September 18, 2008

Quiet Nights

Didn’t get a chance to game tonight, but I did play some Vanguard earlier in the day and managed to hit level 9 in diplomacy. More about that tomorrow though.

I logged into EQ2 as well today, though just briefly to check sales (which were far and few between, though I can’t exactly complain as I don’t have much for sale). I was contemplating leveling Stargrace (who has been neglected for quite some time now) to 80 and to have her join the other 80’s I have, but the thought of RoK quest grinding just made me log out. Maybe another day. 

In the mean time, my latest bit of artwork. It’s titled ‘Reaching Beyond’ and I added a frame and some text to the final version of it, didn’t want it to be any larger then it already is though for this post. It looks way better in it’s original dimensions. If you’re keen on seeing it let me know. 

I hope everyone has a fantastic end-of-week no matter where you are.


That’s pretty much all I can say regarding all of the new goodies that are coming to EQ2. I’ve spent the better part of this morning reading through a load of information on forums, only to sit here wiggling around in decorating anticipation.

So what’s got me so excited? 

First of all. Because furniture is going to be able to scale, there’s a few recipes carpenters currently have that will be removed – and replaced with furniture examples from Unrest. What exactly are those furniture examples? You can take a peek here, at eq2traders. Don’t they look amazing?

As if that were not enough there is this post here, that gives a little taste of what halloween goodies we’re going to be getting eventually. It was posted a little early by mistake, as the items should not have even been on test – but that’s not going to stop me from getting excited about them. 

Did you know there’s a server wide event going on right this very second? Well, Antonia Bayle is in the lead for it – I have a feeling that Najena doesn’t even know it’s going on. You know that bone chip quest? Well that’s a server wide event – and part two gets released shortly, and you’ll get some very cool items with that as well – if your server works towards it. Not sure that mine will. 

Ok so that’s some new furniture, scaling furniture, and the server quest – what more could there be? How about purple shinies. How about little helmets that look like miners would wear them to work on some big project. How about that battle robot type house item in the main picture? O.M.G.

If all that was not enough, how about that new 5 room house located in the Academy of Arcane Science, that you can’t purchase unless you own a Tax-Free Freeport Residency License? 

Want to see some new guildhall screen shots? Then take a peek here

There’s no doubt at all that this is going to be one heck of an amazing update.

Slappy The Cool – Too Cool for School

I have to admit. I wasn’t expecting it. Then again, who would have been? 

There I was, wandering around Telon completing random quests, saving the world – when who should show up? 

Slappy The Cool.

Upon his arrival, everyone, players and npc alike – broke into some sort of odd dance move and you could hear the sounds of music being played from some magical boom box that you couldn’t quite see. At the time, I figured it was a fluke or a GM playing around with us. I was standing right beside a heavily populated quest npc and I thought nothing of it. But as I continued my quests around Telon I’d see Slappy a few more times. Each time the npc and players would break into dance and get their groove on in a small circle surrounding Slappy. 

I almost cried laughing every single time, it was that hilarious to watch. Minding my own business, my brain filled with hobgoblin and death when — OH! I LOVE THIS SONG! It’s time to get jiggy. 

So where does Slappy come from? Well, last night I didn’t want to level my adventuring too high. Kanad was not on yet, and there’s no real mentoring system in Vangard though you can turn off experience. I didn’t want to work on quests and potentially out level (or have to re-do the quests later). So I decided it would be a great night to work on the diplomacy chains.

The Isle of Dawn is great for diplomacy. They had the basic introduction quests that every starter town has, and then the story moved on from there. Unlike the starter towns – it actually gives you two carrying cases for your diplomacy junk fairly early on. Anyone who’s ever done diplomacy before understands how valuable this is. It also gives you a lot of gear with some pretty good diplomacy presence on it – another huge plus. 

So I wandered around for a bit, rallying the veterans, interrogation the hobgoblins, and gathering pieces from npc to build a flag that would help raise the moral of the troops who were fighting those hobgoblins. Mid way through one of the chains – I was sent to talk to a hobgoblin Seer, in the middle of a camp of level 9 mobs (and remember, I’m only a level 6 adventurer, so it was scary!) who should I see standing right by some totem pole type structure? None other then Slappy The Cool, of course. I hailed one of the npc by him and did the diplomacy quest they offered – and was rewarded the whistle that calls Slappy. It has a five minute recast timer, good thing or else I’d be using that whistle to get jiggy with it all the time. 

As always happens I lost track of time doing my diplomacy quests, and my diplomacy level is now actually higher then my adventure level. I love the way the Isle of Dawn lets you move the city levers with civic diplomacy so that you actually get a pretty good feel for the game and how it can affect Telon. Of course diplomacy was not integrated very nicely into the game as a whole, but it’s still one of those spheres that I just love doing. With the stories, gear sets, and random bits if information you can get (blackmail, etc) as well as just getting junk to sell, not to mention putting up buffs that benefit crafters and adventurers alike – I think it’s a wonderful aspect to the game.

Slappy just made it all that much more cool.