February 2009

A little DoN, TBS, Leveling, and DoD

Last night saw a little bit of everything as my happy little trio headed to Lavastorm to start and finish off the Tier2 DoN mission. We finished off the solo quests and then it was time for what once would have been a 24-person raid against Emoush – a huge swirling mass of bits. The encounter was not especially difficult, but it was not really made for three people. You can’t bring mercenaries on the fight because it’s considered a raid zone. Basically there are three guards who surround Emoush, and you have to killl them all at once before he becomes vulnerable to your attacks. Once they’re down you’ve got a timed encounter to defeat him. Well, my group consisted of a shadowknight, a monk, my enchanter and my necromancer. The monk and shadowknight are 75+ but my own characters are still quite a bit lower. Needless to say we were a little lacking in the DPS department and so we’d get the little guards down and then work Emoush down to half way or so, and those little guards pop back up alive and well.

You spend more time working those guards down while Emoush grows in power and regens his hit points – exceptionally frustrating! If you don’t get him down to 0% in the next round or so, he grows harder and gains more power and more hit points each round. My little trio was fighting him for the better part of an hour, just barely hanging in there before we all ran out of power and had to call off our first attempt. We buffed back up and headed back in where we vanquished him without too much problem at all. 

The free aa we got from this was a hp/mana/end buff (that stays constant as part of your stats) and 2 free aa, plus flagging for the next portion which I don’t believe we’re going to do. We all also received a new spell to add to our collections. 

After that we headed off to TBS (the buried sea) to work on faction and do missions. The servers had been re-set the night before, and apparently the way the missions work is that you earn less orux (I believe that is the term) for repeating the same missions over and over again. You’ll eventually wear down their worth. We found one mission that was worth 150 of the currency for that expansion, and so we proceeded to work on that a few times. The mission was a lot of fun, you make your way to a room filled with chests and in the center stands a Sphinx. You have to unlock chests in a proper combination while the Sphinx spawns mobs on you that take on characteristics of those chests. It was a lot of fun and some times very intense as my little trio battled the rock monsters. A good time was had by all though.

In fact, so much of a good time that Nocbot (as our cleric bot is termed) finally hit level 80, and Ultann hit level 82. My own characters earned a few aa and hit level 73 and 71 respectively. I haven’t looked into their spells yet, but that will be next on my list. 

Once we had dinged, we headed back to DoD for a quick mission to obtain another spell that was released in that expansion. I haven’t actually picked it up yet, so I’ll be doing that today. I also picked up all the components I need to start crafting myself some misty thicket picnic baskets. It seems that a high level crafter was also working up their skill because on the vendor in the baking section of Crescent Reach there was 1,000 of the food bits just sitting there. 1g each. Wow what a deal! It literally felt like christmas as I purchased them all and stashed away a bunch in the guild. I put a bunch on broker as well for 5p a piece, a little profit to cover what I’d spent buying them all off of the merchant. It’s little things like that that I enjoy the most about EQ. I LOVE being able to buy other people’s junk that they’ve sold to the vendor. 

Not sure what today is going to hold game-wise, but tonight I’m making a nice roasted chicken and some mashed potatoes and gravy and little green onions, so please feel free to stop by!

Alice the Camel in Telon

I decided to peek into Telon today, it’s been a little while. Not because I don’t adore the game, I always have (even at launch with a billion bugs) but I just don’t have enough hours in a day to do everything I’d like to do. I’m fairly certain that everyone suffers from this. 

Anyhow, the first thing I always do is log in and gate to my house to make sure it’s still standing (hey, I worked HARD on that T5 house!) and add a little more coin to the upkeep. I’ve owned the house since March of 2008, and was pleased to see it still standing. My Christmas tree is still set up in it in fact. One of these days I’ll actually level my carpenter up and be able to add more furniture to the place. 

My characters in Vanguard are all on the Seradon server:

  • Faydai – 44 Half Elf Bloodmage, 47 Artificer (Mineralogy) 
  • Arysh – 18 Kojani Human Warrior, 17 Blacksmith (Weaponsmith)
  • Minxes – 15 Thestran Human Bard, 14 Artificer (Carpenter)
  • Ysandria – 19 High Elf Psionicist, 5 Outfitter (Tailor)
  • Ishbel – 23 Dark Elf Disciple, 23 Outfitter (Leatherworker)
  • Qutey – 14 Raki Paladin, 10 Blacksmith (Armorer) 
  • Petites – 4 Halfling Cleric

As I logged them each in to check sales I noticed something that must have slipped by me in the notes. Vanguard has appearance slots now! Woohoo. Not that I’ve actually used them (yet) but some of my characters (Ysandria in particular) are wearing some massively disgusting gear. I’m looking forward to finding something pretty (which is some times a challenge) to wear over top of her ‘battle’ gear. 

