November 6, 2008

A LBP World, and Me

It’s hard to tell by this picture (I can’t help it, I’m absolutely horrid at taking pictures of my tv, which is covered with a nice film of dust and cat footprints since Princess claims it as her own) but that’s Tipa and me hanging out in Little Big Planet together, in her Befallen level. I got to test some of it, sans lag. I’m not sure if the lag from 3+ people is fixed now, but things ran smoothly enough when it was just two people wandering through the zone. 

I haven’t had the chance to play since then aside from a brief romp through some zone that I can’t remember right now, things have just been that hectic. For my own sanity I decided to drop a few things from my schedule, I just had too much going on. It’s only the 6th of the month and I felt overwhelmed. 

NaNoWriMo is going well, I’m up to 11,759 words as of today. The story hits slumps here and there – I’ve never written anything so long before. I’m also working from straight creation. I have not planned this story out at all, I don’t know where it will go, I just had a vague idea of what I wanted to write about and took off with it (hey, it sort of resembles this blog some days). 

I want to create a zone in LBP, what’s more I want to create artistic projects in there for people to look at. If all goes well I should have time by the end of this month, I’ll have to see though, right around the corner is Christmas and I design and hand make most of my gifts. I’ve always disliked how commercial everything is. 

Anyhow. This is just a brief rambling update since I haven’t really posted too much lately. I’ll probably end up doing some rendering tonight to relax before bed, or maybe I’ll get lucky and play a little EQ2. We’ll see how it goes. Sorry this post doesn’t make much sense. Only a few more weeks to go!

Bring On the Alts – Er, Wait. Nope.

One thing I’ve always disliked about EQ2 (yes, there are actually things I dislike, I know, how odd!) is the lack of character slots. You’re restricted (currently, with a regular account) to 7 characters lots, not per server, but for the entire game. In a game where there are 9 crafting classes and you can only chose one per character, with 24 class types, 7 characters is a pretty small selection. Sure there are ways of obtaining more – if you subscribe to station access for example. This boosts your character count from 7 to 12 (number may be off by one or two, it’s been a little bit) almost doubling it. Of course the cost of the game also doubles from $14.99 to $29.99 American, and if you’re only playing the one Sony title it doesn’t quite seem worth it. If you play EverQuest-PC, and Pirates of the Burning Sea (yes, people still play that I hear), Vanguard, or any other number of games along with EverQuestII then I can see how you may want to subscribe. It’s almost better to just purchase a second account though and box, and get LoN rewards on both accounts. 

I am hoping that players gain one (or how about 3 to make it an even 10) character slot when TSO goes live. I’ve already got a level 80 warden, coercer, and dirge. A level 78 illusionist, 76 templar, 61 necromancer (pictured above) and a 50 monk. They all craft. That means that aside from the 40 new aa we’re being allotted, I have very little room for ‘new’ progression. Since the expansion focuses on 50+ content (scaling at that) I suppose I wouldn’t want a lower level character, but the ‘alt itch’ is always there just beneath the surface. I don’t have any T1 dps, a wizard, ranger, or assassin. I’ve been itching for another scout (the dirge doesn’t count) so much to the point of almost deleting that 61 necromancer I haven’t touched in ages. So why not just delete her and remove her from the picture? Well, she’s also an 80 sage which is harder for me to get rid of. I remember how many hours upon hours of work I put into her.

I’m not alone in this boat either. It’s quite common to see people with 1-4 level 80 characters, and a handful of crafters. In EQ-PC when people reached the max level they would work on their achievements since there are so many of them – in EQ2 there is a lack of things to do at end game aside from raid. So what does everyone do? They make alts. If they’re not making alts they’re bored and are typically taking a break until the new expansion gets here.

The character limit has been a debate for quite some time. Reasons where given for why it was so limiting when EQ2 first came out, wanting to reduce the number of names taken or some such, but it’s been almost 5 years now, and while the number of characters regular accounts can have HAS grown (it used to be 4  when the game first came out) it’s not enough. We really need at least one more character slots. If for no other reason then feeding my love of alts.