November 2008

The Blinding Sands of Razad

Having fun in Vanguard yesterday, I have been trying to decide where I should be for my level. I checked my quest journal and found a lot of old grey quests in there. Cleared those out, and at the bottom were some ‘heros are needed’ type quests. Basically these quests just send you to the Rift Seekers, who port you to the appropriate level area. Then you can wander around the quest hubs picking up new things to do. 

I had a quest that sent me to Razad, in Qalia. I’ve never been overly fond of this continent because the bright blinding snow er, sand, looks horrible for some reason on my screen. Everything else looks just fine, but the sand is literally blinding. Walking through Aghram during the day I have to wear sunglasses. Since I really do have no idea where I should be, that’s where I headed to. I’m not sure how everyone else in Vanguard levels so fast, there’s people talking about having multiple level 50’s while I seem to trudge along. Not complaining in the least bit, Telon is a very beautiful and large world that I enjoy exploring. I was 70% through level 41, and by the end of my adventures (and a LOT of deaths) I finally hit 42.

There was only one ‘incident’ to speak of, and it’s one I know happens on every game. I was killing level 43 three dot (small group but can be solo’d by most) beetles outside of a cave when a 45 paladin happened to wander by. Noting that he was killing the same mobs as I, I asked if he’d like to join up. He sent me a tell back saying no thanks, that he wasn’t sure when he’d be leaving and didn’t want to. I told him it didn’t matter if he had to leave soon, I’d be ok with that, just thought maybe it would be easier then competing for the same creatures. 

10 minutes later he brought a 45 druid (remember these are nukers in VG, not healers) with him, and they proceeded to clear out all of the mobs that I was killing. They made their way into the caves, and I decided for safety sake I’d stay outside. 41 vs. 43 tripple dot is still a challenge, and I didn’t want to get killed (again, some stray crazed wandering men had already killed me a few times). 

Turns out I shouldn’t have worried so much about dying, because it was in the cards for me no matter what. The paladin came rushing out of the caves with at least 20-30 massive beetles trailing after him. Now, if you’re not aware of how combat in VG works – the instant a mob PASSES within proximity of you, while you are in combat with another mob, you instantly also incur agro from that new mob (if they’re not dealt with by whoever is running from them). You don’t even have to look at the mob, and the instant their target vanishes from their sight, they’ll come after you. Thus was my untimely death. Again. 

Thank you Mr. Paladin, what holy ways you have!

I was frustrated, having already died of my own accord and decided to move on to an easier quest that didn’t require me hanging around ungrateful plate wearers. Searching through my quest journal I had a few solo quests that required me to kill creatures wandering around the desert, place some clues and frame someone, and other random sand-y things. It was actually a lot of fun and once I stopped dying I managed to ding level 42.

Level 42 means one step closer to the current cap of 50. It’s also a level where I obtained a bunch of new spells. I’m still searching for an active guild, and I’ve heard a few recruitment messages now, so I’m hoping to get into one before too long. My 42 bloodmage is also a 45 artificer (mineralogist to be specific) and I’m close to 46. I’d like to finish that up and then decide who I’ll be leveling next. I’m torn between leveling my psionicist (fun class, much like the enchanters of EQ1/EQ2) or my disciple (melee healer) and then deciding which crafter to level (which will probably be a combination, or at least a heavy focus on the crafter who makes house items and boats). 

Speaking of houses. My T5 home is still standing! I was worried after my absense that I may have forgotten to put any coin into escrow, but it’s there. I added another 36 weeks worth of payments, and that should take care of it for a bit. I do need to get decorating it some more! The christmas tree, bed, and fire place are starting to look dreary with my harvest boxes.

Solo Tradeskill Quests in Mara

I managed to get the next solo crafting quest today, after having completed the first one last week. Last week’s required me to craft a number of things from various skills and turn them in to the supply deposit. This weeks was incredibly different from that one, requiring no crafting at all to speak of. It also only rewarded 6g plus the Far Seas Token – and since I died four times and my repair bill was quite a bit, I would rather have done the crafting one.

That’s not to say it wasn’t well done and fun, it was both. I have run speed though, and that’s not your friend in this quest.

