Woodworker Earns Her Epic (Finally)


 Finally. After leaving my woodworker at level 80 for a few months now I decided it was time to finish my epic on her. There’s a pretty good reason I neglected it. Well, ok not a pretty good reason, but there’s a reason (which is better then none at all). I’ve already completed epics for three other level 80 crafters. The quest is the same up until the final portion and then it splits into subclasses so needless to say after the first three times I completed it I was just not inspired to do it for a forth. 

Let alone a fifth (my sage has been level 80 for some time as well and I do plan on finishing the epic with her one of these days). Thank you to Albrta and Eyenstein for crafting the majority of the bits I needed, as well as two strangers who responded in channels (carpenter and weaponsmith). It was nice to get some help. The entire quest took about two hours, the longest portions being just running around. Thankfully my woodworker is a druid, and I could just port around to locations close to where I needed to be. I proudly put on my cloak and gave myself the earring buff. 

Besides EQ2 and W101 I had a little time to play Little Big Planet last night. Finished clearing out the canyons though I haven’t gotten the ace (completing a zone without dying) reward for all of them yet. Started working on The Metropolis, and got a few more outfits. The frying pan hand item is one of my favorite. 

Then today I happened to be in EBGames and asked about the Little Big Planet guide. It’s 314 pages of pure awesome. Not only are there walkthroughs for every zone (which you can of course skip. I’ve been reading the ones for the zones I’ve completed just because there is so much information) there is also a VERY detailed ‘creation’ section tha goes over each of the tutorial bits in huge amounts of detail. THAT’S what I was looking for. It’s hard to read the font for the game on my television screen (what can I say, I’m a pc gamer and my tv collects dust) and I couldn’t read what they wanted me to do or what buttons to press. Plus I’m a visual learner, give me something to look at and I’ll memorize it over time easily enough. This guide is fantastic. I don’t typically buy guides for games (ok, lets make that ‘don’t typically’ to ‘don’t ever’) but I would highly suggest picking this one up. The best $21 I spent today. 

So, all in all it’s been a fantastic gaming weekend. How could it not, with great friends and fantastic games. I think by now my friends know they can get me to play pretty much any game if they talk about it long enough and use the F-word (FUN). It’s one of those ‘best selling’ features. It’ll be interesting when a sci-fi game comes out, since I’ve always been completely anti-‘space’ for as long as I can remember. I’ve never seen Star Wars (I know, I need to be buried alive) or Star Trek or Star anything (how amusing that my online persona is Stargrace). Typical female gamer? Maybe. It’s not ALL about the housing and outfits for me though. I really do take pride in knowing my class and characters and doing my job – and doing it well. It’s just all of the extra ‘stuff’ that gets me to keep playing.

Wandering Through Wizard101

Well, she did it again. That’s right, the F word. Ringing through every post loud and clear. 

Fun. What did you think I was going to say? 

Tipa has been talking about Wizard101 for quite some time now, and I never got into it. Why? Am I not a dedicated stalker lemming friend? I just had too much on my plate. I’ve managed to lower that some what and found myself with a whole lot of time to actually game this weekend. I haven’t subscribed to W101, but I may do the “pay as you go” plan, and just pay for zones as I come up to them. I honestly can’t rationalize paying yet another subscription. That’s alright though, because so far the areas I’ve been exploring are FREE. That’s right, I created my account and less then three minutes later was in game and creating my character. My name is Angela Ravendust, and as of right now I’m a level 5 Theurgist, with some training points in storms I believe. That may or may not be an actual school, I’m still on information overload.

Edit: I forgot to mention some where – Tipa is SO uber in W101 that she actually boxes two accounts. There was some talk of her 3-boxing, where we all chuckled and joked nervously – KNOWING that it COULD actually happen with her. /Not Worthy.

 Pictured above is Tipa in the yellow / orange, myself in greens, and Cownose. We were all able to join in on the Nostalgia vent channel along with one of Tipa’s friends (I’m so sorry I’ve already forgotten your name! Remember information overload here). 

I loved doing the Halloween events. I’ve always loved card games, although I’ve never played that many. I played Pokemon (I know, I need to be done away with) and magic the gathering of course. I actually enjoy Legends of Norrath in EQ2 as well. 

We rushed off to do some.. I want to say.. tower.. things.. (yes that’s the technical term) where I spent most of the time accidentally walking backwards and out of the instance. Whoops. Of course me being a healer of sorts, didn’t have any but one single heal card and that was barely enough to keep anyone alive when it came to fighting the big’uns. I had a BLAST though. Almost literally. The spell effects are fun, it’s bright and colourful, the chatting with people sucks since it’s all protected and adding people to friends requires a bit of finesse. Plus Xfire does not recognize the game so I have it loaded on the laptop while I play in full screen (what do you mean you don’t have Xfire? You have friends in multiple games these days, get it so you can keep in touch with everyone no matter what game they play! Add me!) 

