Absolutely amazing sunset tonight. Taken with my Olympus E-410, you can see the full version of it on my DeviantART site here. I love sunsets like this. They make me think about life and just be thankful for everything that I have. I’m not sure if things are how I thought they would be when I look back on it, but I know I’m exceptionally lucky. I have great friends, a caring family, and despite the bumps that come along I know I’m a good person. 

Have a great weekend folks.

3 thoughts on “A Beautiful Night”
  1. I’m off to buy a new video card – and no I don’t want your old TV *grins* I’m trying to get rid of one myself, seems like I can’t even give ’em away any more, everyone’s been getting new ones! Blast it!

  2. Canada is cool….
    I get those mountain views here in NC.

    I never thought I would be where I am either. I did not get married until I was 40 (a string of many mishaps and relationships with one psycho even ruined my impressions of marriage)..

    But, since then my life has been complete.

    Cheers to you and have a good weekend
    (Going to buy a new TV today as my 56″ just popped…hey want a free TV? all ya gotta do is haul it off…lol)

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