September 24, 2008

Ruins of Varsoon – Chamber of Immortality

I had a lot of fun today roaming through the Ruins of Varsoon in a roleplay group – that’s right, it does happen on servers that are not flagged as rp, go figure. Though the people involved were friends of mine, it was still a blast. We didn’t get a whole lot of loot, but we did get the two designated masters from the zone itself. 

I love mentoring and going to these smaller zones. There’s still so much character to them, and I think a lot of people just skip by, eager to get their next level and move one step closer to end game. I can see the appeal too, but after leveling so many characters to end game, it’s sort of nice to take my time and meander through areas, and actually LOOK at them and experience them. 

Hopefully I’ll get more opportunities like this in the future.

Explination on Beckett MOG’s House Item

Here’s the ‘official’ word on the Beckett MOG in-game (EQ2) house items since I was being asked about them. Remember if you want to see what it actually looks like, it’s posted here in this post. I’ll more then likely be hosting a contest for players that involves some housing aspects, and giving away one of the codes for the in-game item – will post once I have a few more details! 


Exclusive EverQuest 2 In-game Item Inside

Beckett Massive Online Gamer Issue 15

A Limited Edition Guild Halls Statue in Every Issue


DALLAS,TX (September 23, 2008) — Issue #15 of Beckett Media’s popular Beckett Massive Online Gamer, hitting newsstands everywhere early next week, will include an exclusive in-game item for EverQuest2. Now EverQuest 2 (EQ2) players can prominently display a Limited Edition Guild Hall Statue in the game.


“This is a magnificent statue that every EQ2 player will want to obtain and proudly show off. Plus this issue has lots of other exclusives including EverQuest interviews, expansion details and a Dungeon Guide,” says Doug Kale, Editorial Director of MOG.


Copies of Beckett Massive Online Gamer # 15 go on sale the week of September 29 and can be purchased at Barnes & Noble, Target, Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreens, B.Dalton, Hastings, Circuit City  or wherever magazines are sold.


As a special offer for all new subscribers, the first 1,000 people to subscribe online will be e-mailed an EverQuest 2 Key Code within one business day so that they can obtain their exclusive Limited Edition Guild Halls Statue immediately. To claim this unique offer, subscribe at


Further information about Beckett Massive Online Gamer can be found on the web at:



Based in Dallas, Beckett Media LP, an Apprise Media company, is the leading publisher of sports and specialty market collectible products in the U.S. Beckett operates ( and is the premier publisher of monthly sports and entertainment collectibles magazines. Beckett, considered the world’s most trusted source in collecting, currently publishes 16 magazines.



Established in 2004 by Charles G. McCurdy, Apprise Media is a leading private equity investor with an exclusive focus on niche media and information companies.  Apprise currently operates two strategic platforms: Canon Communications LLC (, the leading provider of events, publications, and online media for the world’s $3 trillion advanced, technology-based manufacturing industry, and Apprise Enthusiast Media LLC, which serves a variety of attractive consumer niche markets through Beckett Media LP ( and APG Media ( For more information, please go to


Scam.. Be careful Recruiters

There is a scam going around on Najena – this person pretends they are someone else in your guild once they join – and then asks for access to all of your banks. Once they don’t get it, they leave. 

PLEASE be careful if you are a recruiter. I know you may think it’s foolish and easy to tell he is NOT said member, but you never know.

Thankfully the first three banks are filled with items that only members + can access, they include all of the stuff we share, collectables, gear etc. Bank four is filled with money for our guild hall, and lots and lots of rares. I am the only person with access to this bank though, and unfortunately it will stay that way just because I don’t think you can ever be too careful when it comes to that sort of thing. I would absolutely HATE to see all of the money we’ve worked towards getting vanish because of a few idiots. Just because we’re a small casual guild doesn’t mean we’re stupid. I’m sad that someone would resort to this sort of thing. After speaking on the channels about it, I learned that this particular person had hit a number of other guilds too. I hope that none of them actually let him get away with anything.

The Ironforge Exchange and Faction

When I leveled up Stargrace as a provisioner, I didn’t do it by writs like I do with most of my characters now. Mainly because at the time those writs didn’t give any experience other then what they gave for the process of crafting to begin with. The experience for turning in a writ came later. So it was easier for me to make masses of food and drink and either use them myself, or sell them. Since that was the case, my faction with the ironforge exchange lacked horribly. Typically, if you level yourself via writs, you’ll earn your faction by the time you hit level 80. Easier now that they’ve boosted the faction from 150 to 300 for rush orders. 

So the past little while I’ve been grinding out writs to max out my faction with the crafters of Qeynos – and of course to help boost Nostalgia as well. Yesterday I finally accomplished my goal and hit 40,000. I promptly bought some appearance gear – and discovered the boots which I guess no one had bothered to buy before from the merchant. Woot!

Ah, the sign of a true crafter of course. I sort my factions and see that the highest one I have is with the Ironforge Exchange. I love the look of the appearance gear. Granted it doesn’t exactly look like something I’d want to go out adventuring in for fear of getting it dirty, but it has that rustic look that I really like about the clothing. Reaching 40,000 with them also enables me to create the aa mirrors – I can already create them with Silhouette who has 40,000 with the Gorowyn tradeskill people, but the mirrors have to be commissioned if you can’t make them yourself, which means I can’t make them for my own characters. So being able to make them is a nice little bonus (though of course I know people who can make them already). 

This small little goal also allowed me to purchase more house items (of course!) I placed a little globe of Norrath in Stargrace’ home (which is due for a revamp, and the upstairs needs something done to it, I’m not sure what yet it’s a huge indoor garden type space) and also bought the two titles and they came with little scrolls to place. I realize that I shouldn’t have spent the status buying all that stuff, but hey I deserved a little reward after all that hard work. It was expensive too, I ended up spending 6p total for the gear + scrolls + globe. 

I am incredibly excited about the double experience weekend, though I’m not sure if it’s just for adventurers or for crafters as well. I spend the evening harvesting so that I’d have supplies to use – and if it’s for adventure only that’s alright I’ll level my monk or my necromancer. All in all, it was a pretty great day in Norrath. I still have to see where Najena is in unlocking the server quest. Kithicor and a few other servers have managed to finish their quests now, and they reward – you guessed it – house items! A few other goodies besides that too. You can actually read up about it here on the EQ2players forums.