2008 Summer Olympic Opening Ceremony

I’m not huge on sports, aside from hockey which is a given, but I do love the Olympics. This year is the 29th summer Olympics, and I watched (and am still watching) the opening ceremonies right now. Our Canadian athletes made their way across the stadium floor and it’s hard not to burst into cheers from my living room.

We qualified for 25/28 of the events, missing out on Volleyball, Handball, and Basketball. I was sad to hear about the basketball bit, though there are reasons behind it (like our main athlete not wanting to partake this year because he’s been so many times before, and is just so busy).

I loved the beauty of the ceremony. I loved what was done with the ‘footprint’ fireworks leading up to the building, it was great to watch and I got chills. All of the cultural aspects were well done as well.

It’s not the winter Olympics.. but for now it will do. Vancouver in 2010, see you there!

Nostalgia heads to Veksar for some Undead Lovin’

“Shortly after the Shissar were run out of Kunark, a resort by the name of Veksar was built by the Kylong Iksar Tribe. After standing upon a lake in the middle of Kunark for nearly 1,000 years, Veksar was destroyed by the dragon Garudon, and sunk to the bottom of what is now known as the Lake of Ill Omen.

Now beneath the surface of the lake, Veksar is inhabited by sealife and the spirits of those killed in the incident. It is said that the spirit of the dragon Garudon also resides somewhere in the ruins. Only few adventurers who have chosen to trespass in to Veksar’s confines have been able to return to tell about it.” – Allakhazam

Last night Nostalgia headed to Veksar, a day early since Tipa is away tomorrow. The night started out much like it always does, a few of us gathered early and decided to just camp the entrance, filled with bloodgill shaman and warriors. A named did wander by, dropping an upgrade for my beastlord (though it would have been an upgrade to my druid as well). I ended up boxing for the evening, which I don’t mind in the slightest, since I’ve got three characters in the appropriate level ranges, if there’s room, why not (as long as it doesn’t cause wipes, cough cough). Warmnungar, Rogbog, and I stayed there for a bit until Tipa logged in, and we continued to wack away at encounters. Mantis joined us, an enchanter (to which I was eternally greatful for, since we’ve lost our Gnewton, not that he’s replaceable at all. I’d give some organs to see him returned).

I started out playing Qutey, but we didn’t have a cleric (Coldheat) like we usually do either, so as more people started showing up I swapped out for Ishbel who I’d neglected to level past 52. Experience in zones that are not hot zones, are actually quite slow. Ishbel went from 52 to 70% through 53 in the time she was there, and that was with using lesson of the devoted, which boosts your exp gain for 30 minutes. We did have a LOT of fun though. The monk and druid who typically join up were there as well, so we split into two groups. My group kept camping the shop area and the golems outside. We only spawned one named, the Behemoth, which dropped a robe for Mantis.

We also got one piece of defiant gear to drop, leather gloves. Aside from that, lots and lots of weapons that you can turn in for faction.

I’ve farmed and camped Veksar for months at a time in the past with a good friend of mine, so going back certainly held some very fond memories. There was an 80 beastlord in the zone going after some clicky summon pet that I will have to look into. Group two also spawned a named but it.. vanished, after a 65 rogue wandered into the zone. Not too hard to tell what happened there.

Each one of my characters is sitting at around 9aa or so which is not a great amount, but I’ve been trying to level them up as well as work on those aa. I believe the level cap may be raising to 60, or perhaps we’ll be staying at 55 for another week, I’m not certain. Once the cap is raised to 60 I know we’ll be spending at least two months at that level, which is fantastic. Perhaps I’ll get some crafting done too. Next week, we’re off to hate!

You’re so vain..

The only thing I like more then trying to find outfits for my characters, is perhaps trying to find hats for them. Since it’s not likely that I’ll be attending any T7 raids any more or T6 where class specific gear dropped with nifty graphics, I’ve had to scrounge some what. I know there are legendary quested class hats that my troubador has yet to complete – but I forget what the graphic on these were. I may be thinking of the dirge one. Since they get everything else that’s cool (stoneskin, rez, parry mods, dps mods) it would only make sense that they have the cool hat too. At least in my eyes.

I did manage to find a troubador only hat from vaults though, the legendary ones that drop at the end of the instance. Pictured above on Goudia, who’s taken to hiding out in dark elf form so she doesn’t scare too many people away as a ratonga. It’s so hard to get a good meal when the bartender keeps trying to shoo you out of the restaurant.

I’m a sucker for the feathered caps, what can I say. They just look so neat.

Speaking of neat, if you haven’t taken a look at the revamped heritage quests yet, go visit the shady swashbuckler on the docks of Nektulos forest and see what they’re looking like now. This charm slot item used to have almost no stats. Now it’s something I would have seriously considered wearing (before they came out with the legendary provisioner made charm items). Very handy for the level that this quest is granted at.

