February 16, 2009

LDoN Raid – The Sunken Library

When LDoN (Lost Dungeons of Norrath) came out I thought it was the greatest thing ever. This was back in September of 2003. I loved the way people grouped up to do them, and their difficulty. While I was never as amazing as some people at them they were still a lot of fun for me. I remember trying to coerce people into doing certain ones so I could save up my points to get very specific spells. Healers would hog the ones they needed so they could get theirs. Healers pretty much controlled the groups since you couldn’t do anything without one. The ones in North Ro I typically avoided because the creatures would mez and charm a whole lot, and it hurt. The Butcherblock vampire ones were the easiest, and the ones I had the most experience doing. Even when Nostalgia started up last April we did LDoN a few times and wave after wave of memories washed over me. 

I never knew there were LDoN raids.

Apparently, they were not that popular. I’m not exactly sure why. The zone would consist of no more then 54 people and as I wandered through last night I wondered how they even fit. Tipa explained to me that raids would typically split their force in order to clear the zone in time. When these dungeons were new, the level cap was 65. Now it’s 85 and as we made our way through I still thought to myself “wow, this is just so neat”. I talk to people all the time about how in EQ2 nothing really seems “bigger” then the players. For me personally, nothing gives me that “wow, maybe we can’t beat this” feeling. Especially with raids being so small. Amasing such a huge amount of people to take down a god actually felt like we were taking down a GOD in EQ. It’s been a feeling I’ve missed a great deal. 

So it was that me and my two partners in crime found ourselves facing Geomancer Paara. The group consisted of 80 Magician, 79 (grats on the ding!) Monk, a boxed 79 cleric, and myself as a 72 rogue. 

It took a while to burn through all of the trash, and take care of the ‘fake’ named in the zone, all of the guards that protected the area, but we did it and it wasn’t bad experience. The encounters were anywhere from light blue to dark blue to me – aside from two named and then the final named which were yellow and then RED to me. The final boss of the zone was an even con to a level 80. This was going to be FUN!

Well, we didn’t manage to beat the final encounter. We did pretty dang well though for something that is supposed to require 54 people and still con’d so high to us. The named has a few nasty dots that go off, a blind being one, as well as spawning adds that decided to eat the healer (and me) and then as the monk and magician duo’d everything for a while it slowly went downhill. We gave the encounter two great attempts before the timer triggered telling us we’d only have five minutes to finish up. A lot of +7 augments dropped, and some crafting trash as well as other odds and ends, I really had a great time even in this older content. Afterwards my friends were talking about trio’ing some of the old PoP gods, and I just sort of stared at them and said “we can do that?!” – back when I did PoP those raids were so intimidating to me and they were my first raids ever in any game. Needless to say, I hold them in pretty high regard. It’s great to be playing again.

Dreadspire Keep, Ashengate, and Loping Plains

Groceries and some family things took up a portion of my day yesterday, but today is a holiday (woohoo) so it’s still relaxing. In the US I know this day goes by President’s Day (I believe at least) while here in Canada the official name for it is “Family Day”. Basically there were no holidays in February so they made this one up. Not that I’m complaining! Yesterday in game was another round of ‘firsts’ for me. My necromancer is almost level 40. On the side I’ve been trying to level her up because while I enjoy the rogue, I am far more of a caster class when it comes to personality. Be it a healer or a mage sort. I still want to be able to do things ‘with the big kids’ hence the rogue. 

While I was leveling up the necromancer a very kind Paladin by the name of Hystorm came by and buffed me and my pet. While they were in Skyfire (I was in The Overthere) a necromancer level 51 spell dropped and they came all the way back just to give it to me. It was very kind of them and made me realize why I love EQ so much. The community is completely different then any other game I have seen. I belong to the general channels and I’ve never had to turn them off. I’ve not seen anyone be rude or crass or outright mean. Everyone is still talkative and there were (at least last night) over 250 people on these channels. It is so nice and refreshing to see. 

Anyhow, I really appreciated this stranger helping me out. Once Ultann and Ninga were around it was time to play a little. We headed to so many places that I’ve never been. One of my favorites was Dreadspire Keep – apparently this zone involves Mistmoore some how but I don’t know enough about the background story. It was great fun wandering around shrouded until I fell through a trap (rug on the floor) in the dinning room and then as I was wandering around some drachnid something saw me and before I knew it I was staring at my corpse on the floor. Thank goodness I have two wonderful friends (and a cleric mercenary) who were willing to come after my corpse and rez me. 

We also explored portions of Loping Plains. Since EQ2 is 500 years after The Shattering, I had to chuckle to myself that I was seeing the EQ version of Loping Plains well after I saw the EQ2 version of the zone. There’s a lot of zones that are like that for me now. I believe the zone is a hot zone, and if not there were certainly a lot of people around (23+) who were exploring. We managed to find a little camp to set up in and spent a few hours pulling wolves and wereorcs. Their transformation graphic was neat to watch as the morphed into their wereorc counterparts, but after a few hours it was time to move on.

The group decided to make the treck back to Ashengate, since when we had been there the previous night it was too late to really do anything and I ended up going to bed. Last night wasn’t any different though as we entered the zone and the monk went and found our camp, my eyes threatened to close. My rogue managed to get 6aa yesterday and almost a full level, she’s 5% shy of level 73. I’ve been averaging a level or a little less a day without really grinding it at all, just exploring and playing with friends. With the new level cap of 85, I’m still a ways away, especially if I want to eventually switch over to the necromancer. She’s sitting on 137aa now which is also not a lot at all, but it’s still fun to watch the progress. 

I hope everyone else had an amazing time gaming, no matter your game of choice. See you in Norrath!