August 11, 2008

Warden Epic Woes

The warden epic has been one of those epics that should be easier then I found it. Only due to the fact that it requires 40,000 faction with the Synd Reet and for some odd reason, it’s going slowly. I am up to 21,900 faction currently on Arysh – doing the repeatable 5,000 faction quest that sends me into sebilis to fight heroic iksars. The part that boggles me is that Goudia, has 39,000 faction with the Reet, and she has never done any of the Sebilis quests. I have no idea where I got it from. I’ve been trying to think of other Reet factions located in Norrath some where that I may have missed while leveling up with Arysh. Silhouette is also sporting very high faction with the Reet, and I’ve never done the Sebilis quests on her either.

Aside from working on the faction, I needed a named in Sebilis (in the laboratory, which I got), an update in Chardok off of the archmagus (which I also got eventually, they were being stingy) and a kill from the Gear encounter in Maidens. I actually played my troubador in Madiens because dps was being stingy, and switched out for that one fight since 3 healers would be just fine for it, the encounter does not do anything special nor does it take a lot of skill.

All that is left (aside from the remaining faction) is a kill in Chelsith, which I’m looking forward to, I enjoy the zone. Then it is just a matter of running around talking to various npc druids, and my third epic will be completed. I know, I’ve been slacking big time on it. The faction is the only portion I disliked. Much like I disliked having to harvest 10 xegonite on the troubador. The coercer epic was still by far the easiest I completed, having it take no more then one day from start to finish. It will be nice to be wielding that finally, I’m getting tired of being level 80 without it.

Aside from working on the epic, I found some anime I had not watched yet, sent to me by a good friend. It is one of those cute girlie anime that not everyone likes since there is no blood and guts. It’s called “Zero No Tsukaima” and it’s about this girl in a magic academy (much like your Harry Potter) who fails at almost every spell she ever attempts, typically with large explosions as consequences. She’s in a second year class and they’re to summon familiars – and she summons a human as hers. I’m only on the fourth episode, and it’s typically around the 10th episode that things get interesting.

Anyhow, the whole point was – while I’m watching anime I am also typically crafting. I put the video on top of EQ2 and it’s far better to grind crafting while watching something interesting, other wise I just end up staring at the craft walls, or even worse, the 70-79 channels.

Silhouette hit level 74 carpenter, and is just reaching 75 now. Guild status is flowing again, although quite a bit slower now that we’ve reached level 21. It’s still my goal to try to hit 30, we’ll see how that goes.

Busy day today, I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!