October 28, 2008

Bring On The Alts

I decided to create a bard in Eq1. Why? Well I haven’t really played one before (at least not one above level 10) and I have actually thought the class was pretty awesome for a number of years now. Between my cleric and enchanter and other random alts, I just never really had the time. So yesterday Kanad and I decided to create alts. He created a Drakkin rogue and I created a Drakkin bard. We each decided to get mercenaries, and neither of us was really wearing any gear, so it was a great test to see how they worked out. 

The mercenaries have no charge from levels 1-10. After that the charge is very slight, allowing anyone to be able to afford one. At level 13 (which was the level we reached after two hours of playing) the mercenaries cost a grand total of 2p to purchase, and 1g every 15 minutes. 

The tank mercenary didn’t do his job very well, being distracted by numerous things it would seem. I sort of figured they wouldn’t exactly be on par with the level 60+ mercs due to the lack of skills available at that level. The healer was fairly good, though they did need a bit of time for meditation and after I hit level 10 they kept trying to rez me when I wasn’t dead but wouldn’t rez me the one time I actually died. I’m not sure what was going on with that.

One interesting point, is that even though the mercenaries did not physically level along with us as we leveled, their spells DID upgrade automatically. We picked up mercenaries at level 3 and used them until level 9, then switched out from level 9 to level 13. We had different cleric buffs on us when they became available to the mercenary, which is a pretty nice feature if you’re reluctant to upgrade. If they’re not tanking and seem to be healing you just fine, then you can hang onto them for a little longer. 

Since we got to level 13 with no gear at all, doing no quests, just hiring mercs, it’s time to take a little time and see about some gear. I love how a game 10 years old can still hold my attention like no other yesterday was a LOT of fun and I’m looking forward to leveling the bard some more as well as playing with Nostalgia on Friday night with my druid.

Even More Crafting

Yesterday I finally managed to buckle down for a little while and get some crafting done. That was the plan at least. What really happened was I managed to get two levels (50-52) and then I ran out of succulent roots. It’s times like these where I wish Nostalgia had a few more levels so that I could buy the harvesters that I could send out every 2 hours to collect materials for me. Succulent roots on the Najena server go for over 75s each – and what’s worse is that I have TWO characters who use these as a main component to their crafting. The tailor as well as the alchemist. Ouch. 

But two levels was better then no levels at all, and I was happy with the progress. Screen shot is of me feeling like a giant over at Tipa’s crafting area. Everything is halfling sized and I practically crushed the machine as I tried to thread my needle. 

I really need to finish my two crafting epics some time, that would be the sage, as well as the woodworker. The sage I have been procrastinating on because she’s only level 61 which means as of yet she does not have the Bathezid watch faction to even begin the epic. I dislike grinding faction, but I dislike grinding crafting faction even more. It’s a waste of supplies and none of it earns you status with your guild (which would be my preferred alternative). 

I do want to get out and do the halloween events again, specifically the trick or treating game to try to win the bandit mask. Ever since I saw Kasul sporting his I’ve wanted one. 

The expansion is less then a month away now and I’m feeling pretty excited. One of the only ‘down’ sides that I can see is that as of yet I have no idea who I will be playing! I love all of my characters and I haven’t had a ‘main’ for years now. I had hopped to settle down to one character once TSO came out but alas I don’t think I’m the sort that settles down to one main as much as I envy those who do. I guess only time will tell!

Anyone know of any good places out there to harvest succulent root? (that’s T6, sinking sands era) the best place I’ve found so far is to just continuously clear an island that has a bunch of other spawns, but the roots are far and few between. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Little Big Planet – LIVE today!

I received my copy of Little Big Planet a few days ago, even though it was not currently online – it is as of today! I’ve been exploring the basic world and I just have to say, it’s amazing. There’s SO many components to this game and it’s got a little bit for every one. I’ve been playing in a duo team, which has its ups and downs but over all is so much fun. The only down side to being in a team is that some times one person is a little faster or ‘better’ then another, and that may end up being frustrating for those who don’t feel that they’re up to speed. 

The co-op is fantastic, and being able to accomplish some goals specifically because you’re in a team is well implemented. I’ve finished off the garden zones, and headed to the Savannah to work on the next areas. There’s so many hidden things everywhere, you’ll be doing zones over and over again and never get bored. 

Ok so I sort of jumped into that post a little bit excited and didn’t actually explain the game, let me back track. Basically, you get a character called a sackboy (or sackgirl) and you get to adventure through zones that are a part of the game — or — adventure through other people’s worlds that they’ve created. You collect items, stickers, building materials, costumes, a huge number of things. You can also create your own zones. The creation process is lengthy and amazing, with an infinite amount of choices that you can use. There’s also a tutorial to learn each bit, everything from creating a background, adjusting music and placing it, placing the camera views, placing items, changing items a billion ways – it’s actually exhausting. 

Of course, as I type this the online servers have been taken down – figures. 

Anyhow. If you own a PS3 and don’t own this game, what are you waiting for? I am so excited about playing in other people’s creations, and creating a few levels of my own!

Let the sticker collecting begin!