September 2008

Fall Elf

Bleh. I was trying too hard today and it shows. I know her eyes are completely off, when I started I had not planned on putting the bits of fire and fairy around her fingers, so I had her looking off in the distant at something. The origional isn’t even worth linking, it’s bigger and her eyes are more noticeable. I have spring and summer left, I’ll have to wait until I’m in a better mood though I think. Feeling slightly stressed about life and I had wanted to try to relax with some art.

Everfrost – Good at all Levels

There was no way Stargrace wanted to go back to Kunark. Not yet at least. Last time she had ventured out that way she ws promptly chased down by everything with legs it seemed – and a good deal of creatures with no legs. She had a contract to fulfill though and was so exceptionally close to completing it. Never one to simply give up, she looked for an alternative means of accomplishing it. 

A friend had mentioned that they’d been spending the majority of their time in Everfrost lately. It had been literally years since Stargrace had bothered to venture into the frozen Tundra, she simply hadn’t felt the need. Who wanted to get all bundled up anyhow. The more she thought about it the more she thought it may just be the place for her. So, gathering her heaviest clothing and a good supply of food and drink (which was rare for her as a provisioner, typically she kept everyone else fed while she herself starved) off she went. 

The landscape had changed slightly since last she had been there. Tunnels burrowed deep within the snow walls radiated a certain warmth, and the pioneers had settled into the Bitterwind alcove. She lept up at the chance to help Li Ning Ventur, who had lost her husband (how does one lose such things?) in her travels. Stargrace braved the icy water to recover Mr. Ventur’s ring (to return to his grieving wife of course) and along with it – his entire hand. No doubt the sacred monument graces the top of some fire place or perhaps a dining table at this very moment. Feeling proud of herself, Stargrace continued on to see who else she could help while she collected parts for various other contracts. 

She practically stumbled into the Bitterwind camp, the snow was so thick. She did not remember it blowing quite so hard before. Once there she was informed that wolves had been bothering the camp, and she was sent to quickly dispatch them. Their furs would make wonderfully warm pelts for those living in the camp. She did a few other menial chores for the folks gathered there, one of which she foolishly fell into. Thala Rohquilin wanted to ward the wolves away from the camp which Stargrace did eagerly enough – however then it came down to placing a bucket of meat in the snow which called forth a great white bear such as Stargrace had never seen before. She thought she would be surely eaten! It gnashed it’s teeth together and rose up on its hind legs, trying to frighten Stargrace.

Thankfully, she was brave and took down the creature without too much issue. Thala thanked the woman for her help, clapping and going on about how the pelt would make wonderful furs for the camp. All the while Stargrace braved a smile thinking to herself that it would have been nice had the camp WARNED her about the giant ice bear first. 

She packed up her belongings after that.. incident and decided it was best if she continued on her way. 


(( Ding, 78! Managed to get Stargrace the remainder of her level by doing grey quests in Everfrost. It was nice to step away from the typical RoK quest grind, even if only briefly, to work on something a lot more fun. Now just two more to go… hrms, just like the Nostalgia guild levels. ))

Woops.. I’ma Goober

I admit now, I’m feeling pretty silly. Here I was, thinking I wasn’t getting any reward at all out of healing my arse off in scenarios when it turns out that I’m actually gaining way more then I thought. See, that first column says rank. I always figured it was my rank in the scenario vs. everyone else. A marking system if you will. Well, upon closer inspection, that’s just my level stated compared to everyone else. Duh. 

The second number is the total number of people I helped kill. Then my total deaths. Then the amount of renown I earned for the scenario (which I rank first in), I forget what the next number is for, then my dps, and my heals (nice number for that one) and finally the amount of regular experience I earned. I’m still figuring everything out but it’s a little less frustrating knowing that I’m at least being rewarded for my healing efforts. Even got some tells tonight thanking me. Of course after 4-5 scenarios the opposing team (which consists of the same guild over and over) catches on and heads straight for the healers. Ouch. I can’t heal when I’m being smashed to the ground. 

I also found a few (small) things to do between pvp to keep my interest there. Number one. Those public quests that are always empty still reward you with influence if you partake in them. Stage one is always very simple, a kill amount (or at least they have been in Chapter one and two thus far). Stage two is taking on some + and ++ mobs (group mobs typically unless you’re a few levels higher). Anyhow, I can hang around those empty public quests (every single one I’ve encountered aside from the first one so far has been empty which is really a shame) and kill at my leisure, and earn influence. Then I can head off to the merchant and get some pretty nice gear. 

I’ve also taken up salvaging and talisman crafting. This requires me to basically disenchant items (as like every other game out there who has them) and I can make talismans that get applied to particular pieces of my gear. It’s rare for me to get green+ gear so it takes some mindless farming and grinding easy encounters to get items to salvage. I think my salvage skill is sitting at around 10 and my talisman crafting skill around 5. I haven’t found any new merchants besides the ones in early chapter two. 

I’ll be writing up another roleplay story tomorrow. I’m still playing very much my own way, and it’s going pretty well. I don’t have a guild, but hopefully I’ll find one before it becomes too much of an issue. I did play EQ2 this evening, and it was great to hit level 28 with Nostalgia.

Nostalgia Dings 28!

Only two more levels to go! Thank you everyone for all of your hard work in getting Nostalgia (2.0) this far. We only need two more levels before we’ll be able to purchase the T1 guildhalls which has been my goal for the guild for quite some time now. The levels are getting more difficult of course but I’m confident that it won’t be too long before we’ll reach it, even if it is slightly after the halls themselves are released.