons display, a bedroom area, a kitchen and dining area. Maybe a garden. It also depends on the item limit and how close I get to it. I typically work on rooms one at a time until I feel like they’re completed. If anyone wants to view the house in person (because honestly the screen shots do not do it justice) please feel free.

As a side note, I love decorating houses. I think every owner has a particular look or feel that they want for their homes and it’s fun to try to display that. Granted my characters are some what boring and very similar to one another, but I still have fun adding to their various collections.

2 thoughts on “Silhouette’s Library”
  1. Hmmm. I’ve re-done the room almost completely different now (for the better) and I’ll try to get some new shots up. I suppose for the entire thing (just that one room out of 5) if you had absolutely nothing in it at all.. well.. it would cost between 5p-30p depending on 1. if you have a carpenter at hand 2. if you harvest your own supplies 3. How many knick nacks you want / have / need and whether or not you could obtain them yourself.

  2. Wow Star. Looks AWESOME. So… How much does something like that cost if you didn’t have a single item in your house? 50p? 250p?

    Just curious. I think it takes an amazing person with an amazing knack for decorating :) Well done!

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