Just a small post tonight with a couple of milestones finally being reached. First and foremost, Silhouette my carpenter hit level 79. One more to go, which I’ll probably wait to get tomorrow morning. Along with that level I managed to inch over 40,000 faction with the Gorowyn tradeskill folks. Of course just after I obtained that faction +150 at a time, I read a post about how they’re raising rush orders to +300 faction per, and +200 for regular writs. Ah well.

Having 40,000 faction means I can finally make aa mirrors – for myself. No alts since this is not a tradeable item and they have to be comissioned. I also bought the black faction dress (which Silhouette refuses to wear in public, it barely covers any part of her) and I bought the title pictured above of course, which included a house item.

So as of tomorrow that will mean I have the following crafters (not including transmuter which I have one of, and tinkerer which I have two of)

  • 80 – Sage
  • 80 – Jeweler
  • 80 – Provisioner
  • 80 – Carpenter
  • 74 – Woodworker
  • 64 – Weaponsmith
  • 64 – Alchemist
  • 20 – Tailor
  • 20 – Armorer

I know, that means my two lowest ones I’ve been slacking on, and I have a good excuse for it! I’ve had a level 60 tailor before, but she’s on a second account and was deleted when I closed it down. I also had a 40 armorer, but she was on the same second account I closed (not to mention both were on a different server then the one I play on now). So I had to start over (again).

Getting the carpenter is a big milestone for me though, and I’m really happy about it (even though I haven’t quite reached it yet). It also means lots and lots of status went towards the guild today, working almost 50% of the way through Nostalgia’s level 22.

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