(( Only a few more TSO Journal entries to post. Why am I posting them? They’re fun for me to create, and for those who are not aware, Nostalgia is the guild I belong to in EQ2, formed with the most wonderful people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. I hope everyone is excited about The Shadow Odyssey! ))

5 thoughts on “TSO Journal – Part III (The Deep Forge)”
  1. I am starting to play catch up on these, more to read your stories, than think of the expansion.

    I must stick to my MMO moratorium to make sure that I come back to any game I try…fresh and ready to re-experience the MMO genre.

    Luckily, these little journals are great…thank you.

  2. I never did get into the beta, but that’s ok. I’m looking forward to playing when it releases! Nostalgia will give Najena and all her friends a good fight!

  3. I wish I was excited about it, but I am not. Right now, I just hope that my fears are proven wrong. Still, I am happy that you are excited enough for the both of us. :)

  4. Love these updates :) I only went to the beta once, but I didn’t have enough room on my drive to keep a separate copy of EQ2 just for the beta, so I soon repatched to normal EQ2 and haven’t been back, though I wanted to.

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