February 2009

Trip to San Diego – Part III

I’m still processing the trip down to San Diego, mostly because I haven’t had the time (yet) to sit down and just reflect on it. As soon as I landed back home  (pretty much) I was thust head first into writing 6 articles (that are due tomorrow) and I also came down with a horrible cold that’s left me sounding like a frog and sneezing every 10 minutes with a cough. I know I’ll be feeling back to my normal self in no time, but you’ll have to forgive the lack of posts on my site in the mean time. 

Picture is a member of the EverQuest team, showing off his sponge bob pillow. I actually took this particular picture for my Mom who is an avid fan. There’s another picture with a project that he was working on, but I’m saving that for Beckett (I know, what a tease). 

So what exactly did I do for my day in San Diego? It was pretty amazing and surreal for me on a very personal level. I was up at 3am on Tuesday the 3rd of February. Headed to the Ottawa International Airport where I flew from Ottawa at 6am to Detroit. Switched plains in Detroit to Minneapolis and then flew from Minneapolis to San Diego. I landed at around 1pm, grabbed a taxi to my suite which was pretty close to the SOE studio, and waited for a room. By the time I got settled all I wanted to do was let everyone know I was safe and sound, and sleep. So the night ended early for me at 8:30pm PST. Remember, this trip also takes place after two very stressful weeks of getting my passport organized, and was very short notice for me. I still had a blast.

The next day at 9:30am I was met in the lobby by Katie, who is the public relations person for SOE and who I get to annoy on a regular basis. We drove to the SOE studio which is fairly close to where I was staying. The day was absolutely amazing, bright sunshine and no snow. I ogled all of the palm trees that I’ve never seen before. The landscape is completely different from what I’m used to. I’ve seen hills and mountains before when I lived in Germany, but Ottawa is fairly flat and our houses sit on flat streets, not up the sides of hills one under another. I was feeling pretty nervous, but calmed down as the day went on.

I had a brief tour of the SOE buildings, I’d looked at older pictures trying to get a feel for the layout and recognize where I was. My first round of meetings was with the EQ1 team, some absolutely amazing people. I spoke with Alan Couvering, Adam Bell, and Ed Hardin. The passion they demonstrated for their game was just mind boggling. It’s not something I’ll soon forget. Anyone who has read my Beckett articles before knows that I don’t exactly write from an investigative journalism point of view, but I write as a gamer first and try to keep that theme throughout everything I write. Having the opportunity to talk to these people who created the games I love in such a setting was fantastic. 

Afterwards I spoke with the EQ2 team – Bruce Ferguson, Joy Parks, Noel Walling, Tim Heydelaar, Bill Yeats, and Joshua Kriegshauser. Again they displayed the same amount of passion that the EQ1 team had for their game, and the comradery displayed was fantastic. I also spoke with Rich Waters, who is the creative director for the EQ Franchise, and then it was time for lunch.

Lunch was amazing. The community team consisting of Brenlo, Kiara, and Ashlanne (who you may recognize on forums and from Podcasts) were great. We went to a surf shack type place called ‘Hodads’ (I believe that’s the name at least) which was plastered on the inside with old license plates. The atmosphere was very laid back and easy going and the fact that I was eating lunch in San Diego in the sunshine and not home in Ottawa in the freezing temperatures with four feet of snow on the ground did not go unnoticed. We took a little walk down to the beach (not far away) and even had a little time to stop by a comic book store that was along the way back to the van. They were easy to talk to, joked around a lot, and I felt completely at ease. Once lunch was done it was time to get back to work and Lydia joined in the conversation. 

Once it was noticed that I also play Vanguard (and love the game despite the rocky launch and issues that still persist) I was granted an opportunity to talk to the VG team, something I had not planned for. This was probably one of the most fantastic parts of the trip, because it was just so odd for me. If you had of asked me a year ago if I thought I’d be talking (in person) to Silius (Salim Grant, lead designer) I’d have laughed so hard milk would have shot out my nose even if I wasn’t drinking milk. I remember seeing the NPC version of his character in game outside the crafting area in the high elf place. I remember seeing him on Seradon on the craft channel, and I even own (or rather, my bloodmage owns) the craft bag named after him. You can flag me as a fan and I’m perfectly ok with it. I didn’t just speak with him though, I also got to talk to Christian Akesson (VGThor, Lead artist), and Thom Terrazas (Phathom, producer). VG is one of those diamond in the rough games (for me at least) and to watch other people who actually worked on the game talk about it to me was just so inspiring. I can not even put it into words. 

By the end of the day I was exhausted (again) and Katie brought me back to my suite where I crashed for the night at 8:30. I would be flying out at 10:30am, and wanted to be at the airport early so I could go through security and all the rest. 

At 7am I headed back to the airport, where I flew from San Diego to LA (short flight), and then from LA to Detroit, and finally from Detroit back home. It was 11pm EST by the time I finally got home, back to the wind and snow and negative temperatures. 

Another huge thank you to the people from SOE for flying me out and granting me the opportunity, as well as Beckett MOG since I was there to do work for them. My friends were absolutely amazing (and continue to be) and supportive while I ranted about all of the stress I was feeling and my excitement as I went through this whole process. It’s been an incredible rush. 

Now that I’m home and settled, I have three more pieces to write for Beckett and then I can get back to what brought me here in the first place – gaming! See you in Norrath.

