August 6, 2008

Can’t Believe it Either

I didn’t mean to, it started out as a complete acciddent. Well, maybe not quite.

I created another alt. A dirge this time, to experience the other side of the coin. While a lot of people make alts, I only know a handful who make alts that are the other side of the character they already have. I love enchanters, and I have both an illusionist, and a coercer. I like my troubador – in concept, but dislike the way she’s never wanted on groups. So I decided to make a dirge.

Level 23 and rising so far. I’ve been a low level dirge, Goudia betrayed back and forth a handful of times before I settled her as a troubador at level 60 or so.

Remember that GU thing where SOE implimented smart loot for adepts and masters? Well, if you have a level 80 in the group mentoring, it does not seem to work. Kasul and I grouped on our lowbies, and chests that dropped were for either myself or him. It was great. Even alone I was getting useful chests. With the Shadowknight mentored though, I was getting everything under the sun.

Not that I can complain, I did manage to get 21 masters yesterday running through Wailing Caverns and Stormhold. Fun? You bet. I also managed to get two fabled bits of gear.

Rez, stoneskin, and a hate transfer, plus a parry buff. Sounds pretty nice to me. Does this mean the end of my troubador? We’ll see. Perhaps in the next expansion troubadors will get something that makes me a valuable aspect of a group instead of just a buff bot on a raid.