The celebrations have begun in EverQuest, and of course I’m right in there playing along. It’s great. PoK has been decorated with banners and many many fireworks, and there’s an npc wandering around who will give you a quest to visit a number of famous EverQuest locations. The reward for this is a lot of items, which is pretty awesome. 

I haven’t started yet, but wanted to give a brief glimpse of the goodies before I started getting into it all. I do a more complete write up either later today or early tomorrow. 

Of course the famous ‘fabled’ drops also started this morning, and everyone is clamoring on about them. 

I am not sure if there’s a particular fabled I’ll be able to go after, but I think I’ll have to give it a little time to die down. Right now there are players everywhere, and camps are all over the place. 

It should be fun no matter what (I hope) – one of the first locations the quest sends you to is Butcherblock chess board (I assume) the entire quest is in riddles, and there’s a huge number of locations it sends you off to. Bristlebane promises that nothing will happen to you (yeah right!) as you travel along – don’t be late for the party!

See you in Norrath.

One thought on “EverQuest Celebration Begins”
  1. This sounds sooooo cool. I’m very tempted to start up again, I just hope I can get to a point where I can start working on some of these quests. As I’ve lost my original account way back in the day.

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