I also noticed that I had a new item I could claim that I’d never seen before. In this item are gem slots, I assume for some sort of attunement. Something else I’d never heard of before. Since my highest character is (at this moment) only level 44, I decided not to claim it yet. I can’t wear it until 50 anyhow. I don’t have the faintest idea how the gem slots work or where I obtain them from but I’m looking forward to figuring it all out. That’s one of the best parts of Vanguard to me, trying to figure it all out and put it together. I don’t have to know everything about the game in order to play it. Eventually I’ll figure it out.

The game was quite busy this morning when I logged in, at 8am EST there was a pick up raid for Jagund looking for 3 more before they’d be full. Players were talking in channels (as always) and even the craft channel was showing signs of life. All things I love to see, especially at 8am on a Friday. 

There have been other changes in game and content released for players, more polishing going on of course. I found it amazing that within the city of Aghram which typically lags me to no end and I barely manage 5fps, I was hitting 50fps even around corners. My house was giving me 180fps, a number I’d never even seen in game before. 

I decided to take things easy and before jumping right back on my bloodmage, took a peek at my second favorite character, which is my psionicist. Looking through her quest journal (and gear) I realized she had never done any of the URT missions (United Races of Thestra), which reward some pretty nice gear at lower levels. I took her to Renton Keep and called for her trusty camel, and set off to spend the morning working on those. It didn’t take very long to get back into my pattern, and since the quests are now green, it took barely any time to complete them. 

I may level up my level 4 cleric who is still on the Isle of Dawn, I really love that starter area. It’s so beautiful and the quest rewards (and gear) are quite astounding. I’ve never really been into the cleric in Vanguard because when I first started playing they were (quite literally) everywhere, so maybe I’ll free up a character slot and create something new. Ah, yes, alt fever, it never quite goes away!

It’s one of those great lazy Fridays that I enjoy even more then the actual weekend, and it’s RAINING out (see that, rain, not snow!) for the first time in a very long time. Sure, tomorrow it’s supposed to be -4F again (-20C) but hey, I’ll take what I can get. 

I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday, and I’ll see you in Norrath Telon, or where ever I happen to wander these days.

A Night Off

Last night my little trio was supposed to head to Lavastorm and continue on with the DoN progression quests – however I wasn’t really in the mood to work on those (it happens) and so I decided to create two alts (one on each account) and play around on those for a little bit. Ultann and Ninga also came to play on alts, and we had a lot of fun. 

I created a gnome paladin so I could do some tinkering (love crafting, so much) and a halfling ranger so I could do some foraging (and have track available and what not). Ninga created a drakkin bard and twinked him out, Ultann had a low level paladin already waiting, so we set off to the top floor of Crescent Reach and killed bats and rats until we were big enough to kill zombie and skeletons, and then moved off to the bear caves. Hot zones don’t start until level 20, and the first one is Stonebrunt which can be difficult to fight in, so we stayed in CR for the time being. By the time my eyes were threatening to close we had reached level 15, which was pretty nice. I’ll probably spend a little time today shopping for some gear and purchasing spells for the two characters, maybe work up some skills. 

Tonight being Friday (woohoo weekend!) We’ll get back to playing the big’uns and continue with our DoN progression. I’m looking forward to earning a few more aa and excited about unlocking the next round of ‘special’ DoN aa that gives 250 health and mana. 

March is just around the corner, and with it the 10th anniversary for EQ. I’m excited to be playing this year, I have to admit. I’ve never really been around for the fabled events, and I know a little bit more about what will be happening since I asked the EQ team in San Diego. What are they? You’ll just have to log into EQ to see!

I hope everyone has an incredible Friday, no matter your game of choice. See you in Norrath (and more then likely Telon for a while today)!

Tier2 DoN Progression

I spent most of yesterday (and I will today as well) transcribing the remainder of my SOE interviews that I did while in San Diego, so I didn’t have a whole lot of time to play. Ultann and Ninga logged in and we decided to start working our faction for the Dark Reign again – of course it seems that I missed a very small part of the progression that may (or may not) have made this all easier. 

Apparently once you finish tier one and obtain your 2aa and new special aa (grants you +10 to all of your stats for no cost, constantly) you need to hail the commander once more, and say the key word (work) in order to get your flag for the next tier. In fact zam specifically says: 

Head back to the Commander and speak with him. This will flag you for the next step in progression. You will also get flagged for the Tirranun raid (not required for progression). “

Well, I didn’t do that nor did I suggest to my friends that they do it. So when we could not get the next portion, I assumed it was because we needed faction (and I’d read further down in the post that mentioned something about needing amiable with the Dark Reign before progressing further). We spent the majority of the evening working on creator missions (which are fast) and alternating with another mission. I didn’t mind because it was a nice amount of aa for Minxes – I kept Kameeko parked in Lavastorm to turn in the faction tokens. 

