August 29, 2008

Goudia’s Ratonga Hovel

After working most of the day on Tipa’s new theater (complete with stage and cafe style seating with bar) I decided to unpack Goudia a little bit and maybe start working on her Ratonga hovel. I have plans of a cave-like bedroom made out of Oggok tables and chairs but so far it’s just an idea. I get ideas from Norrathian Homeshow for most of what I build these days, and adapt them where I see fit. So I can’t be given all of the credit. It’s quite common for decorators to share their ideas within the forums though and see how other people use them.

I really did have an amazing time building Tipa’s room though. Theme rooms are easier then just “build me a house” type rooms where I feel obligated to do the same thing over and over. Kitchen, bedroom, library, etc. You know, the common things you find within a home.

Anyhow. This is Goudia’s library. I should work on Silhouette’s library, Malfi was visiting today and commented on how bare the shelves look at the moment. I have a quirk about having duplicates of books in my homes – it doesn’t happen. In fact if I think I may have a double, I go through the list of items from the doorway and remove one so that I don’t have doubles any more. There are hundreds of books in game, from the L&L to the specialty books that are no longer available. I’ve missed out on a bunch of them too, but I still love collecting.

I wasn’t going to post about housing today, but I simply couldn’t help it!

Looking forward to another great weekend, an extra long one at that!

Lets Not

Lets not talk about housing for once. Lets not talk about how I just spent the past six hours designing and decorating a theater type room for the one and only world famous Tipa (did you hear drum rolls? There should have been drum rolls there). Lets not talk about how I’m so excited that I just want to burst, and it’s not even my house.

Instead, lets talk about the cloak of flames.

I finally completed it for the first time ever – why? Not only is it a heritage quest that rewards the guild (at level 80) with 6,900 status (69,000 personal status) but it also got revamped along with the other heritage quests a little while ago. So that crafted cloak I was wearing with a few saves, 25 health and power, and 25 haste? Is now a piece of junk compared to this very nice cloak. Since I have no luck in actually getting a cloak to drop for me in game (ie: the Runnyeye one, scout or mage I’d eagerly take!) this will probably be my cloak for the next little while.

The quest itself was quite easy – it was collecting the snuffing pages ahead of time that was a pain. I spent three days camping Lesser Faydark just waiting for three simple pages to drop. Thankfully, yesterday I had some company in the catacombs, and Kasul and I both ended up getting the pages we needed there. New Tunaria? No problem. I don’t even remember doing Kaladim, so that one must have been easy for me too (sorry Kasul). Afterwards you get three sub-quests. Complete those, and get another three quests and one of those three breaks into four. Do the four quests, the three other quests – and then!

You get to wear some goggles and hunt for itty bitty spider webs scattered all across Greater Faydark. 20 of them to be exact. It took me the better part of last night to gather the flimsy things – but I did it!

Now Goudia sports her cloak of flames proudly.