December 6, 2008

A Quiet Night

A sure sign of a happy gaming week, last night I had some weird dream about doing an article on a new MMO that was some sort of table top 3D game that was fantasy based but all I remember is physically touching where I wanted my character to go on an actual landscape, and the fact that for some reason my group looked like playmobil toys and were wearing saftey helmets. Weird.

Anyhow, last night I spent most of it decorating and talking to friends. I headed over to the Antonia Bayle server for a few minutes to talk to Malfi who was decorating his hobbit home (with ideas that I am most certainly going to steal borrow), he did a fantastic job of it. I am really enjoying the smaller scale homes. Almost my entire EQ2 career I’ve been thinking that the larger homes were the way to go, more room for items, more space. I think they are over doing it though, and characters can manage just fine in the smaller abodes, especially the alts. 

So no adventuring for me, I didn’t do any dungeons, and I didn’t do any crafting instances. I did still have fun though, decorating my home and talking to people. There’s always a wonderful social aspect to the game that I can fall back on when there’s nothing in particular that I want to do. 

I do need to start actually working faction for the Moors some day, or I’ll never be able to craft the new furniture. Also, FROSTFELL will make its way to Norrath next week, and I am REALLY excited about that. Granted, the first few days will be filled with people clawing at each other to try to harvest the nodes and make the new pretties that will be in game, but then things typically settle down.

Today I’m off to my parents place (little brother in tow) to visit, taking my camera so hopefully I’ll get some shots while I’m down there, oh, laptop is coming too (I still need to finish off those Beckett articles). 

Safe travels no matter which game you find yourself in!