Well, she did it again. That’s right, the F word. Ringing through every post loud and clear. 

Fun. What did you think I was going to say? 

Tipa has been talking about Wizard101 for quite some time now, and I never got into it. Why? Am I not a dedicated stalker lemming friend? I just had too much on my plate. I’ve managed to lower that some what and found myself with a whole lot of time to actually game this weekend. I haven’t subscribed to W101, but I may do the “pay as you go” plan, and just pay for zones as I come up to them. I honestly can’t rationalize paying yet another subscription. That’s alright though, because so far the areas I’ve been exploring are FREE. That’s right, I created my account and less then three minutes later was in game and creating my character. My name is Angela Ravendust, and as of right now I’m a level 5 Theurgist, with some training points in storms I believe. That may or may not be an actual school, I’m still on information overload.

Edit: I forgot to mention some where – Tipa is SO uber in W101 that she actually boxes two accounts. There was some talk of her 3-boxing, where we all chuckled and joked nervously – KNOWING that it COULD actually happen with her. /Not Worthy.

 Pictured above is Tipa in the yellow / orange, myself in greens, and Cownose. We were all able to join in on the Nostalgia vent channel along with one of Tipa’s friends (I’m so sorry I’ve already forgotten your name! Remember information overload here). 

I loved doing the Halloween events. I’ve always loved card games, although I’ve never played that many. I played Pokemon (I know, I need to be done away with) and magic the gathering of course. I actually enjoy Legends of Norrath in EQ2 as well. 

We rushed off to do some.. I want to say.. tower.. things.. (yes that’s the technical term) where I spent most of the time accidentally walking backwards and out of the instance. Whoops. Of course me being a healer of sorts, didn’t have any but one single heal card and that was barely enough to keep anyone alive when it came to fighting the big’uns. I had a BLAST though. Almost literally. The spell effects are fun, it’s bright and colourful, the chatting with people sucks since it’s all protected and adding people to friends requires a bit of finesse. Plus Xfire does not recognize the game so I have it loaded on the laptop while I play in full screen (what do you mean you don’t have Xfire? You have friends in multiple games these days, get it so you can keep in touch with everyone no matter what game they play! Add me!) 

I looked at the clock and practically screamed into vent, a good 5 hours had passed (WHERE does the time go when you’re in W101?! That’s the quest I want to do!) and I had forgotten to get my NaNoWriMo portion out of the way. Jumped (quite literally) out of the game, did the dishes, sat down and managed to get to 15,098 words. Little behind where I wanted to be. 

I had a great time gaming, and actually got in some EQ2 time late last night / early this morning – and also got some Little Big Planet in last night / this afternoon. More about those two in the next post, W101 deserved it’s own space.

9 thoughts on “Wandering Through Wizard101”
  1. @Core: Krokotopia has a number of zones, and I guess you will have to pay for each. I cannot say for sure, as I was on a subscription when I was there, but I would be surprised if that was different from the first city.

  2. If i pay the crowns to get krokotopia, will i have to pay more inside there? I cant talk my mom into letting me be a member, but she has let me get crowns to unlock firecat and cyclops and colossus.

  3. First time you try to go somewhere you can’t — Firecat Alley is the first place — you get a little window asking you to either subscribe or spend Crowns to enter. Firecat Alley and Colossus Boulevard (which you can’t unlock even as a subscriber without finishing Firecat Alley) are locked out of Wizard City. Finishing Colossus Boulevard opens up the next world, Krokotopia. The optional instance of Sunken City doesn’t appear to require a subscription.

    My advice is to just subscribe for a month. If, at the end, you still like it, subscribe for another month or just go for the year. It’s a great casual game that can work well with something more hardcore.

  4. From what I understand (and I’m not 100% yet because I have not made it to pay content) you buy crowns, and use those to pay to access the zones. Tipa over at West Karana would know better then I would though.

  5. The “pay as you go” plan for Wizard 101 sounds interesting. Dummy me could not find such an option on the account pages, though, only the monthy subscriptions. Any hint how to get such a plan?

  6. Tipa is bad about the language! Imagine her writing about such a f#!, f@%#!? – f#%?&!$! game on her naughty blog.

    What? I said it was a fun, family – friendly game, what did you think I said?

    Think there’s room for another wizard in the group? :D

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