You may remember the cake pictured above from the celebrations last year, EQ2’s 3rd anniversary. This year of course Sony is celebrating it again and there’s a party that everyone can go to on every server throughout the month of November.

“It’s EverQuest II’s 4th Birthday and you’re invited to a party! Don your most festive attire and commemorate the event with us in the Community Lounge, where you can share celebratory food and drink, enjoy the confetti machine, dance along with the maestro, and even have a pillow fight. Plus, you never know who might pop in to join in the fun!”

“Kiara, Amnerys and Grimwell from SOE’s Community Relations team will be hosting these special events according to the schedule below. Just see what date and time they’ll be on your server, look out for one of them to log in, then send them a /tell saying, “I want to party!” and you’ll be summoned to the celebration.”

11.12.08 5pm PST Najena

Of course I’ll be going. I think this is a very awesome event they’re putting on, and as I look over all of the days planned with parties, I wonder how tired the three SOE employees will be by the end of it. I’m hoping Nostalgia will be able to put up a fairly good showing (all 5 of us) and have a good time. Yes, that means Tipa too, even if I have to drag her away from Little Big Planet. 

Want to stop by and say hello? Interested in taking a peek at Nostalgia’s guild hall while you’re there? This would be the perfect opportunity to get together!

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