After growing increasingly frustrated, by a random chance Ultann happened to hail the captain and say his text and then received his flag, and spoke with the next npc in line who very easily gave him the next tier of progression quests. Woopsie. 

It still was a fun night – I hope everyone else had fun too and doesn’t hate me too much for all that work we did. 

So tonight we’ll be working on Tier2 for real – and why are we even doing these older expansions? Well first of all they’re still all fairly new to me. I have done the DoN missions before but not the faction or the main quest arc that went along with it. Getting spells and aa and unique aa is a lot of fun, and hey, why not! The goal for tonight is the following bit of quest (taken from the walk through at Zam) 

Tier 2: Tenacity of the Dark Reign 

Speak with Officer Sirrikus Ryktor and receive three tasks: 

“Army of Stone” — Loot five Animated Guardian Essences from Stillmoon Temple 
“Blood from Sand” — Loot seven Impure Goblin Bloods from Stillmoon Temple 
“Reap the Kirin Mind” — Loot three Pristine Kirin Brains from The Ascent 

Head back to the Commander and speak with him to receive a flag. Now speak to Officer Vacax Rol`Tas, who gives you yet another mission: 

“Drake Eggs” — In The Ascent, kill drakes until you are able to loot a Drake Egg. This will spawn a Goblin Guard at the zone-in. Kill him, and give the Drake Egg to Celrak Blightblood in the Lavastorm Mountains. Upon doing so, your task is completed and you receive 29-38 Ebon Crystals and a Dark Reign Token. 

Speak with Captain Aleeth Zyrv to gain information on the Calling Emoush raid event. 

“Calling Emoush” is a 24-player raid event in Tirranun’s Delve. A fairly straight forward event, you need to kill Emoush’s three guards and then take him out. Loot a Glowing Stone Fragment his corpse. Bring this to the Commander for a flag and: 
-Two AAs 
-Tenacity of the Dark Reign (250 hp/mana/end) 
-Your 69th level spell/tome. 

Class – Spell/Skill 
Bard – Spell: Storm Blade 
Beastlord – Spell: Growl of the Panther 
Berserker – Tome of Destroyer’s Volley 
Cleric – Spell: Blessed Touch (scribes as Ward of Retribution spell) 
Druid – Spell: Earthen Embrace (scribes as Serpent Vines spell) 
Enchanter – Spell: Rune of Rikkukin 
Magician – Spell: Summon: Molten Orb 
Monk – Tome of Dragon Fang 
Necromancer – Spell: Shadow Orb 
Paladin – Tome of Guard of Righteousness 
Ranger – Spell: Earthen Shackles 
Rogue – Tome of Assassin’s Feint 
Shadowknight – Tome of Soul Shield 
Shaman – Spell: Spirit of the Panther 
Warrior – Tome of Cyclone Attack 
Wizard – Spell: Claw of Vox

It should be a lot of fun, and needless to say I’ll try to read the quest information a little clearer next time so we don’t end up spending the evening grinding faction mindlessly for no reason at all. Sorry about that again guys!

I’ve been having a lot of fun playing EQ again. A few friends have been giving me some jeers about playing such an old game (happy 10th birthday almost!) but it really does give a sense of accomplishment when you take down an encounter or work on crafting or obtain a difficult flag. Since it was my very first ‘true’ MMO it holds that special place in my heart that no other game can come close to. That’s not to say that I won’t be playing other games (I’d like to get some Vanguard time in soon and I will be working on a 14-day project for work with regards to Final Fantasy XI) but for my leisure time for now, EQ is where I’m at. 

See you in Norrath!

So you Want to be a Freelance Writer

(( A little bit of a personal rant by yours truly, if you’re looking for game posts skip this one entirely please! )) 

The question comes up from time to time in regards to my freelance writing: How did I get here. How did it happen, what did I do. Sure, these questions are typically posed by family and close friends, but it all counts, right? Without coming across as some egotistical snot, I decided I’d write a few of my own personal hints and tips on the matter. These by NO MEANS imply that if you follow them you’ll start getting paid to write tomorrow – they are just my own personal suggestions for those who may be interested. 

Keep in mind that I’m still VERY new at this. I’ve been writing for Beckett Massive Online Gamer (magazine) since August of last year, and MMORPG.com (web site) for only a month, two at the most. My blog I’ve had for a number of years now, though I’m not directly paid in any form – I do believe that I’ve been indirectly paid (which I’ll get into later). These may seem like pretty obvious things to do, and if you have other suggestions please feel free to comment!

Be consistent, and persistent. This is probably my number one motto. It’s taken me three years to make it this far, I’ve written pretty much every single day for those three years with a few days off here and there. If you want to get into the field you have to show that you can be relied on and that you’re not going to just disappear off of the face of the planet without some sort of warning to your audience (no matter the size). Even on days when I had nothing to say, I tried to come up with a relevant post. I realize that some days it’s better off just to say nothing at all, but I truly do try to write every day. 

