December 17, 2008


Ever since 2006, I’ve been betraying my ratonga bard over and over. This is probably the 8th time or so I’ve switched her, if not her class then her city. Why? I’m not quite sure it’s just one of those things. Alts and betrayal quests. I’ve betrayed every single one of my characters at least once at some point in their EQ2 careers. 

I even own both the dirge and troubador epics already, so it doesn’t matter which class I play, I won’t have to worry about that quest. I’ve got both of the mythical quests on me as well, which you can actually complete each of. If I ever get to that point. 

Which brings me to my next point, raiding. I think I want to raid. Well, I’m going to be left with a lot of very lonely empty nights alternating every week every month starting in January. Winter is already dark and lonely enough without anything to do, so I’m thinking of getting into raiding and wasting my time that way. We’ll see, I haven’t made any solid decisions yet (like who to raid with or what guild). It’s just been something I’ve had on my mind. I don’t even know how to get started any more, or if I’m too far behind. I’ve got the 80 troub, warden, and coercer, as well as the 79 illusi and 77 templar just waiting there, and the 74 defiler on her way up. I’d like to settle into raiding with one character. I don’t want to raid 6-7 days a week, but we’ll see. 

Hope everyone else is having a wonderful Wednesday!

Mmm Frozen Goblin Popsicle

Yesterday it was time to finish off the set of Frostfell gear for my berserker, Sharatan. The character was level 40 when I started and by the time I finished purchasing a bp, legs, forearms, shoulders, shoes, and gloves she was level 42 and a good portion of the way through it. The gear again is quite an upgrade and it is nice to have a (reasonably) alternative to the mastercrafted I typically put my characters in. The box on the right is Shadowgeist’ main inventory, who I used to complete those icey keep runs. As you can see I’ve managed to collect a huge number of tokens and frozen Popsicle goblins for him – which he has no real use for. So what does that mean for me? A lot of tradeable house items can be purchased from the Frostfell merchant, and so some time between today and January I’ll be using them all up and buying a couple of hand fulls of those items more then likely. Of course since the berserker was level 5 last weekend, and is now 42, I haven’t kept up on her skills. She doesn’t know what vitality is. Her aggression skill is something like 15/220 which means I still have lots and lots of room to work on the character. Thankfully, I can also go borrow a dummy in the Siege guild hall and work a few skills up that way. 

You’d think I’d be tired of running that icy keep instance, and in truth I guess I am a little bit – but not because of the instance itself. I’m tired of running it because of the lag. The lag is painful. The only reason I use the shadowknight and box this instance is because I know it’s the only character who can fight through the lag and still win once I’ve paused for 20 seconds. I even attempted the heroic version and managed to solo the first four named (gate keeper, trio, melee immune and spell immune) who reward 5 tokens as opposed to the easy version which rewards one but it was VERY painful and slow, and the lag made it all kinds of ‘not so fun’.

Today I think I’ll betray the dirge over to troubador. Those loams in my bank are taunting me. It will probably still be quite some time before my swashbuckler, paladin, or berserker need T8 adept3’s and when that time comes I’ll either go harvest some (hah, right) or have the money by then to buy more. 

One a completely random seasonal note. We have about a foot of snow on the ground already, and another 5 inches are due today (I woke up wondering woah, where did all THIS come from!) and my Christmas tree made it past the first night with the cat. That’s always something I have to question each year, whether or not I’ll wake up to the entire thing on the ground with ornaments strewn about everywhere. I live in an apartment building that doesn’t allow real trees (fire hazard) so I’ve just got a 6 foot fake one. So far she’s curled up under to sleep with the presents, but hasn’t chewed on too many candy canes. 

OH! Before I forget!

Huge hugs to Gidgit from the Najena server who sent me a tell saying hello yesterday! I always love chattering with people who read (or who I read!) and that really made my day. Thank you!