October 16, 2008

LoN, Housing, and a Cold

Feeling under the weather lately, with all the regular aches and pains that come along with it, I didn’t get a whole lot done yesterday. I did decide to move Silhouette out of her 5-room Gorowyn home and into a three room. There was just no reason for me to have such a huge house when I already own two 5-rooms in South Qeynos. I started thinking of ideas for her home but had a difficult time concentrating so I sort of piled everything at the door and I’ll come back to it another time.

I had heard that LoN (legends of Norrath card game) was giving out free things with their new Ethernaught scenarios and I decided to play a few rounds. First one I got replenishes 100% of your adventure vitality. Pretty cool little item except that most of my characters are level 80 and I don’t have room to make more. Apparently there is also a sales crate that reduces the broker fee, and a wand of forgiveness that erases experience debt. 

There’s quite a few debates over LoN going on right now. I’m quite impartial to the majority of them. I think some of the loot cards need a second look (ie: Letting players choose a random class hat of any class to wear that has no stats) but for the most part don’t really mind the items as they don’t have a huge affect on game play. I love the idea of rewarding loot cards to players for actually PLAYING the game, as opposed to being able to simply plunk down an amount of cash to buy booster packs and randomly winning one. There’s a player on my server who proclaims that they can sell any single loot card to anyone out there (for in game plat) as long as the price is right. That leads me to believe they have way too much cash to burn. Good for sony I suppose though, for being able to tap into such a profitable market. I think the in game announcements are a little too much at times, but for the most part those who don’t want anything to do with LoN don’t have to. Though everyone just got a free starter deck and 5 boosters, so they may actually want to at least check those out for any random loot cards. 

Crashed to desktop with an error when I tried to arrange my deck, apparently it’s quite common when you’re in very high graphic settings. I took it as a sign and decided to go to bed for the night. Of course it was quite early so I was up at 4am this morning. Ugh.