The Far Seas division wants you to recover relics from the stone men inside of an instance in the Tower of Four Winds, which is in the Village of Mara. You zone into a special instance on the main level of the tower, and get a revamped version of an older instance, you may recognize it as being one from an adventure pack. Inside are terracotta men – and one fallen ally on the ground. Right clicking the ally allows you to collect a special hammer from them, and then you get to run around throwing that hammer at the mobs who are far higher level then you. 

You need to tag 50 of these creatures, and then grab relics off of them. The lay out for the instance can be a bit confusing if you’ve never been there before, or if (like me) you tend to run around jumping off of ledges and gliding down to the ledge below. 

Once you’ve collected the 50 relics, you return to the supply depot in Mara and turn them in. Unlike last weeks quest that rewarded 25,000 faction, this one only rewards 2,000 faction. This is quite a low amount for a quest you can only do once a week. The group quests (which can also be solo’d and are only once a day) reward you with 1,000 faction (it may be 1,500 faction, I can’t quite remember). I wish they had a better timer then once a day. 

So after doing various group instances, along with the two solo quests, I accumulated a few tokens and 30,000 faction (finally). I was going to try to get my 40,000 faction and purchase the two carpenter recipe books, but the books don’t look like they reward house items, they’re some sort of expendable item with five charges. I decided to forgo these, and spend my tokens on the forest set of gear that gives bonuses to crafting. 

Silhouette is proudly wearing the outfit, pictured above. It’s in my appearance slots for now, and I’m really wishing EQ2 had ‘tabs’ much like Vanguard does, for crafting gear. That way I:

  • Wouldn’t have to lug all sorts of crafting gear with me in my bags
  • Wouldn’t have to keep switching my gear around when I wanted the stats off of the crafting sets

Maybe this will be looked into in the future. With crafting being such a huge deal lately in EQ2 (and a popular one) it would be great to see a few more things implemented that gave players the idea that crafting (and just crafting) is a valid option aside from just adventuring. Not that I want to see EQ2 revolve around crafting, I don’t, but I’ve said in the past that I thought a lot of games underestimated how popular these methods of advancement are. 

People in the states are busy with thanksgiving as I write this, makes me wish it was Thanksgiving in Canada again. All that turkey. Yum!

Beckett MOG and other Rambles

The latest edition of Beckett MOG (Massive Online Gamer) has come out in the states for those who have a subscription (it should be in stores shortly as well in the US and Canada), and with it two of my articles. One was a class guide on the templar and inquisitor, and the other a dungeon guide on Veksar. (Keep in mind both of these articles were written well before the expansion was released). I wanted to add the interview with the developers about TSO, but because LoTR and WoW both also released their expansions at the same time, EQ2 articles took a back seat. It’s not through any fault of Beckett’s after all they’re in the business to make money, and there for the biggest shinies get the most pages. The novelty of writing for a magazine is still there, although it’s natural that I am constantly trying to find ‘more’ that I can do with my writing. I didn’t spend that much time in game yesterday (I know, am I feeling ill?) because I had too many other things to take care of, but I did manage to wander around briefly. I have a new house commission to work on, designing a ‘modern’ house. This isn’t exactly an easy task with the materials given, let alone the fact that this is a fantasy based mmo. There are some exceptionally creative ideas that I can use though, such as dark wood items (like the walls I used in the museum) to create dens and the knight paintings that can be turned around so that their white textured backing can be used. It’s all about the atmosphere. 

I didn’t do any of the crafting quests yesterday either, which means I may be slightly behind in those. Today I should be able to obtain the solo quest once more, and max out my faction (finally) on Silhouette, which means she’ll be able to buy some new recipe books. Today I’m going to head to the Moors and work on the quests within the zone so that I can purchase the faction books there as well. The appearance armor located in the Moors is also quite fantastic, I especially like the new lambent type armor. Truth be told, I’m quite happy that I’ve stayed out of TSO for the most part (aside from the crafting bits). It’s a little over a week into the expansion and I’m not bored. Of course this does mean that I don’t know all of the secrets to beating all of the encounters in the instances, and since most use puzzles this may be a hardship for any groups I join – but I’m a fast learner and I’ll pick them up as I go along. I keep meaning to get out there more and the craft tables keep drawing me back.

For those in the states celebrating their thanksgiving, I hope you have an amazing day, and eat some turkey for me!

New Projects?