Write what you know, what you’re comfortable with. I can not stress this enough. If you’ve read anything I’ve written on this site in specific, you’ll see I have a pretty simple method of writing. It doesn’t typically change from post to post. I write about my experiences gaming on a day to day basis and I write about the games I play. There are times I’m requested to write about something I don’t know a whole lot about – but it’s still focusing on the game industry and there’s always lots of research involved. I don’t consider myself to be very much of (what I term) a journalistic reporter. I don’t write about the ups and downs of industries, or coorperate matters. I do write about the people behind the games, the emotions and feelings games evoke, and other things along those subjects. Does it limit me? Sure it does, but it’s what I know and it’s what I’m comfortable writing. That does not mean that styles don’t change and that my writing won’t evolve over the course of time (it always does) or even that you shouldn’t step outside of your box when you’re thinking of a path to take. If you’re not comfortable writing in a particular style, it will be apparent to your readers and they will (eventually) call you out on it. 

Cater to a niche. This one has good and bad points, and some people may not want to do it at all, but it’s what has personally worked for me. My ‘main’ site (MmoQuests.com) is a site about my exploration through games – MMOs in specific. While I do throw in other posts from time to time (my artwork, rambles, posts like this one) the main bulk of my writing is all about games and very specific games at that, games I’m playing or have played. If your web site covers everything from cooking to gaming to cars and doesn’t settle on at least a general ‘topic’ it is harder for people to notice what you write about, and then contact you based on what they’ve read. Friends, family, and fellow bloggers will of course be eager to read all of that but the general internet audience may not. Streamlining things a little bit is not so bad. I’ve got my main site and my personal site so I don’t clutter too much (of course it happens, I’m not perfect!). 

Network. You may not like twitter (just one example, I know there are lots of social networking platforms and instruments this day in age), and you may not like linking people off of your site but these are the bread and butter of my writing career. You have to get noticed somehow and while it’s great to think that you will be noticed by your writing alone, that is not always the case. I do have a few rules for myself, such as I don’t link anyone off of my site if I don’t read their site on a fairly constant basis. I also didn’t go around asking to exchange links. I’m not saying that either of these things are bad if you do them, but they were just not the path I wanted to take. It also made things much slower for me in regards to networking. People love to read opinions. They love to read news. They love to read all sorts of things. 

Networking is a big deal to me on multiple levels. First of all it’s allowed me to interact and meet some of the most amazing people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. It’s also how I got started writing to begin with, I owe being contacted by Beckett to Tipa from West Karana, she was writing for Massively at the time. MMORPG.com actually contacted me through a friend who saw my facebook status. It’s not always fun being social when you’d rather just be left alone, but it’s how you get your name (and your work) out. I’ve never really cared too much about networking until I started doing freelance. I was always very passionate and wrote for me, and just for me. I still write for me, but I really want to see where I can take this, and what I can do with it. If writing ends up being a huge flop then that’s alright, at least I tried. Without getting my foot in the door I’d have no idea. 

Find your style. I’ve already mentioned that I write a particular way. It’s rare that I’ll rant and rave (though it DOES happen) and I try to be polite and refrain from ‘rage’ writing. I’ve been called a ‘care bear’ before because of my style but it doesn’t get to me since it’s just the way I am. If you find a style that works for you, and you enjoy writing that way, then by all means hone in on it. 

Luck. I personally think a lot of my writing has progressed just through luck. Sure, I did the above things but it just happened to be me writing in the right place at the right time about the right thing. When I think back some times I ask myself ‘wow, why are they paying ME to write?!’ like it’s some sort of joke. I never expected it, and I sort of just fell into it. 

In the end: A few other random things to keep in mind, like the work load involved. If you want to get your name out there you have to expect to do a lot of work for some times very little return. It’s all about long term progress though (at least for me). I feel that my web site has paid for itself in the simple fact that I am paid to write a little now and had I not started that site all those years ago, I would not be where I am. No, I don’t make enough to make a living off of my writing alone. This is a start for me though, it’s my foot in the door. Of course I want more, I want to move up and progress even further. Will I get to? I’ve got no idea. It’s all new to me and I stumble around as much as the next person. I don’t have the faintest idea how to go from where I am to where I want to be. It’s an exciting (stressful) ride. The excitement of working under deadlines (oh gawd how I have learned to work under deadlines) and making yourself available and flexible for your editors is an incredible rush and it may not be for everyone – if it’s not, that’s ok too. There’s no rules set in stone for this line of work which can be both a blessing and a curse. 

When it comes right down to it, it doesn’t matter if I’m writing for anyone else as long as I keep doing what I enjoy, first. It’s not fun to write if you don’t enjoy the basics.