The Cloak of Flames is another heritage quest that’s really been upgraded for the better. I’ve actually never completed this quest on a single one of my characters, and so that’s my goal for today. If not to complete it, then at least to finish collecting the pages that drop for it. Since it should be grey to me now, I’m hoping it doesn’t present too much of a problem. But I am a troubador, so you never know.

Tonight Nostalgia is meeting for some Veksar fun. I’m really looking forward to it, this is one of my favorite zones and I spent a lot of time there in the past. Even though the basic drops (aside from haste items) may not be complete upgrades since all the defiant stuff that’s floating around, it’ll still be wonderful to go back. Qutey is who I’m playing these days. While I was having fun on the cleric, I’d already leveled a cleric and obtained the epic, so I wanted to try to do something new. Qutey has started her druid 1.0 and I’ll be continuing on that. She’s up to 8aa now I believe, and Nala just reached her first four. Not exactly the fastest of things to obtain for me, at least not when I box. Have I mentioned yet that I’m excited about tonight? Well, I certainly am.

Can’t Believe it Either

I didn’t mean to, it started out as a complete acciddent. Well, maybe not quite.

I created another alt. A dirge this time, to experience the other side of the coin. While a lot of people make alts, I only know a handful who make alts that are the other side of the character they already have. I love enchanters, and I have both an illusionist, and a coercer. I like my troubador – in concept, but dislike the way she’s never wanted on groups. So I decided to make a dirge.

Level 23 and rising so far. I’ve been a low level dirge, Goudia betrayed back and forth a handful of times before I settled her as a troubador at level 60 or so.

Remember that GU thing where SOE implimented smart loot for adepts and masters? Well, if you have a level 80 in the group mentoring, it does not seem to work. Kasul and I grouped on our lowbies, and chests that dropped were for either myself or him. It was great. Even alone I was getting useful chests. With the Shadowknight mentored though, I was getting everything under the sun.

Not that I can complain, I did manage to get 21 masters yesterday running through Wailing Caverns and Stormhold. Fun? You bet. I also managed to get two fabled bits of gear.

Rez, stoneskin, and a hate transfer, plus a parry buff. Sounds pretty nice to me. Does this mean the end of my troubador? We’ll see. Perhaps in the next expansion troubadors will get something that makes me a valuable aspect of a group instead of just a buff bot on a raid.

Void Storm Worries

They say you worry less when it doesn’t happen in your home land. That issues are easier to push aside and neglect, and they lay there forgotten until such a time where you are forced to look, given no choice. Such was the way with the void storms, too. At least for me.

There had been reports and rumors for months now about these creatures who wrap themselves in darkness, although located all over Norrath most of the stories I heard came from the two great cities, Freeport and Qeynos. I rarely ventured out of the hold of Gorowyn these days, covered from head to foot in sawdust and other random crafting particles. Months went by while people claimed villagers were setting up camps at the temple of life, and praying for a savior for Norrath. Still, I ignored these warnings.

Perhaps I’d have been better off had I paid them heed, though it chills my bones to say as much out loud.

So when the call came up in Gorowyn from Guide Rosange, I again barely paid it heed. Void beasts in Gorowyn? Within the city itself? They must be mistaken.

Kasul, a long time loyal friend and companion, tugged on my arm while I was at my crafting station, insisting we check it out. I rolled my eyes slightly and decided to humour the sarnak, knowing full well I’d been neglecting our friendship to persue splinters and wood chips. Together we made our way to the base of Gorowyns vast hold, and along the far side, pressed against a wall, stood Rosange. Not ten feet away from her, a void beast and a monstrous cloud that thundered and cracked and shook everything near it like a leaf.

“We must go help!” Kasul started heading straight towards the massive thunder clouds, ignoring the fact that the very ground beneath his feet threatened to send him sprawling.

I agreed, and walking along the outside rim, made myself to the frightened Rosange. Never before had I felt like such a fool for ignoring the warnings. Kasul drew out his daggers to fight the beasts head on, they started coming at us two at a time. I did my best to mutter incantations and before long was lost in the dance of my powers. The world spun and danced around me, a mired of coloured rainbows.

When at last I came to and got a hold of myself once more, bodies of void beasts darker then night itself scattered the floor. Kasul was grinning slightly, in a way that only sarnak can manage. Rosange looked horrified at us, as though we were the ones who were tormenting my sacred city of Gorowyn, and not these beasts. She thanked us, offering some coin from a purse strapped to her side, which we each took, not at all ashamed at claiming a reward.

I headed back upstairs to the safety of my crafting machines, aching for the scent of sawdust again. Void Storms in Gorowyn? Who’d have honestly been able to foresee this. It did not sit well with me, not at all. I feared for not only myself, my friends and what little family I had remaining, but also for Norrath.

Nomadic Gamer