September 2008

Ki The Fiend Hunter – Waves Breaking

Yesterday was time for a little more diplomacy as I wandered through the Isle of Dawn in Vanguard. I again didn’t want to out level my partner in crime, and wanted to continue to explore the quests I had been working on. By the end, I hit level 9 and part way into it (in diplomacy) – once I hit 10 I’ll switch to crafting I think. Anyhow. 

The Magistrate wanted me to interview some hobgoblins (who were supporting him) on the docks of the village – they were having a tea party. That is to say, they were dumping all the tea into the water in support of the magistrate. Go figure. I had to laugh as I interviewed the last ‘hobgoblin’ who was not one at all, but a farmer down the street dressed in the skin of a hobgoblin. While I interviewed them their appearance changed and they wandered back to their farm. 

The quests got harder (understandably) but I managed without having to buy any of the expensive 1s cards that the diplomacy vendor sells. I’ve lost a few parles but nothing important. Of course I’ve played diplomacy before so that comes in handy. 

One thing I’ve noticed is that the rewards are just amazing – and I’m a little sad that my other diplomates who are off of this island (and I don’t believe there’s a method to get back to it?) will be unable to get these benefits. I’ve gotten a cloak (last time I played there were no diplomacy cloaks with stats), a bracelet (there were only one of these), a full set of gear and some other bits and pieces. I’ve built my deck heavy with flattery, and it seems to be working out well (at least on the island). 

Eventually I was sent to a little burnt down village, being invaded by floating eyes (you’ve probably seen them before in Kojani) and what not. The npc there told me they needed a special type of hunter to deal with the problem, and that they had tried to convince her to come help – with no success. 

So of course that leaves it up to you. It’s always up to you after all. The person’s name is Ki The Fiend Hunter – and the problem is that although the quest says she has a particular affinity for the evil badies, it does not tell you where she is. 

So I spent 30 minutes or so running all over the place looking for her. Then I asked in the main channels – and someone replied (woot) that I should rent a Pegasus, and fly to the temple. 

Temple? Hrms. They must mean that dark ominous looking building just North of where I was standing. I had actually created a macro that was /targetauto Ki  and as I ran around spamming it, the only thing it picked up was a King Crab from the nearby river. 

I decided what the heck, grabbed a Pegasus, flew over to the dark building with purple swirls (remember, I’m of a low adventure level so these places still scare me) and hit my macro. 

Well what do ya know, there tucked away on the left hand side in a little alcove was Ki The Fiend Hunter. Only problem is that whole little landing was swarming with level 7-9 mobs. So I hung around a little, until a few more brave adventurers went to clear their way into the temple, and then made the little trek across to talk Ki into helping the Magistrate. 

Back to the npc afterwards – where a 15 minute warning sounded that servers were coming down. I was so close to finishing my quest too! Just had to talk to the five brave adventurers who were going to help deal with this ‘problem’ they had been having, along with Ki. Dang it. 

Oh well, I guess it’s time to see if servers are back up today so I can finish off the chain! Great story so far.

Quiet Nights

Didn’t get a chance to game tonight, but I did play some Vanguard earlier in the day and managed to hit level 9 in diplomacy. More about that tomorrow though.

I logged into EQ2 as well today, though just briefly to check sales (which were far and few between, though I can’t exactly complain as I don’t have much for sale). I was contemplating leveling Stargrace (who has been neglected for quite some time now) to 80 and to have her join the other 80’s I have, but the thought of RoK quest grinding just made me log out. Maybe another day. 

In the mean time, my latest bit of artwork. It’s titled ‘Reaching Beyond’ and I added a frame and some text to the final version of it, didn’t want it to be any larger then it already is though for this post. It looks way better in it’s original dimensions. If you’re keen on seeing it let me know. 

I hope everyone has a fantastic end-of-week no matter where you are.


That’s pretty much all I can say regarding all of the new goodies that are coming to EQ2. I’ve spent the better part of this morning reading through a load of information on forums, only to sit here wiggling around in decorating anticipation.

So what’s got me so excited? 

First of all. Because furniture is going to be able to scale, there’s a few recipes carpenters currently have that will be removed – and replaced with furniture examples from Unrest. What exactly are those furniture examples? You can take a peek here, at eq2traders. Don’t they look amazing?

As if that were not enough there is this post here, that gives a little taste of what halloween goodies we’re going to be getting eventually. It was posted a little early by mistake, as the items should not have even been on test – but that’s not going to stop me from getting excited about them. 

