Now sitting at 17,029 words. I’m right on schedule for where I want to be. The story is going fairly smooth, but it’s not even at the half way mark yet. I have never written a continuous story for more then a few pages, let alone 50,000 words. I’m up to page 26. It has been an amazing experience so far, and I’m excited to see if the enthusiasm stays throughout the rest of the month.

Oh, and that widget up there – light green days are when I was slightly above the daily goal. Light red is slightly below. Bright red is well below the daily goal and bright green is well above. The one bright red day I have there is not because I didn’t write, I did. I went from 13,518 on Friday to 15,098 on Saturday and then my current 17,029. I didn’t log into NaNo and update it though, so it shows up as a bright red day. Ah well.

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