I looked at the clock and practically screamed into vent, a good 5 hours had passed (WHERE does the time go when you’re in W101?! That’s the quest I want to do!) and I had forgotten to get my NaNoWriMo portion out of the way. Jumped (quite literally) out of the game, did the dishes, sat down and managed to get to 15,098 words. Little behind where I wanted to be. 

I had a great time gaming, and actually got in some EQ2 time late last night / early this morning – and also got some Little Big Planet in last night / this afternoon. More about those two in the next post, W101 deserved it’s own space.

Better Homes and Hovels (One Room – Baubleshire)

Looking into the home from the doorway

You may remember not too long ago I re-designed Silhouette’s new one room home in Gorowyn. I had come to the conclusion that despite how much I absolutely LOVE housing there was no need for me to have a million 5-room homes to decorate. So I started downgrading, and working on a mission to have two 5-room homes (Arysh and Stargrace already own those) and then spread out some smaller homes. Speaking of smaller – without being able to scale furniture this house would not have been built at all. Thanks to some fancy inspiration on the Norrathian Homeshow, I decided to turn a one room Baubleshire home into a 5 room halfling sized home. I REALLY love it so far. I’ve just barely placed 100 items, which means I have room for 100 more. The rent is only 3s75c a week, and I’ve paid for the next 84 days. I can have three sales crates, which is more then enough for this alt. 

I apologize now for the huge abundance of pictures, and they don’t do it justice at all. So if you want to see the home in person please feel free. It’s in Baubleshire on the Najena server, under the name of Petites (which was a play on the word ‘small’ in french. It suits the halfling templar). 

The sales area, to the right hand side of the door. There’s three sales crates there as well as various knick nacks and other goodies. I want to add a few more things around the house still, work in progress remember!

Looking towards the bedroom and sales area 

An area to worship Tunare (good little Templar that she is) as well as a bedroom (still under construction).

Library area. Lots of room for more books still, a cozy fireplace to read by. 

Looking from the library into the kitchen / living room area. 

A little seating area. Still need to get some mugs and dishes for both this room and the kitchen. Petites is an alt I rarely play, so she doesn’t have a whole lot of stuff.

Looking from the sales area to the main door, library. A little couch and lots of things placed to make it feel more like home. 

So that’s two homes done out of the one room inns. With the vault expander and the item that lets you add 100 extra items to your home, 200 is plenty if you’re not looking for something huge. There’s no reason why smaller homes can’t look just as fantastic as the larger ones. I have to admit, I love working on the smaller scale (this is actually carried over into my art work too, go figure). I had a huge amount of fun designing this house and I’m looking forward to adding to it.

So what will I work on next? It should either be Goudia (ratonga dirge) or Misako (gnome necromancer). I’m thinking the necromancer, since there’s just so much fun I can have with a gnome to begin with, let alone one obsessed with death who talks to her creations. It will probably be a one room Freeport house, since I’ve done the Qeynos Inns and Gorowyn Inns now. We’ll just have to see!

Happy 4th Birthday EverQuestII

You may remember the cake pictured above from the celebrations last year, EQ2’s 3rd anniversary. This year of course Sony is celebrating it again and there’s a party that everyone can go to on every server throughout the month of November.

“It’s EverQuest II’s 4th Birthday and you’re invited to a party! Don your most festive attire and commemorate the event with us in the Community Lounge, where you can share celebratory food and drink, enjoy the confetti machine, dance along with the maestro, and even have a pillow fight. Plus, you never know who might pop in to join in the fun!”

“Kiara, Amnerys and Grimwell from SOE’s Community Relations team will be hosting these special events according to the schedule below. Just see what date and time they’ll be on your server, look out for one of them to log in, then send them a /tell saying, “I want to party!” and you’ll be summoned to the celebration.”

11.12.08 5pm PST Najena

Of course I’ll be going. I think this is a very awesome event they’re putting on, and as I look over all of the days planned with parties, I wonder how tired the three SOE employees will be by the end of it. I’m hoping Nostalgia will be able to put up a fairly good showing (all 5 of us) and have a good time. Yes, that means Tipa too, even if I have to drag her away from Little Big Planet. 

Want to stop by and say hello? Interested in taking a peek at Nostalgia’s guild hall while you’re there? This would be the perfect opportunity to get together!

Just Playing Around

Didn’t turn out exactly how I had hoped, but spent another evening relaxing doing this instead of any gaming. 11,759 words into NaNoWriMo. Full version is of course far better and can be found here. There’s a million mistakes that I can see and 0 post work done, I want to add sparklies and what not to the version I have planned in my head. Was attempting my wood elf illusionist stargrace, who has that weird hair style of two little pom pom bits on either side. Background is actually a photograph of the sky today here in Ottawa. Hope everyone else had an amazing day gaming. 


Nomadic Gamer