Home Sweet Home

After three very long flights, I am safe and sound back home. I had a wonderful time visiting the SOE headquarters in San Diego, and met some amazing people. It was a trip that I won’t soon forget, and no doubt I’ll be talking about it for some time to come. I’m unfortunately also bogged down by a lot of work that I’ve got to get done for some upcoming deadlines, which means of  that my play time is even more restricted. My apologies to those who read this site for my comments about in-game stuff, hang in there, and by this time next week I should be back to my regular scheduled program and writing about my experiences in game. I know EQ2 went through a few changes but that the fighter change has been held off for a little bit. Aside from that, I’ve been playing some DDO, and I STILL plan on getting more LoTRO time in once these deadlines have all passed. 

Thank you to everyone who sent me the warm wishes for the flights, and who followed along on twitter, I really appreciate it. Looking forward to getting back into Norrath later today!


5am, and I’m awake. My body thinks it’s 8am and that I’ve over slept. I’ve been up pretty much every hour on the hour but I think that’s to be expected when you’re sleeping in a new bed unless you’re quite used to it (and lets face it, I’m not). I did get a little bit of time to pop into Eq2 last night and let people know that I’d arrived safely, but aside from that the gaming for the next three days will be limited. Not that I really figured I’d be gaming that much.

The houses here are placed oddly, was the first thing I noticed. Along hills they’re one under the other, in rows. I guess I’m just used to seeing homes on flat streets and not on hills at all, so it caught me off guard. When we flew in I didn’t even see a city or anything below, it just looked like I was flying over a whole lot of dirt and hills and then bam, plane flew right over head. I imagine the cars driving down those roads where we barely cleared them must be used to it.

When I leave tomorrow I’ll be flying to LA first. Another first for me, I bet it’s huge.

Well, better keep prepping for today.

P.S. yes, that is my winter jacket hanging on the chair. Detroit and Ottawa were still pretty snow covered and there was no way I could go without a coat.

Free, Free Flying..

The view, from my flight from Minneapolis to San Diego. The day started at 3am for me. I boarded at Ottawa international and flew to Detroit on a tin can of an airplane where the pilot joked that we were heading to Hawaii instead of Detroit. Suited me just fine. Customs was typical, I have nothing to declare and while I didn’t enjoy removing my shoes, c’est la vie. Opened up the laptop and that was fun. I thought about smuggling over a polar bear or a beaver or something oddly Canadian but decided against it. After flying to Detroit I caught a flight to Minneapolis, window seat to myself again. Very uneventful flight except for the fact that I have never flown before and suddenly I’m flying across the country, and not even my own country.

Landed, with 15 minutes to spare to boot over to the next flight from Minneapolis to San Diego. Two gentlemen seated beside me and we’ll just call one of them ‘the mouth’. By the time the flight landed, I knew more about this man’s life then I know about my interviews tomorrow.

I got in to the hotel suite at 2pm PST and check in wasn’t until 3, so I sustained myself on gum and mints for another hour before getting to my room which is of course amazing looking.

I’m tired. It’s (checks watch and moves it three hours backwards) 6:50pm and I’m going to bed very soon. I’ll be up at 7am and hopefully coherent enough to actually do my job. No promises though. I haven’t had time to let everything sink in yet since I’m still dealing with with time difference (and won’t have time to get used to that before I go back home), the culture shock (more about that later) and just the whole fact that – I’m in San Diego. Wow. That’s pretty amazing.

P.S. that is not a bullet hole for those who are concerned, that’s ice, in between a little hole and two panes of whatever windows are made out of. I’ve not been shot, promise!

An Evening Gaming, and less then 24h until Take Off

Some times, you just get those magical groups where everything goes right. Where everyone gets along and it moves like magic. Last night, was not one of those nights but I still had fun. There seems to be a surplus of ‘if you don’t have your mythical you’re not worth anything’ attitudes that are going around, and I don’t particularly care for it. I realize that mythicals have been out a while now, but what happened to the casual player who perhaps doesn’t have theirs. Well, that’s me. The first group myself Ultann and Wpus headed into was for The Crucible (that seems familiar) to see if we couldn’t get the shield to drop for Ultann. The group was alright, but the fury refused to heal (even though they were far superior to my non-raiding mystic) and if we didn’t do things their way we were doing it the wrong way. We beat the instance though, obtaining shards. All was well. 

Afterwards the group dynamic changed a little and we decided to check out the loping plains instances. I’d never been there before except briefly to wander around picking up shard quests. The first zone tore us apart. We couldn’t defeat the first named that summons duplicates. We had no enchanter. It hurt. So we headed off to Evernight Abbey (I believe that’s what it called) to vanquish vampires. That one went far better, and even though it took a little time we did well and cleared the zone. The script for the final vampire with the bursts of light while everyone uses the god-like powers on him was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it a great deal. 

I’m slowly saving up shards to purchase my T2 set. I believe I’m up to a whole six now, I know it will take a great deal of effort. Hopefully my guild mates don’t mind doing this instances as often as possible. 

Less then 24 hours from now I’ll be on my way to San Diego. I’m still exceptionally nervous. Today I’m getting last minute things done like printing out those boarding passes (you can’t print them out any more then 24h in advance) and packing. I bought some ear plugs in case my ears gave me trouble on the flight (I am prone to ear issues and have been since I was small) as well as a few other smaller things that need to get tucked away. I feel more nervous then excited right now since this is my first time, and it feels like an incredible amount of pressure when everyone keeps telling me I’ll do well. While it’s great to know I have such a very supportive amazing group of friends, it also just makes me feel really nervous. Excited too though! Please don’t take these words for face value I’m so filled with so many emotions it’s all a jumble right now. I’m running off of 4 hours of sleep for the past two days, so I can sleep well tonight (early, we’re talking 8-9pm here) and then get up at 3am to head to the airport. Time to get the day started!

See you in Norrath San Diego!