December 9, 2008

Because the LoN Spam was not enough

I’ve learned to ignore anything that dings and spams me with yellow text now in EQ2. It wasn’t enough that we’re spammed frequently with LoN (Legends of Norrath) stuff, now we’re also spammed in game with the station marketplace stuff as well. 


Why not just add a scrolling banner that we’re forced to stop playing and look at every few hours..

Edit: Sorry for the cranky posts today. It’s just not been a good day. Expect tomorrow to be back to regular blogging schedules.

Station Cash – Opinions

Alright, now that I’ve settled some, and thought a little bit, here are my opinions about station cash (also known as SC). First of all, I didn’t even know it was being implemented though I’m sure many assumed it would be. It’s too big of a market not to be added to whatever games can. 

I have no issues with games selling cute little outfits, fluff pets, and those types of things. I can think of lots of games that already do that. Granted, most of those don’t also have a monthly subscription, but oh well.

I had an issue when LoN started giving out potions, even though there was no guarantee that you were going to get one (making you perhaps spend even more money). I had no issues with any of the house items, the fluff armor, or the pets, but I thought this was a slippery slope and would lead to more ‘game changing’ items even if it only changed the game SLIGHTLY. 

So the only issue I really have with the items implemented to date, are the potions. Specifically the achievement boosting potion and also the affect this will have on PvP servers. TSO aa are hard to come by. The grind from 140 to 200 is something that almost everyone complains about. Those who have been playing EQ2 for quite some time have already done the quests out there, and already gained all of the aa from them that they can. The new expansion gives enough aa from quests for approximately 20 of the 60 new aa, if you’re already at 140. The more aa you gain, the slower you get experience.

The aa that are in this ‘shadow’ line are also quite amazing. You need 140 placed in your ‘main’ lines before you can purchase the 4th row, the *really nice* stuff. Anyhow, this wasn’t meant to be an aa lesson, where was I. 

Ah yes. The new SC basically just lets you purchas the LoN item that you’d try to get via boosters in the past. Another concern is that there is ALWAYS a slippery slope when it comes to these sorts of deals. How long is it going to be before you MUST HAVE 200aa before applying to a guild, and there for you’re almost required to purchase these potions in order to catch up. 

How long will it be before new players to the game feel like they’re being left behind in a 5 year old game, and purchase these (since they have no veteran rewards to claim) to catch up to the masses at level 80. Or even that person who’s got limited time to play who decides to level themselves via potions. 

I don’t like the idea that the time I put into actually playing the game can be easily bypassed by someone who had a bunch of cash to blow. I know that brings into argument from people who just don’t have that sort of time to devote to a video game, and pay the same monthly fees as me there for deserve to experience the same things I do, but that’s not how I think. I work really hard to get my characters to 80, 200aa, and being able to purchase your way up the levels just seems to make my own characters worthless. 

People can say all they want ‘it doesn’t affect the game that much‘ but it does affect the game. Where do you draw the line? Well, we already have experience boosting potions, so lets allow players who have 5 characters over level 80 automatically start at level 80 if they purchase this potion from the store. Lets allow players who already have one of their mythical epic weapons to purchase it from a vendor for real life coin. It’s so easy to just push that line a little further and a little further. 

There are already lots of games out there that incorporate stores into their gaming where you can buy virtual items for real time money and they’re ‘free’ to play. Why are we suddenly paying $14.99 a month for one.

Also, this’ll be the last post I have about this for a while, unless more ‘game changing’ items are added, or something directly relating to it happens. There’s nothing we (as players) can do about it, that’s already been determined. NOT because we’re not listened to, we are, but because we as players are quite content to just sit back and see what happens, and before too long, it’s too late. I just had to get it out of my system. Back to playing games.

EQ / EQ2 Station Cash FAQ

This is taken directly from the SoE forums, so go if you’re looking for more information, that’s where to find it. 

Station Cash FAQ
What is Station Cash?

Station Cash is Sony Online Entertainment’s new virtual currency that players can buy to fund a virtual wallet. Once a wallet has been funded, Station Cash can be used to purchase premium in-game items through the in-game Marketplace in EverQuest® and EverQuest® II.

What is a wallet?

A wallet is a place for consumers to “keep” Station Cash for purchases now and in the future. When a user purchases Station Cash, the equivalent amount of currency will be placed in the wallet and will be available for in-game purchases. It’s also easy to continually fund without re-entering credit card information time after time because the wallet accesses the current credit card on the player’s account.

How will I fund my wallet with Station Cash?

Players will be able to fund their wallet within the game. Go to the “Main Menu” and click on “Marketplace”. The Marketplace is the destination for in-game item purchases and where you can fund your wallet. Once in the Marketplace, click “Add Funds” and follow the on-screen instructions. There are five denominations from which to choose. The system will automatically verify with your credit card on file.

If you do not have a credit card on file or the existing card cannot be processed, go to…q2&locale=en_US to update your credit card information and then log back into the game.

Occasionally, SOE may gift Station Cash to valued players or as part of promotional efforts. Any gifts of Station Cash will be placed in the player’s wallet.

How do I make item purchases once my wallet has been funded?

Go to “Main Menu” and click on “Marketplace”. From here, players can select from a list of available items and select a quantity for each. A player’s Station Cash balance is also displayed here.

