Picture taken by me this morning, watching the sun come up. Full view is better, of course. 

Yesterday and the day before was spent with family, enjoying the Thanksgiving Holiday. I didn’t get to do an enormous amount of things in game. I’m looking to transfer my 71 defiler from Antonia Bayle back over to Najena with the rest of my ‘crew’ but SOE’s automated transfer service is down. There is a work around to this, you can submit an email request and they’ll send you the form – however this can take up to two weeks to finish apparently. I sent one off this morning and we’ll see how it goes. 

I didn’t get to attend any of the events yesterday at the Festival of Discord, but I’ll be looking over their schedule today to plan out some events to attend for the rest of the week. I know Friday night and Saturday are probably going to be heavily populated with other roleplayers, so I’ll try to make a point to attend those days. 

The pre-order for TSO (The Shadow Odyssey) started today. You get a ‘special’ item for the retail version – a dire bear mount. The digital version also has a ‘unique’ item, a house item creature. I used to buy the retail versions of EQ2 but EBGames (where I do most of my game shopping here in Ottawa) started getting their shipments in late, and I would be unable to play the new content for a day or two after release. Silly that I want to be right in the thick of things right away? Not really. So I started purchasing the digital downloads every release instead and have never had an issue with them. 

Now I’m wondering if I’ll go with the retail box just so I can get this dire bear, apparently it levels and grows along with your character as you level and grow. I’m not sure if it can be claimed on all characters or just one (my gut goes with just one) so I guess we’ll see. 

Little big planet releases a week from today. Still very eager about that, though I won’t be able to play until that night, either. Ah well!

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