November 25, 2008

House Items and Crafting Instances

Yesterday for some reason the npc’s in Mara turned their nose up at Tipa, Kasul, and I. So we didn’t get to do our nightly Tradeskill Instance. Tomorrow or the day after I should be able to do the solo quest again and that will give me enough faction to purchase the two recipe books with the tokens I’ve been collecting. Then I can start working towards something else. Even though I couldn’t do the instance with my main (I was unlocked from the instances as well, so I’m not sure what the issue was) I decided earlier in the day to solo one with my tailor. My tailor is on the 2nd account I have, and therefor doesn’t get the experience bonus that those on the main account have (which is a 50% bonus). How noticeable was it? In the time that my alchemist managed to get 6 levels, the tailor got 3.5 levels. Though my alchemist also used a 55% potion, and I did not use one on the tailor. For three hours of work that requires no raw materials, I still find it quite good. I got her to level 56 tailor. So that leaves my current crafters at 80 sage, provisioner, woodworker, carpenter, jeweler, 59 alchemist, 56 tailor, and 40 armorer. The armorer is a few levels shy of being able to do those Moors quests and the instances, so she’ll be next while the other two regain their vitality (why doesn’t the 5 year reward replenish the tradeskill vitality as well as adventure?!).  I didn’t get any rares this time around, but I did get a recipe book along with a piece of sage jewelery. I traded the sage piece off to Misako and I’ll have to wait until level 70 to scribe the book. It was still a fun run though.

Earlier in the day I headed to the Moors to work on the chains of quests there. I had already cleared out most of the quests at the landing pad on Arysh, but still had the one remaining that turns you into a warboar. Fun quest! The quests reward a LOT of coin, which is something I like and I dislike. I wish that there were gear rewards, but I understand that RoK gave a LOT of gear rewards and maybe it was just time for something new. There are some absolutely wonderful house rewards, and those I am enjoying a great deal (of course). 

One of the rewards was the statue pictured in this post. It lines up flush with the wall, so I’m trying to think of something unique and exciting to do with it. Maybe I’ll just add it to the museum. I saw someone link a miniature air balloon that’s going to look fantastic in my Ethernaught section, and a Lucan D’Lere action figure that will fit right in. The expansion certainly has a lot of amazing house items for players, as well as fantastic gear from Void Shards. You do need quite a bit of Void Shards to purchase your gear but keep in mind that ALL of the gear on the void shard merchants (or at least the lesser and greater gear I have seen, as well as the charm slot items and jewelery) can be made via commission for LESS void shards then you would normally spend if you can find a crafter who has the proper books. It’s nice to see crafters play a little bit more of a roll in EQ2, and something I’m sure other crafters are happy to see. 

Next I need to work on my factions, there are recipe books located in the Moors at three faction outlets, and you can make some pretty amazing things from those (which I’ve linked in previous posts). Hopefully I’ll get a chance to earn some more void shards, as well as some Far Seas tokens. Not too far away from that Unicorn mount now!

Wake Up Call

There’s nothing more refreshing then the cold morning air blowing past you, unless it’s combined with rain and snow and it’s bright and early on a Tuesday morning, you’re standing in your jammies with your jacket on, camera strapped to your back and a shivering kitty in her crate. 

That was my wake up call this morning and I thought I’d share. You know how every one has a few particular items that they just couldn’t do without (or so I think) if the house were on fire? The things that spring up right away in your mind when you think about losing them? Well, the fire alarms don’t go off too often here, but I treat every time as though it’s an actual fire (which is more then a lot of the building people do) and I take some things with me every single time just in case the one time I don’t treat it like a real one, and it ends up that it is. Does that make sense? Think I got some snow lodged in some place and my thought process is a bit foggy.  

Anyhow. Fire alarm goes off, I hunt down the kitty (who hides in any number of places) pack her into her carrier, grab my purse, some shoes, a jacket, and my camera bag. Once the laptop gets a bag (on the list) I’ll probably grab that too. My camera bag has an umbrella in it and a few other goodies tucked into pouches, purse has important things that I’ll need etc etc. It works out well. 

Lugging the kitty down the 11 flights of stairs, not so fun. 

Picture above is of the fire men getting to the building, we had THREE trucks show up for a malfunctioning pump in the garage apparently (that’s what the supervisor came out and told us. Lets take note of the fact that she stayed in the nice warm building while all of us hung out in the snow). The building is 18 floors, 15 units or so per floor. The second picture to the right is Shadowgeist and Princess (in the crate that would be Princess not Shadow) trying to avoid the rain, snow, and just hanging out waiting to be let back into the building.

Meet Spit

I decided yesterday to get station access. I seem to switch my subscriptions around every month, so I wasn’t surprised when I began feeling the twinge to play Vanguard (not to mention EQ1) again. I wish SoE offered some sort of family plan along with station access. In my house there are three EQ2 accounts, although now it’s two EQ2 accounts and one station access account. It would be nice to see more variety for billing options. Anyhow, Kasul and Gozad were both in game as well. I wasn’t feeling all that social (hey, it happens, I like to talk but don’t always like to group) and so I hung around trying to get used to my keys again. I’ve always enjoyed Vanguard to quite a large degree, but the population coupled with lack of a guild to call home prevents me from making it my ‘main’ game (that and sinking 4+ years into EQ2 now). Anyhow. I noticed I had a new /claim item. Opened it up excitedly, and found resting inside a new camel mount for each of my characters. I named this one Spit, pictured above with my Raki paladin sitting proudly. It’s 30% speed, which is pretty good for a low level mount. My level 41 blood mage is riding the quested mount that gives 70% speed. Of course when you add horse shoes it’s faster, but I’m not complaining. I also got 25 experience potions (in Vanguard potions count for tradeskill, adventure, and diplomacy as well as quest experience. I’d love to see this implemented into EQ2) for a 50% bonus (for an hour) to all spheres. 

Nestled deep into the package was also a wand that let me changed my shape into something ‘cool’. Randomly. Always being an avid lover of clickies, I transformed into the wyvern in the screen shot. Giggling, because they’re very tiny, I ran around Khal causing issues for guards. The raki turned into a pile of ooze. Figures.

A LOT has changed and been added to Vanguard since the last time I played, and I played not all that long ago. In fact as I browsed through the patch notes trying to see what had been added since I played last, it was practically enough content to count as an expansion. There have been pages upon pages of fixes for everything in every sphere, there have been quest areas opened up with over 700 items added, new camps, new factions, new raids. 

I also got an email about the new harvest quests added to Telon. An explanation on the thanksgiving holiday (more or less). While the forums didn’t speak very highly of the quests, it’s nice to see that the game is still going strong with added content.

The channels were busy as always. Again I always stress to join the /craft channel (on Seradon at least, it may be called something else on the other servers) and /dip. I also highly suggest getting the very simple to install map mod at Sorsha. 

Kasul and I explored around the Three Rivers area with our level 11’s before calling it a night. For anyone out there reading who does play Vanguard, if you know of a friendly family type guild on Seradon (active of course) let me know! I’ll more then likely add more Vanguard posts (along with EQ1) over the next little bit, though EQ2 is of course still my main game of choice.