August 2008

Nom Nom

A post that’s not about gaming for once, what’s gone wrong? Well, nothing. I’ve been having fun leveling my baby dirge up in EQ2 (yes, that’s right I’ve gone over to the evil side. Tired of betraying the troubador back and forth I decided to start up a counter part much like I have with the illusionist and coercer). She’s level 32 right now, and I need to make gear for her and some spell upgrades. I also played Guild Wars last night, and blogged about it because I was just too dang excited, which left me with nothing to write about this morning.

Tonight Nostalgia meets up in EQ1, and we’re off to the Plane of Hate. For those truly old school, you’ll remember it as a raid zone. It’s got some raid encounters left in it still, but it’s now a group zone. You can access it by buying a stone from an npc in Neriak and turning it in to the plane of Tranquility off of PoK. Who, I forget. How much it costs, I also forget. It should be a blast though. You can also hand the stone in to your resident guild hall gnome, and he’ll set the guild portal to hate for you. How kind.

I do all of my groceries (weekly) at a place here in Ottawa called Farm Boy. I don’t own a microwave (I know how horrible eh) and I don’t buy anything frozen. I do love cooking, and I love the new foods that are out there and experimenting. So when I saw the above two items at the market, I decided to pick them up. Now, the amusing thing about the small box that contains a ready to eat tuna salad – is that it’s from Thailand. No big deal, but on the back of the can it says that the Tuna is from British Columbia. Thank you for selling us our tuna back! The meal is actually delicious, it’s almost like a tuna version of vegetable soup, minus the soup portion.

The sweet and sour noodles were VERY spicy, and amazing. I added broccoli and chicken to the dish, and it made way too much of course. The rice noodles didn’t exactly turn out as I would have liked. I’ve never cooked them before and it said to soak them for 3 minutes in boiling water which was not nearly enough time and they ended up weird and chewy.

Tonight? Good ‘ol BBQ chicken legs with rice.

I promise I’ll post something about gaming either later tonight, or tomorrow..

Who Ordered Extra Crispy?

Pitney has some issues. Actually, Pitney has a lot of issues. I stumbled across this npc in.. I believe Lakeside County. It’s a quaint little village and wild birds seem to roam around. There’s a field not too far, and it’s been infested with worm. Not just your average worm either, oh no. That would be too easy, lay down a little pest control and you’d be set.

These worms are the people eating sort. They probably chomped on a few of the roaming birds too. I could see a chicken or a small wolf being dinner. Anyhow, Pitney has worm problems to start. So you adventure around taking care of the issue. Looking for materials to lure out the Queen worm. That’s exactly what you want to do after all, right? The little people eating worms are just not enough. Anyhow, you eventually get lead (by Pitney himself) over to the Queen worm, and hopefully don’t get smashed to bits as you take her out. The field is filled with all sorts of other critters, wolves and smaller worms. Having an AoE or two helps take things out fairly fast (or a partner in game to play with, which is my option).

After you take care of the worm incident, Pitney mentions that his prized bird has flown the coop. Or he’s been stolen, or lost, something along those lines. He wants to send YOU (brave adventurer that you are) into the catacombs, to rescue his rare bird.

Oh boy!

So off I went to Ashford Abbey (I love the traveling in guild wars, very easy — but how come when I travel me and my group mate have to disband? Every time it gets more and more annoying, is there a way around this?) I went, to go to the catacombs.

I’ve been spending a lot of time in this little zone. Spiders, and animated skeletons and other little gooey bits of fun hang out there. A lot of the necromancer quest stuff is in there. I’d already been there once to light some ritual candles and again for some other necromancer stuff. I am an elementalist with a secondary profession of necromancer, and my partner in crime (from time to time) a warrior, also with a necromancer secondary profession.

Anyhow. We meandered our way through the catacombs, had a few close calls. Oh, how do you revive if your group member forgot to swap in their revive spell? The only method I could find was to open the map and port back to town. That does not really sound right to me. Eventually, we came to a ritual room, and there in the center, was Pitney’s rare bird.

Smushed. A little pile of legs and feathers on the floor. That’s what the screen shot is showing though I’m standing in front of what’s left of him (or it). Great. So now after all that hard work I had to go back to Pitney and tell him that his rare bird (after already dealing with worms) was dead, used in some sort of necromantic scheme.

That’s right, it was me, I was feeling hungry after all that adventuring..

I think I’m sitting at level four now. Maybe part way through it. I did a few other quests, including lugging a huge honeycomb over a bridge for someone. I had to make sure I moved slowly, so that the bees could keep up. Good thing my skin is almost like plastic (oh that reminds me, I turned off the ambiance setting or whatever it was that caused my skin to glow as though I had just eaten a candle.. much better now).

Still having lots of fun with the game, for once not worried at all about the level grind – and just listening to everyone’s stories. It’s great!

