I have a great talent for taking screen shots – RIGHT – when my character is closing her eyes and blinking in game. I must have taken a good 10 shots of her riding a horse around to various locations and how beautiful everything looked and yet in almost every single shot her eyes are closed which of course draws your eye to that one incident and not the beautiful scenery. I spent almost all day yesterday wandering around Middle Earth with Kasul. He decided to create a warden and I made myself a minstrel (both elves) in the hopes of catching up to Malfi and Tipa some day. With the experience bonus (which I think we are getting?) and working on quests, we managed to get to level 13 without too much trouble. 

I love the quest system, the beta journal is nice as well (reminds me of WAR). I love questing, and I absolutely love the way I feel drawn into the story line as I’m working on the quests. When the edges of the screen flash a dull red and it feels like I’m watching a movie (and in some portions, I was) but my character is still right there. Sure, the story doesn’t change no matter who happens to be watching or making their way through it, and sure I realize that this is just one more cut and paste quest – but it’s presented to me in a method that I’m not used to with previous games I’ve played, and (for now at least) I really enjoy it. 

I didn’t experience a single bug aside from my graphic card going glitchy which I’ve talked about in the past as happening with LOTS of other games. I dusted out my computer yesterday and it didn’t happen again. If it does that will be the final straw for me and I’ll go out and buy a new graphic card. Even though this one is only a few months old (3-4?) and I’d rather not. Since my job relies on me being able to play these games I’d rather only have so many issues to deal with!

Anyhow. I managed to get my minstrel to level 13, had a blast doing it. Also started crafting! I read up on the Wiki after I started crafting but it’s not really that complicated once you find out what the different vocations are and what they all entail. I decided on explorer for now with the minstrel, so I can make light and medium armor, as well as gather resources for other guild mates. 

We actually decided on a schedule for playing, since I also have my group in EQ that I don’t want to neglect – and I would REALLY like to be able to say I stuck with a schedule for once. I keep trying and I fail, utterly. So. It was decided that we’ll play twice a week. One day, and one evening. Since Kasul’s schedule changes we’ll play during the day on one of his days off, and during the evening on a different day. That also allows us to play with Tipa and Malfi too if they happen to be in game (which Tipa was last night, woot). 

I do plan on creating an alt (big surprise) but I’m going to limit it to just one (gasps). I’m not sure what I’m going to go with yet, but I’m thinking Lore-Master. Not sure yet. I don’t know what craft they’ll go with yet either, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out. Before I knew it, it was time to head back to EQ to play with Ultann and Ninga. More about how that went in the next post!

5 thoughts on “Where do the hours go”
  1. Enjoy your minstrel..loads of ppl say its not a fun class but i love playing mine just takes a bit more thought than other classess…

  2. Thank you Pete, that’s exactly how I look at it. I see lots of people who are not satisfied with their games, who break them apart, who write about how everything can be fixed and done differently – and I have those thoughts too, lots of them. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, it’s human nature it seems, and we’re VERY vocal about how we’re never satisfied.

    That’s not what I want to share with people. There’s already so many who do (not that it is a bad thing, I read every one of those posts and enjoy the controversy that they strike up – and I will never win awards for comments on my site, which I’ve decided is fine by me) that sort of discussion. I want to share the joys and pleasures that I experience. If I didn’t enjoy the games at least on some very basic level, I wouldn’t play.

    That’s not to say I don’t also point out faults where I see them, but I’m a dreamer at heart and will continue to be so. So thank you for letting me know you find it refreshing. I start to get a little worried when no one says anything, after looking at the 20+ comments on other sites *grins*

    That comment totally made my day, as do all comments and emails I get. Much hugs! (and my apologies for rambling!)

  3. I don’t comment on your blog very often, but I do read everything you post.

    I just wanted to say it is really refreshing to read the blog of someone who enjoys the games we all play as they are. So many others (myself included) get so caught up in deconstructing the mechanics and finding things that we think should be improved that we tend to forget (in our blogs at least) to enjoy the journeys we go on.

    So thanks for all your posts, and I’m glad you’re enjoying LOTRO. I just wish you were on Landroval!! :)

  4. Yes, they have. They have a beta version of the quest journal right now that highlights where quests are (areas) like WAR. Also on the mini map a little ring icon will point you in the direction of your next quest. You have to turn this feature on though, it is in Beta (it’s under options though, easy to find). Not exactly sure how it used to be or if the beta has always been there, but I really like it. When you open the map and mouse over a quest (they’re listed on the map) it colours slightly where you can find your objectives. Again this is optional though, if you don’t want your hand held, don’t have to use it.

  5. Have they improved the quest log, the details on how to get there and the map? Because the last time I played there was really nothing to love about it.

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