November 2, 2008

TSO Journal – Part II (The Moors of Ykesha)

(( If you’re looking for complete walk-throughs to each zone, you won’t find it here. You won’t find step by step information, or anything particularly useful. There’s a fairly good reason for that though – the expansion is still a few weeks away. Why on earth would you want to spoil it all so soon, know all of the ins and outs, and take away the sense of adventure that’s going to come from discovering and exploring things on your own. If you go in with a set plan of “I need to do this and this and this RIGHT away and get all of THIS” you’re going to be bored, and burn out. Remember how much FUN these are supposed to be? Remember how it felt to NOT know what was going to happen next? Or what gear was going to come or how things were going to be played out? I loved that feeling. ))