Did you know there’s a server wide event going on right this very second? Well, Antonia Bayle is in the lead for it – I have a feeling that Najena doesn’t even know it’s going on. You know that bone chip quest? Well that’s a server wide event – and part two gets released shortly, and you’ll get some very cool items with that as well – if your server works towards it. Not sure that mine will. 

Ok so that’s some new furniture, scaling furniture, and the server quest – what more could there be? How about purple shinies. How about little helmets that look like miners would wear them to work on some big project. How about that battle robot type house item in the main picture? O.M.G.

If all that was not enough, how about that new 5 room house located in the Academy of Arcane Science, that you can’t purchase unless you own a Tax-Free Freeport Residency License? 

Want to see some new guildhall screen shots? Then take a peek here

There’s no doubt at all that this is going to be one heck of an amazing update.

Slappy The Cool – Too Cool for School

I have to admit. I wasn’t expecting it. Then again, who would have been? 

There I was, wandering around Telon completing random quests, saving the world – when who should show up? 

Slappy The Cool.

Upon his arrival, everyone, players and npc alike – broke into some sort of odd dance move and you could hear the sounds of music being played from some magical boom box that you couldn’t quite see. At the time, I figured it was a fluke or a GM playing around with us. I was standing right beside a heavily populated quest npc and I thought nothing of it. But as I continued my quests around Telon I’d see Slappy a few more times. Each time the npc and players would break into dance and get their groove on in a small circle surrounding Slappy. 

I almost cried laughing every single time, it was that hilarious to watch. Minding my own business, my brain filled with hobgoblin and death when — OH! I LOVE THIS SONG! It’s time to get jiggy. 

So where does Slappy come from? Well, last night I didn’t want to level my adventuring too high. Kanad was not on yet, and there’s no real mentoring system in Vangard though you can turn off experience. I didn’t want to work on quests and potentially out level (or have to re-do the quests later). So I decided it would be a great night to work on the diplomacy chains.

The Isle of Dawn is great for diplomacy. They had the basic introduction quests that every starter town has, and then the story moved on from there. Unlike the starter towns – it actually gives you two carrying cases for your diplomacy junk fairly early on. Anyone who’s ever done diplomacy before understands how valuable this is. It also gives you a lot of gear with some pretty good diplomacy presence on it – another huge plus. 

So I wandered around for a bit, rallying the veterans, interrogation the hobgoblins, and gathering pieces from npc to build a flag that would help raise the moral of the troops who were fighting those hobgoblins. Mid way through one of the chains – I was sent to talk to a hobgoblin Seer, in the middle of a camp of level 9 mobs (and remember, I’m only a level 6 adventurer, so it was scary!) who should I see standing right by some totem pole type structure? None other then Slappy The Cool, of course. I hailed one of the npc by him and did the diplomacy quest they offered – and was rewarded the whistle that calls Slappy. It has a five minute recast timer, good thing or else I’d be using that whistle to get jiggy with it all the time. 

As always happens I lost track of time doing my diplomacy quests, and my diplomacy level is now actually higher then my adventure level. I love the way the Isle of Dawn lets you move the city levers with civic diplomacy so that you actually get a pretty good feel for the game and how it can affect Telon. Of course diplomacy was not integrated very nicely into the game as a whole, but it’s still one of those spheres that I just love doing. With the stories, gear sets, and random bits if information you can get (blackmail, etc) as well as just getting junk to sell, not to mention putting up buffs that benefit crafters and adventurers alike – I think it’s a wonderful aspect to the game.

Slappy just made it all that much more cool.

A Peek at Game Update 49 – GUILD HALLS!

Want to know what’s coming up next in GU49? Be sure to check out the official SOE forums for all of the details – in the mean time, here are the notes! Looks some some fantastic stuff is coming! REMEMBER that this is just the TEST NOTES so anything and everything can change before these go live. 


During “Raising the Banner” (GU49): A team of dedicated excavators and researchers have begun to uncover a remarkable find in the dunes of Sinking Sands. They have numerous tasks for any recruits willing to help defend the site, excavate relics, maintain their assisting clockworks and provide crafted supplies for the team. They cannot fathom how important this project is and how it is fated to reshape the world of Norrath for years to come!



 Construction of the Guild Halls has been completed.  Guilds of qualifying levels can now purchase halls in a variety of locations.  Smaller halls can be found in North Qeynos, South Freeport, Kelethin, Neriak, and Gorowyn.  Medium halls are found in South Qeynos and North Freeport, and large halls are found off the shores of Antonica and Commonlands.  Click on the corresponding doors, or mariner bells on the docks, to access these new structures.

 With the work completed on the coastal fortresses in Antonica and Commonlands the involved parties have retired to their cities and the guards have been recalled to the barracks.