Now that my NaNoWriMo is completed (yes, you read that right) I’m looking for a few more creative outlets to partake in. One of which was written about by Tipa as well as Malfi. ShutterCal is a fantastic little site where you upload one picture a day and over the months you have quite the little memory album. Of course since I just found out about this site I went back and updated for the entire month – pictures that are not necessarily from this month, but they’re things that I’ve done this year. From today onwards I’ll use up to date photographs. No guarantee that I’ll update it every day, but I’ll be trying. You can find my calendar posted here. Along that same line, I’m contemplating setting up a site that would work as a creative outlet, with photography, art, and writing. Then I can leave this site to gaming (and gaming related art of course) and not have to bore people with posts like this one. I’ll more then likely just use blogger or wordpress depending on my mood. 

I’ve been having a lot of fun decorating, and as a reminder to myself I really need to get those Moors quests done so I can gain some faction and finally purchase those recipe books that I keep talking about. There’s still a lot to do in EQ2, and I’ve been having fun just picking what I want to do for an evening and then doing it, without worrying about being behind in anything.

Last night I played my bruiser (newly betrayed from monk) in Everfrost. She’s level 52 (now 53) and the heroic blue and green encounters are something she can solo, which I really like. Even better is the fact that the bruiser is on my ‘main’ account, which means she gets 50% bonus experience. I’ve been neglecting my plate tanks, who I mentioned some time ago that I wanted to level to end game, simply because lots of people look for ‘instance tanks’ and not so much raid tanks. I think I could be a good one, if I tried. Motivating myself to leave the crafting instance and get out there and gain some levels is a little more difficult. Guess we’ll just see how it goes!

P.S. Getting ready to make home made peanut butter cups. Feel free to stop by!

Bards, Just Crafting for Fun

We go out, in Norrathian Night,
My guildies say when you gonna do your void shard quests right,
Oh GM’s please we’re not adventuring ones,
We’re bards just crafting for fun.
Oh bards just crafting for fun.

The saw cuts in the middle of the night,
A shadowknight yells something about adventuring right,
The instances will always be number one.
But bards they’re just crafting fun.
Oh Bards just want to craft–

That’s all they really want.
Some crafting.
When the adventuring day is done,
Bards– they’re just crafting for fun.
Oh Bards just crafting for fun.


Ahem, alright now that I got that out of my system. Last night Kasul was having issues getting the new round of crafting quests (there are a bunch of forum posts about these issues on the EQ2players forums, so check them out for more details) so Tipa and I headed off to gear up a dwarven army just the two of us. I decided I would bring Goudia, my 59 alchemist rather then my level 80 crafter because I wanted to actually gain some experience from the encounters. Though now that means Silhouette is behind on tokens and faction. I should be able to get the new solo quest some time today or tomorrow, and get the rest of the faction and finally purchase the two recipe books I’ve been eyeballing. 

I managed to get one far seas innovation that rewarded me with a T8 pelt, and the loot at the end was not too bad, at least we each got a piece. Tipa walked away with a new book that none of us has yet to make more void shard pieces, and I got an alchemist piece of set gear. The quest itself was a lot of fun, I enjoy the ones that fill the zone with level 100 epicx4’s and we get to partake in some grand battle. The quest took roughly an hour and a half with just the two of us, but even that was not too bad. I gained two levels (completely out of vitality might I add, and it hurts even with the 50% bonus my account currently has) and Tipa also gained a level on her tailor. 

Silhouette is a little behind now in her tokens, but I’ve come to the conclusion that unless you’re in a proper 6 person group, those crafting instances are really boring at level 80. They take a long time to complete (mind you, they’re meant to be done in a group and not solo, get a group and you’re sailing) and you’re not gaining anything during the process, you’re just counting down the minutes for it to be over. 

Now, if you’re a lower level crafter (50+) these instances are fantastic, and doing them alone for three hours can reward you with quite a few levels as well as the Far Seas innovations and the loot at the end. My alchemist has moved 10 levels in less then a week, and the tailor is getting up there too. My armorer needs to hit level 50 first before I can do any of the instances on her, I managed to get one level yesterday and she’s sitting at 41. Only 9 more levels to go. It really feels like quite a grind to get those levels too after experiencing the joys of instances, but I’ll struggle through it some how!

I hope to get more adventuring done sooner or later. Some instances and finishing off those Moors quests would be a great example. I’ve been doing some exping on my baby bruiser, more about that later today!

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