Today being Boxing Day in Canada, it just wouldn’t be complete without some shopping. I typically avoid the stores because there’s a million people out there all shopping too, but this year I wanted to brave the crowds and go out. My parents graciously gave me $100 certificate for EBGames (as well as numerous other gifts) so that’s where I headed. I was looking for a few pc games that I’d never played, had heard very little about, that were maybe not exactly my typical games, that I didn’t care if I got bored of them 10 seconds after I bought them. This was “fun” money after all.

I contemplated getting a game card for WoW. Looked over at the rack of pc games (small and all alone) as the crowd swarmed around me. I almost picked up LoTR, but decided against it. 

Instead I came home with The Witcher, Dungeon Runners, and LineageII. 

The Witcher was slightly annoying to install. For some reason my copy didn’t come with a code (and it said it should be on the back cover, inside the phone book sized manual that came with the game) and without that code yes you can play but you can’t patch the game. Annoying. There were a number of solutions, and the one I found worked. I didn’t want to be waiting forever for customer support to email me a code (which was another option). 

Decided to install and activate the two free months that came with LineageII. Reminds me of guild wars (gee wonder why) to start. VERY pretty game though, and it was fun running around learning commands. No idea how to claim the black mask I apparently got with the 4th anniversary edition, but I’m not too concerned yet. I know very little about this game at all. I know it looks pretty. Hey that’s all that should matter, right?

Haven’t installed Dungeon Runners yet, but for $20 and 6 months of game play I’m not expecting all that much. They advertise it as a game to play when your ‘main’ game is down, perfect. 

I forgot to mention, renewed my subscription for a month for Wizard 101. Over the holidays I (of course) had my laptop, which the game runs perfectly on. I managed to creep into level 14, part way through as I finish off a few last Wizard City quests before moving on to the next world. Also got a new outfit, which is just as important as those levels. 

Lots of games to keep me entertained, and lots of learning about them to do. I don’t mind that though, it was exactly how I wanted to spend the game certificate, hehe. 

Hope everyone is still enjoying their holidays!

5 thoughts on “LineageII, The Witcher, Dungeon Runners and W101”
  1. If you’ve ever played Diablo, Dungeon Runners is like that — except with a very tongue-in-cheek, self-deprecating sense of humor that makes it quite fun. I played it during beta and it was nice, but I got side-tracked and sucked into Mythos (a decidedly better game for my personal taste). RIP Mythos, you would have made an awesome Diablo-type. :/

  2. I tried Lineage 2 for a while when it first came out. It had a huge problem with adena farmers and the game is a huge grind. I hear they improved the leveling rate dramatically since then but the game doesn’t go to great lengths to hide the grind. There were very few quests, for example, and a very low drop rate for useful items. I liked the graphic style, particularly the architecture of some of the dungeons and environments. The game’s main focus is huge PVP guild on guild castle sieges (which explains some design decisions such as why you don’t get much character customization: that greatly reduces how much information you need to send down about each character in the area). But I didn’t have the tolerance to stick around long enough to find one. The game is pretty much for the hardcore only.

  3. Dungeon Runners is pretty tongue-in-cheek through and through, so don’t take the “game to play when your main game is down” thing too seriously. :)

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