November 17, 2008

Free 5 bedroom home? Sweet!

I logged in yesterday thinking that it would be close to the time where I should be getting new Legends of Norrath cards on both of my accounts, and what do you know, there they were. My main account has had horrible luck with LoN, I rarely get any loot items and this time was no exception. Nor was the time before this one. The 2nd account I have has far better luck. It must be because of the halflings on the account or something. In any case, when I opened up the 5 booster packs everyone gets, I received the free 5-room housing (good for any Qeynos or Freeport home). That’s right, this house is rent free. There are no ‘free’ 5-room homes in Qeynos or Freeport, they all require status and rent. I’m glad I’ve got one, since I don’t currently own a 5-room Freeport home, that’s what it will be going towards. 

Shadowgeist and myself also helped out our good friends in Crimson Blades purchase their first guild hall, congratulations on that! I’m sure I will be stopping by to make use of their harvest hirelings, those things are amazing. Nostalgia will hopefully be able to purchase a few once we get more levels. 

The expansion comes out tomorrow, so of course in preparation for it today I made a new character. Oh, wait. The new expansion actually doesn’t have anything that caters to new players. I decided to make a berserk er though just to see how they played. 

I did get a chance to do the LoN scenario that rewards you with glowing red eyes as well before it’s taken away from the line up, pretty interesting item. There’s a lot of LoN scenario rewards that come in handy, experience potions and the like. While I’m not keen on spending a lot of money to buy cards, I do enjoy playing the game. 

Hopefully the expansion goes off tomorrow without too much trouble. I’m looking forward to riding my dire bear mount around Norrath! See you there.