There is a scam going around on Najena – this person pretends they are someone else in your guild once they join – and then asks for access to all of your banks. Once they don’t get it, they leave. 

PLEASE be careful if you are a recruiter. I know you may think it’s foolish and easy to tell he is NOT said member, but you never know.

Thankfully the first three banks are filled with items that only members + can access, they include all of the stuff we share, collectables, gear etc. Bank four is filled with money for our guild hall, and lots and lots of rares. I am the only person with access to this bank though, and unfortunately it will stay that way just because I don’t think you can ever be too careful when it comes to that sort of thing. I would absolutely HATE to see all of the money we’ve worked towards getting vanish because of a few idiots. Just because we’re a small casual guild doesn’t mean we’re stupid. I’m sad that someone would resort to this sort of thing. After speaking on the channels about it, I learned that this particular person had hit a number of other guilds too. I hope that none of them actually let him get away with anything.

2 thoughts on “Scam.. Be careful Recruiters”
  1. Now much more clever would have been to note the officer names, log off, create a new character with a similar name and ask for a full invite on THAT character. We have pretty strict invite rules in our guild (specifically to prevent scamming) but I bet an inviter might fall for that one.

    I can’t believe I just thought that through.

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