I didn’t game yesterday, being busy with other things, but I did want to send a quick thank you to Calreth and Kasul for sponsoring me in the NaNoWriMo event that I’m taking part in. You can find all the details as well as up to date posts about this event here. Thank you for sponsoring me, the extra motivation to finish the 50,000 words by the 30th of November is great. I’ve raised 80% of my goal so far, which is actually more then I thought I’d do, so that’s wonderful! There’s still time to sponsor me, so go check it out if you’re interested.

On the gaming front – EBGames called me last night to tell me Little Big Planet is READY to be picked up! I have no idea if the game is actually live yet, you may recall that it was supposed to release last week on the 21st but was postponed due to some offensive religious lyrics in a song. Apparently these were patched out of the game and things are ready to go. Or at least I get to stare at a pretty box for a few days until it goes live. The store doesn’t open for another 3.5 hours, so I’ve got some time to waste until then.

** Edit ** Another huge thank you to Jason (Odius) for his huge contribution! Now the pressure is really on for me to finish this by the end of November *grins* Also thank you to Heather, and David who donated. As of right now I’m 80% through my goal! WOOT!

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