Free 5 bedroom home? Sweet!

I logged in yesterday thinking that it would be close to the time where I should be getting new Legends of Norrath cards on both of my accounts, and what do you know, there they were. My main account has had horrible luck with LoN, I rarely get any loot items and this time was no exception. Nor was the time before this one. The 2nd account I have has far better luck. It must be because of the halflings on the account or something. In any case, when I opened up the 5 booster packs everyone gets, I received the free 5-room housing (good for any Qeynos or Freeport home). That’s right, this house is rent free. There are no ‘free’ 5-room homes in Qeynos or Freeport, they all require status and rent. I’m glad I’ve got one, since I don’t currently own a 5-room Freeport home, that’s what it will be going towards. 

Shadowgeist and myself also helped out our good friends in Crimson Blades purchase their first guild hall, congratulations on that! I’m sure I will be stopping by to make use of their harvest hirelings, those things are amazing. Nostalgia will hopefully be able to purchase a few once we get more levels. 

The expansion comes out tomorrow, so of course in preparation for it today I made a new character. Oh, wait. The new expansion actually doesn’t have anything that caters to new players. I decided to make a berserk er though just to see how they played. 

I did get a chance to do the LoN scenario that rewards you with glowing red eyes as well before it’s taken away from the line up, pretty interesting item. There’s a lot of LoN scenario rewards that come in handy, experience potions and the like. While I’m not keen on spending a lot of money to buy cards, I do enjoy playing the game. 

Hopefully the expansion goes off tomorrow without too much trouble. I’m looking forward to riding my dire bear mount around Norrath! See you there.

Taking Down Fallen Gate

Today was a day for alts. I decided I would try to level up my 24 paladin a little bit. Now, I’ve mentioned this quite a few times in the past. Anyone who knows me realizes I have never really played a tank class before. Boxed someone else’ tank? Sure. I’ve never actually had one of my own though. With Tipa and Kasul and a few other fairly frequent Nostalgia members, none of them tanks, I decided it was time I played one. Lithe is my Kerran, and so far she’s a lot of fun to play. Oracia (coercer), Yashiro (ranger), and myself playing Lithe (paladin) and Arysh (warden mentored) headed to fallen gate to lay waste to the undead that wander the zone. We all got a few levels before I called it quits so I could watch the Santa Claus parade on tv and work on NaNoWriMo (which hit 30,066 words today. Home stretch here I come!) as well as take care of some dinner. 

The paladin is not that different for me since I’ve played tanks before and just never owned one. It’s a lot of fun, and I do have to pay attention to gear more so that I’m able to withstand the hits. It’s great to be able to box and have a healer or extra dps along. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy Synergy? I think maybe once or twice. 

I also have a baby warlock I’m going to level up a little bit. I’ve never played a warlock or a wizard before. I’d like to get the warlock to level 25 so that she can use the wizard ports. I realize we have the druid rings within the guild hall (and oh do I love them) but wizard ports don’t require any access to use. There are individual ports and group ports. The downside is that they only port to a few locations. Ah well. It’s better then none!

I hope everyone else had an amazing weekend, the EQ2 expansion comes out on Tuesday and while I’m not especially excited about the adventure side of the expansion, I am excited about the changes in GU50, and the crafter changes. We’ll see how it goes.

New Swashbuckler On the Scene (and Bruiser)

It worked out pretty well, though I’m not quite done working on the faction I need for the monk. They both met up in Haven where one tried to convince the other that where they were headed was a path of wrongness and other variables, but ultimately betrayal won out for both of them. 

Aside from that, I also got to welcome Ardwulf to Nostalgia! Surprised me, I was almost (almost!) tempted to re-activate my Vanguard account after reading his post but decided to go with the EQ2 boxing rout instead. After some careful consideration I decided I actually miss settling down in one game. I enjoy playing a large amount but it never really let me ‘finish’ anything. With a new EQ2 expansion coming out on Tuesday, I want to say ‘yes, I play EQ2 as my main game of choice’ rather then ‘well I play EQ2 and EQ1 and WoW and Wizard 101 and and and and’ listing game after game. Once the novelty of the new expansion wears off no doubt I’ll go back to game hoping. 

A Little of This, Some of That, Lots of Just Plain Fun

 Yesterday was a fantastic day and not because of any significant amount of gaming that went on (though I did manage to find myself some time to play W101 and make my way through most of level 11). Two points of interest. First of all, Tipa brought up this amazing little application she had found called ‘write or die‘ if you’ve ever had issues feeling motivated to write, or if you’re doing NaNoWriMo (which I am, 24,244 words in) then this may just very well save your writing career. 

 Aside from that, you may remember a comment a while back from Lars talking about a simple program called Synergy. This program lets you move to the left side of one monitor, and your mouse will ‘jump’ to the other pc (in my case the laptop) allowing you to control both computers with one mouse and keyboard. So I have the laptop set up to the left hand side of my pc when I’m at my desk working, and I control both of them with the mouse / keyboard from my pc simply by moving it over. 

It’s by far one of the most amazing things I’ve played with in a while and I completely geeked out over it. Since I was so used to boxing by alt tabing to the other screen and using one pc for two accounts, I was finding it difficult to box with two computers. After giving it some time I decided to try synergy out and now I know there’s no way I could ever go back. I realize the program is quite old, it says it hasn’t been updated since 2006, but it works with vista just fine. It can also work across multiple OS and linux, mac, as well as pc. So now I can have my laptop running with whatever I’d like while I keep my pc running and not have to be reaching over to any other keyboards or mice. 

The only downside to this is that if you are playing games you need to be playing windowed. If you’re playing in full screen it will force you to desktop when you jump to the other monitor. I did experience a very small amount of lag at one point but it was barely enough to be concerned with. I know this program has been out for a while and I’m probably well behind the times and everyone already uses it, but for me it was a huge find, and I couldn’t have been happier. 

Anyhow, I did get a chance to play Wizard101 last night. I defeated some fire elves and took all their stuff. I have a few quests that send me all over Wizard city looking for particular objects. One of them is to locate these little men who hide out in each zone. I’ve been unsuccessful at finding the current one I need, I think it’s in triton avenue. Tipa informed me that the Halloween quests were on their last night, and she would be freed from doing the Master Tower battles, I hope she got her spider! 

Today is FRIDAY *cheers* I hope everyone has an amazing day and an incredible weekend.

Nomadic Gamer