September 20, 2008

What are You Waiting For?!

For those who may not know (and I bet there are a lot of you) Beckett MOG (Massive Online Gamer) is a magazine that comes out once every 2 months and is filled with all sorts of mmo goodies. For issue 15 (which is set to hit stores on the 24th I believe – but if you have a subscription you would have already gotten it) there were some new writers that the blogger community may recognize. 

One of which was none other then Tipa, who I am of course always in awe of. You can find her article on the SOE Fan Faire in this issue – so be sure to buy it! 

Along with Tipa’s words of wisdom are some articles that I was lucky enough to write for Beckett – including a Veeshan’s Peek dungeon guide, a class guide on EQ2 bards, an exclusive interview about guildhalls, and one on the EQ2 and EQ1 expansions being released. These are my first publications ever and yes, I will admit right now I am shamelessly plugging them and hope readers may even subscribe to Beckett eager for the next issues. Arrogant? No way, I had a LOT of fun writing these, and I’m just a little bit giddy to see my name in print. You’ve got to realize, that I’m a pretty small time person, I don’t consider my site one of the ‘top ones’ out there at all. So this is a huge accomplishment for me and I can only hope that it leads to more writing opportunities. 

So what are you waiting for? Go pick up issue #15 of Beckett MOG, and read up on all the goodies in there. A huge thank you to Kasul also for scanning in each one of the pictures for me since my copy here in Canada will be a while getting here. Also in this issue is a FREE EQ2 house item (and one for WAR too, if the EQ2 one doesn’t sway you) limited editions so go go go… 

Wow, I almost felt dirty writing that whole post, but I’m honestly too excited to care.

Edit: As a side note that I wanted to mention – it is honestly thanks to every single other blogger out there that I write as much as I do. It’s inspiration from those around me that contributes more then anyone will ever know, so thank you!

Now THAT was fun

Once upon a time, way back when, in the days when Vanguard first released I decided I would try a paladin. I actually enjoyed it – my first tank ever. I can’t remember why I deleted, it was probably something silly like I needed to cut down the number of alts I had. I never leveled very far and it was well before the paladin revamp took place and I still loved it. In fact I loved it so much I wrote about it on this site, here

I was feeling restless late last night, even after doing a little art work. It was around 10pm and I simply was not tired. Every so often I have to remind myself I’m not 60 years old, and stay up past midnight (I’m up around 5:30-6am every single day) so that’s what I did last night.

I didn’t want to out level Kanad, and I wasn’t in the mood for diplomacy nor was I in the mood to craft. So I decided to create another character (of course) and have free reign of the Isle of Dawn. 

I quickly lost track of time and my little raki paladin went from level 1-9 before I’d blinked. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 2am and I was getting cranky and tired (especially since I’d been dying in that blasted temple a few times). I can not for the life of me seem to figure out what the heck to do in order to pass a certain wall of flame that stands in front of me and the next portions of my quests. I’m sure one of the quests I have on me must be the access one. Probably the one that requires me to kill a handful of named in locations I have no idea about and collect little bits of poems from them.

I walked towards the temple ‘elevator’ wary – I’d read Tipa’s post on this beast. I DID get stuck – but only when I had the buff from the Pegasus on, so I quickly learned to click that off before ever stepping foot onto the floating mass of air. I’d seen these elevators before, in a 30’s zone and I hate them. They’re hard to maneuver around and just plain annoying. Not that the elevator did me any good since I couldn’t get past the barrier of flames on the bottom floor.

I had so much fun though it surprised me. I have a quest for a cloak that I really want to complete. A class specific cloak with a nifty little graphic on it. It’s my goal to hit level 10 in all three spheres before leaving the island and I’m thinking that the paladin may be a better fit to play with Kanad (he’s a shaman, healer) and maybe we should form up a brother hood so that neither of us out levels the other. An idea to contemplate at least. 

At 6:30am yesterday it was the quietest I’d seen the new starter zone, with 35 people in it. Every single other time I’ve been there lately there have been no less then 40, and probably a great deal more. It’s fantastic to see. 

Now if only I could find my way to the named I need..