When will Station Cash and the wallet be available?

Station Cash and the wallet are available now in EverQuest and EverQuest II! Log in to check it out!

Is Station Cash refundable?

Station Cash is non-refundable.

Is Station Cash transferable?
Station Cash is non-transferable and currently non-giftable; however, SOE is working on features to allow players to gift Station Cash to other players and friends in the future.

Are there limits as to how much Station Cash I can purchase, and how much Station Cash I can have in my wallet?

Yes. You’ll be notified by our system if you exceed our preset limits.

What if I don’t have a credit card?

SOE is pursuing solutions to sell Station Cash both digitally via e-commerce sites as well as at retail via Station Cash Cards. This is definitely a priority and we hope to have more options available soon because we recognize alternate payment methods are important for our international players, as well as for players who prefer to pay with cash or game cards.

Can I pay for my monthly subscription with Station Cash?

No, at this time, players will not be able to purchase monthly subscription or game time with Station Cash in EverQuest or EverQuest II. Station Cash is limited to in-game items only.

Can I trade the items I purchase with Station Cash?

No, currently the items sold are not tradeable, which helps to reduce and/or prevent fraud.

It sounds as if Station Cash may give some players an unfair advantage.  How is SOE preventing this?

The EQ and EQII development teams have chosen items carefully in an effort to avoid a disruption in gameplay balance. Rather, Station Cash (and items purchased with SC) are intended to allow for convenience and added customization. Such items provide players with a unique gameplay experience for nominal fees. We understand that some players may not choose to purchase items, however, the option is available for all, leaving the choice in each player’s hands.

Does this mean SOE is fundamentally changing the business models of EQ and EQII?

No, this is simply a means to give additional options to our player base.

How much does Station Cash cost?

Currency              USD       AUD       DKK            EUR          GBP     NOK           SEK           CHF                  JPY
100SC =                $1.00     $1.60     Kr 7,00      €1,00       £.80      kr 7,00      10.00 Kr   CHF 1.20        ?100

SOE reserves the right to modify these conversions at its sole discretion at any point in time.

Where can I get more detailed information on Station Cash?

Station Cash is subject to our Terms of Service, linked here, in particular section VII(F) of our Terms of Service.

Station Cash in EQ and EQ2? Uh…

Station Cash, Sony Online Entertainment’s new virtual currency, is now live in EverQuest andEverQuest II. Station Cash can be used to purchase items that will provide convenience and customization in game, providing everyone the opportunity to create a unique gameplay experience.

Want to learn more about Station Cash? You can learn more at the Station Marketplace, and by reading theStation Cash FAQ. Please note that Station Cash will not be available for customers in Europe until Wednesday, December 10th.



I went and read the FAQ, as well as took a look around the shop. Items such as armor sets, adventure potions, tradeskill potions, achievement potions and other random items are listed. I’m a little dumbfounded so give me a bit to read up some more before I post any solid opinions. 


All I Want For Christmas

Yesterday Ellithia (74 defiler / 64 tailor) headed to The Village of Shin to work on the next crafting mission along with Kasul from Nostalgia. I’ve really enjoyed the amount of experience I get from running these instances, and I figure I’ll use them to get from 50-70 and then do writs (because they rewards a fair amount of guild experience) from 70-80. If I get that far, of course. Both the tailor and the alchemist have been leveling in this method, and next will be the armorer, if I can manage to get her to 50. 

Since I never did the solo crafting quest until a few days after the release of TSO, I didn’t get the 20,500 faction that some others received. After doing the weekly solo quests as well as the group daily quests, I’ve managed to earn enough tokens for a unicorn – finally.

Oh, wait. I still can’t buy one! I’m short 20,000 faction with the far seas crafting division. Blast it! I’m not really fond of grinding faction writs because they don’t reward my guild with any experience, and in 20 more group quests (and a few solo) I’ll have earned the faction I need. So for now the dream of a unicorn mount is put on hold while I work up the faction required. At this rate, I MAY be able to purchase one just in time for Christmas. What’s so exciting about a horse with a horn? Well. It’s just one of those things! I have to have one. 

I also did The Crucible (again) last night. Shadowgeist got his fabled paladin / shadowknight shield to drop which means I won’t be doing it quite as often any more. The shield looks like pure ice, and it’s very nice. I didn’t get anything else from the zone aside from my void shard – but thanks to Kasul and a crafting book he managed to get, I did purchase a new pair of gloves for Arysh (warden). I only own the lesser pair right now and they were not an upgrade to my regular gloves when comparing stats, but they ARE an upgrade when you compare the effects of them. If I get myself a set of three it will be even more of an upgrade. 

I find it interesting that not only do you need void shards to purchase all of these legendary armor sets, jewelery, and misc. items, but you also need void shards to create the fabled raid versions of armor that drops in the four raid zones. Hopefully this means that people will continue to do the instances for quite some time. I’ve still not done any of the Loping Plains instances, nor the ones in Fens, or the ones in The Moors. I also need to (still) get my factions up so I can purchase the crafting books from the three Moors factions. There’s just so much to do, and with Frostfell just around the corner.. Exciting times, that’s for sure!

See you in Norrath!