A Mixed Bag

Yesterday I finally completed the warden epic. Glad to have it done? You betcha. One thing I dislike (but also understand) about the epics, is that they all follow almost exactly the same time line. However, doing this also ensures that you have multiple classes working in the same zones and areas so that they can garner interest to help as others work on their own epics. The last three portions of just about every epic match, with the names of the mobs changing slightly and perhaps a rotation between which RoK instanced zone it’s going to use.

I admit now that I didn’t read the story line too well. The first few quests didn’t especially grab me. In fact the only quest where I did read the story line in depth (aside from troubador, because I read that on Tipa’s blog as she worked on hers) was the coercer one that pulled me in (or pulled someone into me, quite literally) from the very first quest.

None the less, all of the epic quests were well done, and players should take enormous pride in completing theirs. Hopefully the level cap stays at 80 at least for one expansion so that people can actually enjoy their epics before they get replaced by the next tier of gear (unlike my soulfire, which was replaced almost right away once I’d gotten it finally).

Silhouette dinged 74-75-76 crafter (thanks to anime) and I made quite a bit of coin selling some master drops. Chelsith last night was especially friendly. Two master chests dropped (though nothing came of any use) with a bruiser master that Shadowgeist sold for 100p and a fury master that the winner will no doubt be able to sell for quite a pretty penny (their main single target nuke). A handful of ornate chests dropped and Arysh got herself an earring upgrade, which was great. Since her epic procs on critical heals, I’m trying to boost that as high as I can. Adornments should help out, a bit.

Hopefully Silhouette will get 80 carpenter before too long, then I can work on her crafting epic. Having the earring that grants run speed would be really nice. After she’s reached the maximum level I need to get Arysh to 80. Then whoever is left (there are a few). It’s always nice to have a plan!

Tipa’s Fault… Again.

I have been following Tipa’s adventures through guild wars for the past little while. They sounded interesting. All of the comments made it sound double interesting (wait, does that even make sense? Sure, lets just say it does). Not one to be left behind, I decided, hey, why not. A game with no monthly subscription fee that sounds like I’d enjoy it. Even if there are a bunch of expansions (addons?) that I don’t have. Taking a trip to EBGames almost made me cry. The first store, had all of their PC games all smushed on this little rickety rack, mashed boxes that looked like they were on their last legs. No guild wars there amongst the causalities. I headed to the mall, with a better EBGames. There’s not exactly a lot of places around here to buy games any more. I suppose I could have checked out wal-mart, but the prices are typically poor there.

So I headed to the next EBGames and there on the shelf was a copy of guild wars, platinum edition. Did I research things first before purchasing? Nope. I’m sure I could have searched online for the exact game Tipa (and others) are playing, but decided why not, $40 later (it apparently comes with an expansion called Eye of the North?) I decided I needed a new hard drive too.

Now, I’ve had an 80 gig hard drive for….. ever. I’ve never had anything bigger before. Now I’m sitting with a 320 gig hard drive wondering what the heck I am going to do with all that room. . . . No doubt I can think of something. I moved EQ2/EQ1/VG/WoW/Guild wars all over to the new drive, freeing up 50 gigs in the old drive which will just house all of my art work and photoshop and what not. The new one can have the games.

Anyhow, where was I. Ah, yes. Installed guild wars, created an account. Went through the character customization and had a lot of fun with that. I start with just the six basic classes, warrior, ranger, mesmer, monk, elementalist, and necromancer. Decided my first character would be an elementalist, and I just wandered around getting my footing, rebinding key commands so that 8624 on the numberpad moved me around (that’s right, I don’t use those ‘other’ keys, or mouse move), tried to figure out how to get rid of the UI for screen shots (failed at that) and a few other odds and ends.

I managed to grab some quests – I think I may have even hit level 2 and chose a second profession of ranger… at least, I think it was a ranger. By that time I was feeling slightly overwhelmed and some how I managed to skip every quest in the beginner tutorial area and instantly zone into two years after the fact…


So I deleted Stargrace Reveur 1.0 and created Minxes Reveur 1.0, a ranger mesmer. Picked up quests, picked up more quests.. something about rebels and over throwing a king and questioning some of his loyal members. I think. By that time I had a headache in full throttle and it was time to log off for now.

Gotta say, it’s a whole lot of fun so far. I grouped up for a good portion of things, did a mission before it booted me out into the 2 years after portion at level two. Decided I don’t like brown bears and they don’t like me. I slaughtered a whole field of them looking for a little scrap of fur to take to someone who gave me an axe in return.

I haven’t figured out if there’s skills to work up yet, I don’t know a lick about specs, where to put points (I gained I think five when I leveled or something?) but I’m still having fun. I love the fact that playing is free, it’s basically an online RPG that I can casually play when I’m not feeling like much else. We’ll see where it goes from here.