Beckett MOG in game WAR Item

I posted previously about how Beckett MOG (Massive Online Gamer) had an in game item for those people who purchased Issue #15 for EverQuestII – but didn’t mention at the time (since I wasn’t playing WAR) that it also comes with an in game item for WAR. It’s a bracelet (shows a graphic ‘n everything) that’s purple – no idea if it can be salvaged. I was expecting to have some sort of /claim option to use it, but instead once I added the code to my WAR subscrption, logged into game and it was in my mailbox on the first character I logged in. I have no idea if that means it will be waiting there for all characters, or if that was a one time deal.

Like most ‘free’ in game items, it’s not that impressive to me. Or rather, aspects of it are not. It’s a 2 charge 5 minute buff for PvE. The +2 to all stats is pretty nice though. 

A huge thank you to Kasul who gave me his WAR code since he’s not playing. Since I can’t seem to find the dang magazine for sale up here in Canada yet. I am supposed to be on their mailing list, or so I was told when I started to write for Beckett, but the mail here seems to be slow, drawn by polar bears or some such. 

In any case, neat little item for those who bought the magazine. Combine that with the EQ2 in game house item, and a 3rd item that’s for a game I’ve never heard of before, and they’ve got quite a nice deal going on – not including the wonderful articles.

Little Big Planet – Preordered!

I’ve never really been a *huge* gamer. There’s a few games I play with a fair amount of frequency and they all have one component in common. They’re typically ‘creation’ type games. Games where you can use your creativity to build in some way shape or form. I loved The Sims – and not because I actually enjoyed the game all that much, but because I could spend hours and hours building whole scenes and worlds, families, neighbours. Houses. Decorating. (wonder where my EQ2 passion of housing comes from hmm?) I love spore not so much for the gameplay (though I do love that too) but for the creation process. Developing your own creatures and watching them progress due to choices you make for them. Creating space ships and cars, houses. That’s what I enjoy. The same can even be said about Civilization which I enjoy a great deal. Watching a city or town grow and expand, evolve based on the choices you’ve made for them – even if there’s no real creative design aspect to the game, it follows a similar path. 

So I’ve been eagerly waiting for Little Big Planet for the PS3 to release. Today it was time for a trip to EBGames, to finally preorder the game. Traded in three others that were getting little to no use (and got $90 store credit) so the preorder is paid in full. You also get a code for a kratos costume (pictured above) for your little sackboy. I had read that you can actually have 5 of these codes to give away to others, so there’s lots of trading going on, but I haven’t managed to confirm any of it yet. I admit I’m not QUITE up to date on my Little Big Planet information. 

I’m eager to jump into a world that the players control (to some degree) – and my only concern is that SOE will decide to pump this full of ‘pay to access’ content. I don’t mind if the costumes are something you have to pay for, but I really don’t want to see building aspects to a game I paid $60 for to be included in that whole ordeal. I know some of you are shaking your heads and thinking ‘but it’s sony…’ and that I should know better. I suppose we’ll see though.

If you’re going to be playing, please add my playstation network ID, it would be fantastic to see what people I know are creating. It should be fun!

The Kindness of Strangers

Yesterday while I hung out in Adunei working on my cultivation skill (basically I watch plants grow) and my apothecary skill – Torellis opened a trade window with me, and out of habit I closed it. Typically when people open a trade window with me and I don’t know them I assume it’s a mistake and they meant to click a vendor or trainer. Actually this time I thought it was me who had opened the window by mistake.

However, he opened it again, and in it placed a blue staff for me. It looked far nicer then the one I had been using for a few levels now. 

I don’t know who Torellis is, and I’m not sure I’ll ever come across them in game again but it really made my day. People talk about how kind their guilds are all the time – which is a given because, well who wants to be in a mean and stingy guild. Saylah from Mystic Worlds chattered some with me last night about how she’d gotten a few items from fellow CoW members and I think that it’s great that people are kind and generous. 

But there’s something oddly satisfying and special about being nice to someone you don’t even know, especially in a pvp game where you spend a grand portion of your time layin’ the smack down on the other side. (hey look, I’m trying here ok?) I sent Torellis a tell saying thank you (wow a real tell NOT from a gold farmer?!) and they replied with ‘np’ and that was the end of the conversation. They may have just been rolling around in tears laughing over my gimp gear, who knows. I like to think they were just being friendly. 

After spending a week and a half floundering around trying to decide what I wanted to play and where, I’ve come to the conclusion that my first attempt was the right one (for me). So I’ll be sticking with Stargrace on Averheim (In CoW) to level up, archmage seems fairly comfortable. I love being able to make potions, I use them all the time for all sorts of situations. It’s nice to be able to replenish health, or action points, or give myself extra buffs. Hopefully I can find a few talisman along the way to fill in those gear slots, or find a guild mate who’s doing it (or perhaps I’ll just start an alt for that). I’m level 8/7 as of yesterday, I’m hoping to inch my way closer to T2. I’ve got multiple characters hovering around that level range now, and it would be nice to stretch my legs and explore a bit more.