  • The experience requirements for levels have been significantly lowered primarily affecting the 20 thru 70 level range.  Along with the experience changes, the drop rate for Adept I spells has been increased slightly. 



  • The Invasion of the Vale quest is now a more appropriate level for its difficulty.  The Shattered Vale in Antonica now has an escape point inside it. 



  • Guilds will no longer appear in the guild recruiting list if they don’t have any recruiters online. 



  • Mentoring other players now grants greater achievement reward for the mentor.0-5 level difference: 0% bonus

    6-10 level difference: 50% bonus

    11-20 level difference: 100% bonus

    21-30 level difference: 150% bonus

    31-50 level difference: 200% bonus

    51+ level difference: 300% bonus 


  •  This bonus is only applied to achievement experience gained through combat or loot items, not through quests or exploration. 

  •  Mentors will now receive experience when their apprentice has disabled combat experience. 



  • Player made house items can now be scaled using shift+mousewheel. 

  •  You can no longer turn auto consume on while using a griffon or sokokar. 

  • Bayle’s Amulet and the Trinket of the Venerated Fanatic can now be mounted and used as a house item. 



  • Spells which do not expire have been made uninterruptable.  There are some exceptions which include spells which summon pets or have limited uses. 



  • Divide and Conquer should now properly apply hate to the entire encounter. 



  • Natural Mask should now gray out when casted. 



  • The Auspice line should now toggle correctly. 



  • The Redoubt line should now toggle correctly. 



  • Thorny trap should now work properly for evil rangers on pvp servers. 





  • Enhance: Fuliginous Sphere will now work correctly. 



  • Ward of Sages should now toggle properly. 



  • Blessings is now toggleable and has a recast of 2 seconds. 



  • Shadows should no longer disappear unexpectedly.



  • The game automatically detects if you have more than one CPU. 

  •  EQII now runs better with more than one CPU. 

  •  There is an option to control whether the game uses multicore mode in the Options Window under Display -> Performance. 

  •  If you’re running multiple clients on the same computer you may want to disable multicore mode. 

  • Setting the multicore option has no effect on machines with one CPU. 





  • Rare cure potions have been removed and standard cure potions have been upgraded to cure the appropriate levels of effects.  This in turn should help reduce some of the demand for dusts. 



  • With the advent of scalable furniture, carpenters no longer require recipes that make items of different sizes.  The following redundant recipes were removed: vale briarwood guest bed, vale briarwood corner bar, small redwood room divider, small purple lilies, small white lilies, tall redwood streetlamp, tall potted redwood streetlamp, embellished rug, eccentric alder chair.  Existing items will not be affected. 

  •  Carpenters studying the architecture of Unrest have designed a number of new recipes for furnishings in a similar style, to replace the redundant recipes that have been retired. 



  • Artisans have designed some new recipes for threadbare and sackcloth vests, and will continue to work on more vest-type cloth armor appearances for the future. 



  • Merchants in the courts of Maj’dul are now stocking some additional “Ancient Teachings” recipe scrolls. 




  • Illusionists on their epic quest should no longer take lose faction with Freeport when using the Lucan illusion and then removing it. 




  • Status values on the housing window will now display separators so large numbers are easier to read. 

  • There is now an option in the Persona window to block voice invites. 


 Veeshans Peak


  • The gem drop rate of Veeshan’s Peak has been slightly increased to account for the more frequent patterns. 

  •  Each of the bosses in Veeshan’s Peak now drop an additional gem. 

  • The Taskmaster in Veeshan’s Peak has made new use of his arcane knowledge! Raiders Beware! 




  • A few of the fae in Kelethin react to a good aligned arasai now. 




  • Tunare’s touch has reached the door step of the Teir’dal.  The druid ring in Darklight Wood has sprouted a Blessed Shrubbery.  Druids and adventurers alike should seek out the ring to extend their travel possibilities. 

  • Better search filters for the Recipe window and Tracking window: 

                Instead of a direct match, each word must be present             Words preceded with ‘-‘ (hyphen) must not be present to be matches

              i.e. recipe filtering with “rigid bow” would show ‘rigid scale bow’

              i.e. recipe filtering with “gno –therm” would show ‘gnomish level’ but not ‘gnomish thermometer’


  •  If you find a Lore and Legend item for a Lore and Legend quest that you’re on, the tooltip will indicate whether you’ve already examined it or need to examine it. 

  • Sir Valinayle in Stormhold now corrects himself after calling Stormhold Befallen. 

  • Removed the option to go to Prize of Prexus and The Maid for the Mist on the mariner bells unless someone in the group is on that part of the quest.