Ellithia and Arysh found themselves homeless (guild drama always sucks) sitting outside the steps where their home once used to be. While they were contemplating what to do next and what course of action to take (if any) two kind guides came along. On the roleplay front I don’t think these two knew that I was playing both characters, but it was still a lot of fun. They mentioned to me that they were wandering around proving to Lucan D’Lere that he would not be able to stop people from marrying one another, no matter who they were. 

So the two kind guides asked if I would mind marrying my two characters to one another. At first I declined, after all who wants to deal with the hair balls of a Kerran or the flimsy features of a wood elf. They were quite persistent and in the end who doesn’t simply want to be loved. So it was that these two married my mystic and my coercer. Here’s the exact text.

  • Altheah: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Arysh and Ellithis in marriage.
  • Ellithia: I think not!
  • Altheah: Ellithia, won’t you take Arysh as your lawful, er kerra…to have and to hold…in sickness and in health, Til death do you part?
  • Ellithia: No! Not even if you paid me a million plat. I have an aversion to hairballs..
  • Altheah: And you, Arysh, won’t you take this lovely, er wood elf…to have and to hold in sick ness and in health?
  • Arysh: YES! Yes I will. I will marry her, I love her!
  • Altheah: For you, from your friendly neighborhood dark elf, Guide Altheah.

Of course then Bledlynn had to break out in song as Altheah married Exodium who is a friend of mine. I could do nothing but sit there and smile and try to hold onto my lunch as the troll belted out their lyrics. 

OHHHHH…. Give me a home where the hob-gob-lins roam, and the treants and spiders all play. And scream-ing is heard…. from dis-cour-a-ging birds… And the skies are purple clouded all day.  HOME! HOME ON THE PLANES! Where the treants and spiders all play! And scream-ing is heard… from dis-cour-a-ging birds. And the skies are purple clouded all daaaaay’.


Ah. It is  fantastic to be back in Norrath. 

3 thoughts on “Guide Bledlynn and Guide Altheah”
  1. Love the song :) Sorry to hear about the guild drama, though :( Back in Najena, we finished three HQs (two for Ettie and one for Naiman) last night, and thanks to all those rad harvests, Dinah hit 70 tailoring and I scribed my shard armor book! Ettie made level 50 as well, and I think both Kasul and Dinah got an AA point out of our DFC run.

    Sentry Goorlux is a jerk, btw.

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