Lets talk about what games DO have, Instead

Lots of people spend time writing about what games don’t have. What’s wrong with them, what doesn’t work for them, I do it myself too. Before WAR released, most of my posts were about what games DO have, as opposed to what they do not have and I’d like to pick up on that again. There’s lots of negative vibes out there and like a bad accident, it’s hard to look away as you’re driving past. 

There’s one aspect to Vanguard that is probably key in keeping me coming back for more since release and that is the feeling that Telon is a world. An entire world. 

If you’re not used to the world, or you’re unsure of where to go I can see how the shear size of Telon would seem daunting – but. Is that not how it works in real life as well? The rifts allow for easier movement between hubs and quest areas, but a mount is really needed to get from point A to point B. Each ‘chunk’ covers a significant amount of land, and I absolutely love that you can explore every inch of it. 

In so many worlds it feels like the scenery is tacked on, that if you saw a glimmer off in the distance you’d be unable to reach it because it’s not really there, it’s just part of the background. However, enter Telon and when you see something way off in the distance, it’s actually there. I realize I’m doing a pretty poor job of explaining this concept and just how profoundly it affects me and my game play, but I’m trying. 

Each one of the three continents has a distinct feeling to it. Each one (minus Kojani which lacks content) lets adventurers travel from 1-50 with no trouble. Whether you’re battling undead in Thestra, or taking on tribes of cyclops in Qalia, it feels like you are a part of an entire world. The fact that Vanguard has ‘seamless’ zoning is fantastic. I realize it’s not quite as seamless as we’d all like. You still tend to hiccup as you cross over into another chunk, but it doesn’t distort the feeling of a world quite so much as having ‘zones’ to go everywhere does. I truly hope this is a feature that Vanguard is going to keep up with in the future, I’d hate for the game to lose that feeling. 

Owning an actual house, a plot of land that I pay ‘rent’ on in game is fantastic. I can see how it would not exactly be practical for popular games, after all you’d run out of land (maybe). Since plots of land are limited by account and not character, it makes things a little easier. Each character has a global ‘recall to house’ button if you own a home. Being able to walk down the hill from my house on Kojani and into the backyard of someone else’ house is just neat. Looking across little towns and collections of homes (remember, if you don’t pay your rent on your house it WILL get repossessed and you’ll lose the plot) and finding other people wandering through these areas is something I really enjoy. 

Kanad and I finally waved goodbye to the Isle of Dawn and took our adventurers elsewhere. I’m not sure what’s next, There are chains of quests for armor in both Thestra and Qalia, but I’ve done them a few times now so I’m thinking perhaps a change of pace may be nice. Then there’s working on crafting and getting faction up for recipes… and diplomacy.

The craft channel and dip(lomacy) channel are typically filled with chatter and people helping one another, while the continental channels are filled with.. well, what every other game has on their channels. The subjects don’t differ between games. It’s still a shame that the launch was absolutely horrible, and then spiraled for a time before finally at least slowly rising. The changes that have been implemented over the past few months have been fantastic. Character models, flying mounts, racial mounts, broken quests fixed, etc. At least there’s progress being made and for me, that’s enough.

Please don’t step on me Mr. Rhino!

While I may have a good number of level 80 characters myself – there are still reasons to explore content aside from working up (yet another) alt. One main reason of course is friends. Kasul was 20% away from level 78, a huge accomplishment on his part. I offered to help him get the last 20% he needed, and gladly relogged to Petites, my 76 templar. Templars (as most people who play know) can rarely dps their way out of a wet paper bag, and that’s when the bag is wide open. Sure, it can be done, but it’s VERY slow. It’s better now that there are a few dps spec’s out there and some better gear, but I follow the age old tradition that a healer, heals (unless they’re morphed into some hybrid class such as the blood mage from VG or the disciple in WAR etc). Anyhow. 

We made our way through Fens of Nathsar, pinging off a few heroic quests each of us had. One attempt left us both dead and licking our wounds. Did you get the name of that truck? The mob may have been blue ^^^ heroic to us, but he hit like an epic. After clearing out a few simple quests we headed to Kunzar Jungle – where I had not finished a single quest in the entire zone. I grabbed some sokokar posts, and thankfully Kazul was patient while we ran around getting various updates that I needed. 

Petites managed 20% of experience in the same amount of time that Kasul got his, which was great. I really didn’t want to linger in RoK for too long, those quests still bring back horrid memories. Hey, it can hardly be blamed, I do have an 80 warden dirge coercer, 78 illusionist, 76 templar, 61 necromancer and 47 monk. Not to mention 5 level 80 crafters. I’m so eager for the next expansion just so that I have something to do other then leveling alts. Oh, and I’m eager about those guild halls, too. Kasul and I managed to complete a few writs while we were adventuring, although now 15,000 personal experience (1,500 guild) is barely moving us .8% each time. Ouch. Going to have to get back to grinding out those last two levels!

Nomadic Gamer