November 24, 2008

Other Weekend Adventures

Tipa and Silhouette, watching the Far Trader sail off into the distance. Yesterday brought about our second Nostalgia craft night, where Tipa, Kasul, and myself headed off to a tradeskill instance to kick some serious craft machine butt. We did pretty well too. Of course, I was the slacker. I figured out why though. Some times I’m so busy spamming buttons and I look away half an instant that I miss a counter during the process. If you miss a SINGLE counter in an archtype that is not your own, you have a very good chance at failing that complete combine. Key to winning these (and not being far behind) is to just pay attention. Or at least pay enough attention that you can counter everything. It was a great evening, Tipa won herself a bit of crafting gear, and I managed to get a void shard recipe book. The way the book works is quite simple. The Void Shard merchants sell you two types of gear. One is lesser, the other is greater. The greater pieces cost roughly 24 void shards (for the breast piece) – if you get it commissioned by me, it costs 21 void shards. Not too shabby. 

I didn’t get any rares when we did the instance as a guild, but later that evening I decided to buckle down and get my alchemist some levels. I figured I would solo one of the group instances. I know it takes a LONG time (3h in fact) but what was the difference between me grinding writs for 3h or me grinding the instance. 

It turns out, that those little tradeskill instances are *amazing* for leveling up 50+ and here’s why. Number one, you use no fuel, no materials that you have to harvest. So while I’ve been going through my horrible T6 (sinking sands) crafting, I no longer have to farm materials for it. Due to the fact that my alchemist is on my ‘main’ account with five other level 80 crafters, she receives a 50% bonus at all times. In three hours I managed to get 6 levels, and went from level 53 to level 59. I also got three T8 rares, a reflective shard (used for those aa mirrors) and a craft token, as well as the piece of legendary gear (which she can’t use because she’s too low, but it’s level 75 and fletching, again). There is one fairly significant downside to using this method to level and that is simply because the crafting instance does not reward any guild status. Those levels I’ve been grinding would typically be done via writs, and so Nostalgia has felt the pinch of not doing them. With five new Heritage Quests in the expansion, as well as the Signature quest, we’re still gaining status but not quite as fast as normal. I’m thinking of picking up the adventure writs at least once a day and completing those, not only for the status gain, but because the faction rewards from the city factions can be quite nice (ie: fighter, priest, mage, scout). 

I didn’t just craft this weekend. I headed to my first TSO adventure instance, Befallen: Cavern of the Afflicted. I picked up quests along the way, and the whole instance was pretty much giant groups of mobs swarming us and me healing as fast as I could. The group was a shadowknight, wizard, necromancer, scout (forget what type, but they were dps), mystic, and myself on my warden. We died once when we had an add during a named fight, but it was a lot of fun. The gear was alright, nothing was an upgrade for anyone and I ended up transmuting the few bits I won. I did get a void shard out of it though, as well as a heritage quest located in the zone where you have to run around collecting pages (which reminds me, I ducked out early so everyone else could grab their pages at the end, I’ll have to go back and swipe them before the instance resets). I’m only up to three void shards now, and I expect that for me to actually get any gear will take a fairly long time. Especially because I’ll get a void shard here and there on multiple characters. 

Still great fun though!

Norrathian Museum Bits

I don’t have a name for the museum yet, but I’d like to think of one eventually. Picture above is the work in progress main room. It has a small Lucan D’Lere display (it will be more complete and changed around once I get that new Action Figure of him you can get with some TSO quest I’m not sure which) and includes various artifacts on display. I need a few more stools so I can place items, as well as scrolls for inside the cases. I’ve been having a lot of fun building this. I intend on doing it pretty much one room at a time. 

The museum for those who missed it in the previous post is much better in person and you can find it in North Freeport on the Najena server, in the mage tower (which seems fitting I think) under Ellithia’s name.

I realize not everyone is an EQ2 housing buff, but you’ll have to bare with me because it’s a project I’ve had a lot of fun building (and hence I tend to ramble on about it a lot). The bear display turned out surprisingly well. Silhouette pictured above reading the display notice. It probably says something like ‘Don’t Feed The Bears’.

My next goal is to flesh out that room and then work on the ‘paintings’ room, which will consist of a room (the upstairs one in the 5-room Freeport homes if you’re familiar with the layout) paneled in the redwood dividers, with some set out in the center of the room for artwork to be lined up on. The paintings are the LoN ones that I’ve collected over time, as well as the new ones from TSO. One of the new TSO items is in the very first screen shot, painting on the left hand side of Mayong. I can’t remember if it was a quest reward or if it was pilfered loot, but it’s a nice painting none the less.

Outside I’m going to make a garden framed by a walkway for players to walk along safely, downstairs (if I have space to build anything) I’ll turn it into a living area for the owner of the home. The main entrance I figure I’ll do some sort of seating / welcoming area, maybe with a stand for pamphlets of the ‘must sees’ in Freeport, and there’s one other little area I’d like to turn into a room for Heritage Quests to be displayed (since right clicking them turns them into house items). I’ve also got the token aquarium of course, in the outdoor area on the main floor. 

All in all? It’s coming along!

More posts on actual adventures this weekend (it was a great weekend) coming later today! I hope everyone e had an amazing time in Norrath.